Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial warrior

Occupation: Warrior

Group Membership: Formerly the Archsisterhood (called the Spinsterhood by their enemies, sole survivor)

Affiliations: Emperor Dorrek VIII (Teddy Altman), Hippolyta, Jack of Hearts (would be lover), Persephone, Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff), She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters), Wiccan (Billy Kaplan);
    briefly worked with Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator (Kallark), Legacy (Genis-Vell, Captain Marvel), Silver Surfer
    loose alliance with Galactus, Morg, Terrax, and Thanos against Tyrant;
    She is willing to work with anyone in order to destroy Tyrant

Enemies: Blood Skrulls (A'kro, others), the Horde (Drapurg, others), Jakar, Blackjack O'Hare, Pursuer Corps (Korath, others), Tyrant and his Heavy Troopers;
   formerly She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters);
    She is willing to fight anyone who would get in the way of her mission against Tyrant

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Place of Birth: Jovian moon

Base of Operations: mobile throughout the Universe;
formerly a subterranean temple on an unnamed planetoid.
formerly inert within an asteroid-like stasis module

Education: Graduate of Archsisterhood training programs

First Appearance: Silver Surfer III#80 (May, 1993)


Powers/Abilities: Ganymede is a highly adept combatant, possessing (presumably) enhanced human to Class 10 strength, with superhuman speed, durability, agility, reflexes, etc. She is proficient in the use of her staff as a Bo. She can survive unaided in space, and her belt allows her to fly and navigate at great speeds. She can unleash blasts of great power from her staff.

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black

(Silver Surfer III#80 (fb)) - Ganymede is one of the Archsisterhood who battled Tyrant in the distant past.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (fb) - BTS) - Ganymede entered the Archsisterhood as a cadet alongside Persephone, and the two soon developed a fierce rivalry. Persephone attained a higher rank or level of skill, indicated by the triple stripes which adorn her face.

(Silver Surfer III#81 (fb) - BTS) - Tyrant was defeated by Galactus in the distant past. The order of the Archsisterhood dispersed themselves throughout the universe, entering suspended animation within stasis chambers in seeming space debris--waiting for the return of Tyrant.

BTS - The stasis chambers of the Archsisterhood were destroyed, killing the warriors within them. Only one survived--Ganymede.

(Silver Surfer III#80) - The computer awoke Ganymede from suspended animation to continue the struggle against Tyrant. She suited up and did a refresher training sequence. In pursuit of Ganymede, she observed the Silver Surfer, who had stumbled upon Morg's axe after agents of Tyrant had abducted him and Terrax. Ganymede stumbled upon the Surfer, mistook him for an agent of Tyrant, and engaged him in battle.

(Silver Surfer III#81) - The Surfer convinced Ganymede that he had no affiliation with Tyrant. She explained her origin, and how she had surmised that she was the only surviving member of her order. (She held the conviction that the hibernation chambers of the other Archsisters were destroyed in accidents or just stopped working, since none of them showed up.) The Surfer and Ganymede went to Fortress, Tyrant's old base of operations. There Tyrant's Heavy Troopers ("a few simple, organic functions housed inside metal hulls") confronted them. They defeated them easily, but Tyrant himself got the drop on them.

   They awoke to find themselves imprisoned alongside Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill, Terrax, and Morg. Tyrant revealed that he intended to use them all as living power batteries to boost the energy of his soldiers.

(Silver Surfer III#82) - Tyrant's minions brought a captured Jack of Hearts to join the other prisoners. Jack of Hearts refused to remain prisoner, and gave off a spectacular burst of energy that seemed to have killed him. It freed the others, who engaged Tyrant's soldiers. Ganymede went to search for Jack of Hearts, shaken but still breathing. A Tyrant lackey attacked her as she felt for life signs on Jack of Hearts, but Ganymede destroyed the pawn. More arrived, so the Surfer directed Ganymede to concentrate on getting Jack of Hearts away.

   Morg foolishly then decided to attack Terrax, resuming an old grudge. Ganymede chastised them for their short-sighted anger. Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator, and the Surfer flew over to attack Tyrant himself, who repelled them, but their attack gave Ganymede the chance to sneak up on him and get in a good offensive. Tyrant injured her, and then defeated the Surfer.

   However, Galactus then arrived in search of Morg. Tyrant and Galactus had traded blows in the distant past. Not wanting to start a battle with Tyrant that would cause undesirable damage, Galactus negotiated with him, allowing him to have Morg. The others left, with Ganymede tending to Jack of Hearts.

(Silver Surfer Annual III#6/3) - Ganymede took Jack of Hearts to a deserted planet that the Archsisterhood had used as a retreat from their conflict with Tyrant. She told him that she could release herself from her vows now that Tyrant had again fled, and they prepared to get hot and heavy. However, the two were then attacked by a remnant of Tyrant's army. It attacked them, but Ganymede destroyed it. She realized she could not relinquish her vows until Tyrant was destroyed...and she left Jack blue...costumed.

