Real Name: Gullin

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Asgard) magical being/animal man (Boar-God)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: The Boar-Gods

Affiliations: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Iron Man (Tony Stark), Thor (Odinson), an army consisting of the denizens from the Nine Realms;
former one-time pawn of Morgan Le Fey

Enemies: Asgardian gods (especially Grim Magnus, Greyval Grimson, Odin Borson, and Thor Odinson), Hela, Moondragon

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: The Boar-God, Boar God (in Journey Into Mystery I#103, he did not use the hyphen)

Base of Operations: Asgard, outskirts of Mirmir

First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery I#103 (April, 1964)

Powers: As the "mightiest of the Boar-Gods," Gullin possesses superhuman durability and strength, at least Class 50, but his strength is far below Thor's. He also once wielded a large hammer, which was easily shattered by Thor's hammer Mjolnir. He also wielded an ordinary wooden club.
    As a god of some sort, he presumably had an extended lifespan and resistance to conventional disease, etc.

    Like the other Boar-Gods, he had tusks, cloven hooves on his feet, and two finger plus a thumb on each hand. Gullin had a ring in his nose in his (apparently) earliest chronological appearance, but not in others.

Height: Approximately 8'
Weight: Approximately 1100 lbs.
Eyes: Dark...perhaps brown
Hair: Brown



(Thor Annual#11 (fb)) - While the Asgardian gods feasted and toasted at a banquet celebrating Thor's being given his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, Gullin led his fellow Boar-Gods to cross a bridge under the shadow of night Asgard to conquer them, and steal their treasures. Having been testing Mjolnir, Thor observed their approach and confronted them, warning them to turn back or face the might of Mjolnir. Gullin taunted Thor as a runt and threatened to kill him before he could warn the other gods, but with a swing of Mjolnir, Thor drove back Gullin and at least four other Boar-Gods. When the Boar-Gods, by sheer numbers, threatened to overwhelm Thor, he used Mjolnir to shatter the bridge on which they were standing, causing them to fall into a lake. Gullin vowed that the Boar-Gods would fight until the end of days if need be till they overcame Asgard.







(Journey Into Mystery I#103/2) - In the course of Thor's quest to Mirmir, which allegedly led to the creation of human beings, the young god encountered Gullin the Boar God, who challenged him to battle. Thor quickly shattered Gullin's hammer, after which the Boar God fled.







(Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner) - Gullin, or another Boar-God (and possibly many or all of them), joined the Giants of Jotunheim and other enemies of Asgard in warring against the gods of Asgard in the Plain of Ida (near the border between the nation of Asgard and the portals to Jotunheim). Grim Magnus, bearer of the Raven Banner, noted that his pennon brought victory to those who fought beneath it, though the standard bearer must always die in battle. Though the giant Snorth slew Magnus, who Magnus noted that as he fell his allies were sounding the trumpets of victory. Realizing this was true, Asgard's enemies fled to regroup.

(Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner - BTS) - Gullin and/or other Boar-Gods may have joined the giants in another assault on the Asgardians that was nearly victorious until Grim Magnus' son, Greyval Grimson, returned with the Raven Banner. Inspired and/or empowered by that, the gods drove off their enemies yet again.



(Avengers III#1) - Gullin was among the numerous Asgardian menaces sent by Morgan Le Fay to battle the Avengers while she seized ultimate power of the Twilight Sword. Gullin fought Moondragon in Las Vegas, but vanished when Le Fay recalled her agents.


(Avengers Prime#5) - Gullin (or another Boar-God clad in armor) joined Thor's army in battle against Hela and the dead from Hel.


Comments: Adapted by Stan "the Man" Lee and Jack "King" Kirby.

    The Thor Annual#11 story takes place before Thor had seen "twenty summers", because Thor Annual#11/4 relates how Sif's blonde hair was replaced with black hair, and the Norns state that this took place before Thor had "seen twenty summers". Thor Annual#11/4 shows Thor with Mjolnir, so it must follow Thor Annual#11/3, where he receives Mjolnir for the first time.
    Additionally, while the Journey Into Mystery I#103 appearance would initially seem to be their first meeting, since Thor already had Mjolnir as a weapon for some time during that battle, it had to take place after Thor Annual#11/3.

