Real Name: James David

Identity/Class: Human, possible mutant

Occupation: Actor

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: She-Hulk, Morris Walters

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Los Angeles, California

First Appearance: Sensational She-Hulk#52 (June, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: The Rumbler seems to possess identical powers to Avalanche or Magma, inasmuch as he can control and manipulate earth. He can create isolated earthquakes in a finite area or move several tons of soil and rock into columns or into boulders for levitation purposes.




History: (Senastional She-Hulk#54 (fb) - BTS) - James David was a teenage rebel in the 1950's who often became drunk and exploded into violent rages. His looks parlaid him into low-budget films such as "The Rumbler" and "Rebel With A Pause" as his lawyer kept him out of jail for causing bar fights. One night in a drunken stupor, David struck a young boy with his car and crippled him for life. Los Angeles County Deputy Morris Walters arrested David, but he made bail and blamed Walters for ruining his career. Driving home from jail, David vanished when his car was swallowed up by an inexplicable earthquake. The notoriety of his disappearance made him a bigger celebrity than his acting career and overshadowed his criminal past.

(Sensational She-Hulk#52) - Over thirty years later, James David returned having not aged a single year for the time he was missing. Still harboring a vendetta on Walters (who was now a sheriff), he used his earth-control powers to attack him but was subdued by Walter’s daughter, Jennifer Walters, the She-Hulk. Her powers in remission since her encounter with War Zone, the She-Hulk was buried alive by the powers of the Rumbler.




(Sensational She-Hulk#54-55) - Hearing how Sheriff Walters survived, the Rumbler went to his hospital for another attempt on his life. The She-Hulk returned to defeat him as they both lost control of their powers in a confrontation that escalated out of control. Unable to control his own earthquakes, the Rumbler ended up burying himself.







Comments: Created by Michael Eury and Todd Britton.

Obviously based on Hollywood screen legend James Dean, the Rumbler was one of the better of the She-Hulk’s rogue gallery of foes.

Much like Nicholas Trask in the first series, it remains to be seen if the Rumbler returns with the Mole Man, some other "underground" villain like Kala, or with Trask himself.

It's possible that David got his power from deep within the Earth, kind of like Vibro and the San Andreas Fault.

by Will U

The Rumbler is not to be confused with:

images: (without ads)
Sensational She-Hulk#52, p17, pan1 (main image)
  p17, pan4 (head shot)
&nsbp; #54, p18, pan1 (power)

Sensational She-Hulk#52 (June, 1993) - Michael Eury (writer), Todd Britton (pencils), Mike DeCarlo (inks), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)
Sensational She-Hulk#54 (August, 1993) - Michael Eury (writer), Patrick Oliffe (pencils), Dave Cockrum (inks), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)
Sensational She-Hulk#55 (September, 1993) - Michael Eury (writer), Patrick Oliffe (pencils), Art Nichols (inks), Renee Witterstaetter (editor)

Last updated: 09/18/13

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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