(Cosmic Powers#3) - Ganymede led Jack to the former base of the Archsisterhood. After deactivating the android guard, she proceeded inside and checked all of the remaining stasis modules, and found that every last one of the other Archsisters had died. Suddenly, they were approached by Thanos and Terrax, who sought Ganymede's aid against Tyrant, for their own agenda. Not bothering to explain their reasons, the two simply attacked their targets. Ganymede succeeded in overpowering Terrax, but Thanos defeated Jack and then Ganymede, and he and Terrax abducted her and left.

(Cosmic Powers#4) - Ganymede refused to assist Thanos, despite his threats and promised to terminate her if she did not acquiesce.

(Cosmic Powers#5) - Thanos, with Terrax's aid, kept Ganymede prisoner. Thanos informed her that he had her abducted so as to gain crucial information about Tyrant, whom Galactus sought to defeat. Seeing they had a common purpose, Ganymede agreed to help Thanos, who asked Terrax to release her from her restraints.

   Ganymede joined them as they breached Tyrant's base of operations. They defeated Tyrant's usual guards, but a brainwashed Morg then attacked them. However, Terrax (whom Morg still had a grudge against) managed to free Morg of the brainwashing. Morg departed to return to Galactus as Jack of Hearts and Legacy (Genis-Vell) arrived. Jack of Hearts attacked Thanos, who easily repulsed the attack. Ganymede informed Jack of Hearts to desist in attacking Thanos, as they needed him to stop Tyrant.

(Cosmic Powers#6) - One-by-One, Tyrant overpowered his attackers, as Thanos had abandoned them to seek an object of power. By the time Thanos returned, Ganymede was the last of Tyrant's opponents still standing. Thanos made it clear that he had no interest in assisting any of them, at which point Ganymede attacked him for his betrayal--and Thanos blasted her into unconsciousness. Thanos then attacked Tyrant, and as the others recovered consciousness, they decided to leave Thanos to his fate. They stole his ship and fled.
After proving he could withstand Tyrant's attacks--although he was clearly on the losing end, Thanos stole one of Tyrant's power spheres and teleported away.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3) - On a small moon of Jupiter, Ganymede and Jack of Hearts practiced the fighting skills, and Ganymede found the strength of her convictions in her vows weakening. As she let herself fall in love with Jack, she was blasted in mid-lip lock by Persephone, another of the Archsisters, who chastised her for betraying her vows. Ganymede and Persephone renewed their rivalry, but after a short fight they were contacted by Jakar, who revealed that he had re-created (cloned?) Persephone in order to oppose Tyrant.

   Ganymede and Jack joined Persephone in assaulting Tyrants' Fortress, but after they had stolen one of Tyrant's Globes of Power, Jakar sent them back to the Jovian moon, keeping the Globe for his own purposes.
Persephone convinced Ganymede to break off her relationship with Jack, and to return to training to bring down Tyrant.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3/2) - Tyrant apparently met his end (Silver Surfer III#109), but Ganymede and Persephone continued to search for him throughout the Universe, chasing clues falsely planted by Jakar (who was actually sending them to track down the final pieces of his new Globe). The two Archsisters followed that trail into the frigid wastelands of the Jubat system where they slew a pair of alien creatures that attacked them.


(Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Ganymede had a run in with the mercenary Blackjack O'Hare and got nearly lured into a trap by him.

(Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Ganymede learned during an interrogation that the Archsisterhood did not die by accident during cryosleep, but were actually slain the Skrull Empire, who feared them.

(Scarlet Witch III#6) - Ganymede attacked the Pursuer Corps on the planet Pettoco until she was blasted through a door that suddenly appeared before her. The door was the Last Door that teleported her to Earth to the Scarlet Witch's Emporium in Lotkill, New Jersey. Ganymede believed it to be a trap, but the Scarlet Witch convinced her that it was not by healing her, handing her something to eat and explaining to her that the Last Door brought those to her that had nowhere else to run. Ganymede quickly retold her history to Scarlet Witch and how she learned the truth about her fellow sisters' demise, which seemed hopeless due the Skrulls new alliance with the Kree. The Scarlet Witch revealed that the current Skrull Emperor was married to her son and promised Ganymede to get her an audience with them.

   Scarlet Witch teleported with Ganymede to Throneworld II for an audience with Emperor Dorrek VIII (Hulkling) and Wiccan. The situation quickly turned sour when Hulkling and Wiccan decided to arrest Ganymede for her attacks on the Pursuer Corps. Ganymede mercilessly assaulted them, but Wiccan was more powerful than her and didn't care to hear about her proofless accusations. Scarlet Witch calmed down the situation and convinced all sides to listen to each other.

(Scarlet Witch III#6 - BTS) - Hulkling, Wiccan and Scarlet Witch looked through the Kree/Skrull archives and learned the truth about the Archisterhood's demise at the hands of terrorist Blood Skrulls that now ruled the planet Klarr under their leader A'kro. Hulkling allowed Ganymede and Scarlet Witch to travel to Klarr so Ganymede could get her revenge.