    Originally, it was supposed to be Ogur fighting Moondragon in Avengers III#1, but Kurt Busiek recalled that Ogur had recently been imprisoned in his own Thunderbolts#9, so at the last minute, George Perez drew Gullin in his place.

    I'm not sure how or why Gullinbursti's information was merged into the profile on Gullin the Boar God, as was the case for several years on the Appendix. Gullin was most likely inspired by Gullinbursti, but they are pretty clearly different beings...and both appeared in the Raven Banner graphic novel...on opposite sides of the conflict!

The Legion of Well-spoken Warthogs VS the Cockroach Conspiracy? Triax and Dr. Stranger Yet could make it a threesome, if they were joined by Razorback. Providing, of course, the latter was possessed by, say, Xemnu the Living Titan. Or, even the astral body of the Counter-Earth (HE) Necromancer! (Gullin and the Boar could also join them -- Snood) And they would whup the Conspirators' buggy-butts, if they recruited...THE AMAZING SPIDER-HAM!

    Like most present in Asgard, Gullin would presumably have died during the Ragnarok in Thor II#85, though most of those were subsequently resurrected.

Profile by Omar Karindu and Prime Eternal; updated, expanded, and corrected by Snood (including splitting out Gullinbursti, who is not the same character)

Clarifications: Gullin is not to be confused with:



    The Boar-Gods are native to the Asgard dimension and are enemies of the Asgardian gods. They are led by their mightiest warrior, Gullin, and covet the treasures of others. They revere an unidentified tusked creator being, as seen by one of their number invoking, "By the tusk of the Creator!"

    The Boar-Gods possesses superhuman durability and strength, perhaps Class 25, but their strength is far below Thor's. They tend to wield clubs, spears, or large hammers as weapons. They presumably have an extended lifespan and resistance to conventional disease, etc.

    The Boar-Gods possess tusks, cloven hooves on his feet, and two finger plus a thumb on each hand. Gullin had a ring in his nose in his (apparently) earliest chronological appearance, but not in others.





(Thor Annual#11 (fb)) - While the Asgardian gods feasted and toasted at a banquet celebrating Thor's being given his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, Gullin led his fellow Boar-Gods to cross a bridge under the shadow of night Asgard to conquer them, and steal their treasures. Having been testing Mjolnir, Thor observed their approach and confronted them, warning them to turn back or face the might of Mjolnir. Gullin taunted Thor as a runt and threatened to kill him before he could warn the other gods, but with a swing of Mjolnir, Thor drove back Gullin and at least four other Boar-Gods. When the Boar-Gods, by sheer numbers, threatened to overwhelm Thor, he used Mjolnir to shatter the bridge on which they were standing, causing them to fall into a lake. Gullin vowed that the Boar-Gods would fight until the end of days if need be till they overcame Asgard.



--(Gullin) Journey Into Mystery I#103/2; (Boar-Gods) Thor Annual#11


Note: the image on the left took place after the image on the right, but it didn't seem right for their "main image" to be showing them getting a beat down.




Journey Into Mystery I#103/2, page 3, panel 3
Thor Annual#11, pg. 17, panel 5 (Gullin and Boar-Gods cross bridge to Asgard)
        pg. 18, panel 3 (Boar-Gods battered by Thor);
        pg. 19, panel 2 (Boar-Gods threaten Asgard);
Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner, story page 1, panel 4
Avengers III#1, page 5, panel 1 (main image)

Journey Into Mystery I#103 (April, 1964) - Stan "the Man" Lee and Jack "King" Kirby.
Thor Annual#11 (1983) - Alan Zelenetz (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Marvel Graphic Novel No. 15: The Raven Banner (1985) - Alan Zelenetz (writer), Charles Vess (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Avengers III#1 (February, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Perez (pencils), Al Vey (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Prime#5 (March, 2011) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

Last updated: 04/01/16

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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