(Scarlet Witch III#6) - Ganymede and Scarlet Witch fought the Blood Skrulls, who had taken the forms of the Archsisterhood. Ganymede slew their leader A'kro, who had ordered the Archsisterhood's slaughter, and Scarlet Witch used lightning to take down the rest. Ganymede considered making the Scarlet Witch her squire, but she declined and instead decided to introduce Ganymede to someone else.

(Scarlet Witch III#9 (fb) - BTS) - Scarlet Witch brought Ganymede to New Amazonia and introduced her to Hippolyta. Ganymede mellowed down, but kept a journal to write about her plans of vengeance.

(Scarlet Witch III#9) - The Scarlet Witch with Joseph checked on Ganymede in New Amazonia. Scarlet Witch talked with Hippolyta about Ganymede while Ganymede took the opportunity to spar with Joseph with the Bacchae cheering her on.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#7 (fb) - BTS) - Ganymede visited Club Sol to meet with Drapurg of the Horde for a job.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#6) - During a vacation with Jack of Hearts at the Club Sol resort near Earth's sun, She-Hulk met Ganymede moping at the bar because she lacked purpose after avenging the Archsisterhoods' deaths and had an existential crisis. She-Hulk convinced her to find a new purpose by helping someone else. Ganymede was rather surprised when she turned around and Jack of Hearts was standing before her.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#7) - With tears in her eyes Ganymede thanked the universe for returning Jack to her after finishing her mission and She-Hulk stepped away because she was obviously the third wheel in this situation.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#7 - BTS) - Jack later explained to She-Hulk who Ganymede was in his past. She-Hulk told him to figure out his feelings for Ganymede and decided to meanwhile return home of Earth, but unfortunately her car got impounded.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#7) - During their meeting Drapurg, the leader of the Horde, hired Ganymede to run his Horde and avenge the other half that had fallen in battle against a woman from Earth. Ganymede agreed to take the position and was given complete control over her soldiers. She later approached Jack of Hearts at the bar and talked about her feelings towards him, finally accepting his offer of love from the past. She then explained why she was in Club Sol in the first place, but while she was dancing with Jack of Hearts was ordered by Drapurg to destroy She-Hulk, whom he had seen walking around in the bar, because she was the woman that had decimated the Horde. Ganymede immediately jumped into action.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#8) - Ganymede attacked She-Hulk for her crimes against the Horde and didn't even allow her to explain herself. Jack of Hearts stepped in and revealed to Ganymede that she was fighting on the wrong side because Drapurg was a gangster and terrorist that had tried to destroy She-Hulk's city. Ganymede believed Jack because he had never lied to her and went after her lying boss and defeated him and his bodyguards. A bit later Ganymede apologized to She-Hulk and then left the bar with Jack of Hearts.

(Sensational She-Hulk II#8 - BTS) - Ganymede eventually left Club Sol by herself and Jack returned to She-Hulk.

Comments: Created by Ron Marz and Ron Lim.

    The Silver Surfer admitted that before he met Ganymede, he had never heard of Tyrant. Galactus, however, had met Tyrant and traded blows with him in the past.
Actually, Galactus created Tyrant, although the two became mortal enemies.

    Ganymede and Jack were both still unconscious when the decision to leave the fight was made. It was Genis and Terrax who took them and left. I'd guess Ganymede was pretty P.O'd when she woke up.

    Jack of Hearts and the Silver Surfer defeated Jakar and destroyed his Globe, which would seem to have likely ended the wild goose chase he had been sending the two Archsisters on. I don't think either Persephone or Ganymede has been seen since. Wonder what they're up to. Hmm...if we could get Kurt Busiek to write a Jack of Hearts limited series...

    Spinster is an archaic term and refers to an unmarried woman, especially one past the common age of marriage, and who seems unlikely to marry.
It also means one whose occupation is to spin, but I'm going with the first one...

Profile by Per Degaton and Snood. Update by Markus Raymond (Scarlet Witch & She-Hulk).

No known connection to:


(Silver Surfer III#80 (fb)) - "When the universe was young", the order of the Archsisterhood flourished. These women took sacred vows, forfeiting carnal pleasure to learn combat. They marked themselves with the symbol of the ceremonial dagger. They gained eminent expertise with their energy staffs and flight belts.

(Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb) - BTS) - They were called the Spinsterhood by their enemies.

(Silver Surfer III#80 (fb)) - They engaged the powerful malcontent Tyrant in a war that took place over centuries amongst many galaxies. They eventually drove him to uncharted space. Unable to think of anything else to do upon the defeat of Tyrant, the Archsisterhood elected to retire to various hibernation chambers disguised as space rock. They would wait till Tyrant returned. After a few billion years, he did.

However, over the billions of years in stasis, all of the Archsisters, with the exception of Ganymede, perished.

(Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb) - BTS) - They were slain by Blood Skrulls by the order of their leader A'kro.

(Cosmic Powers#3) - Ganymede confirmed the deaths of all of the Archsisters in stasis within their former base.

(Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3) - Another of the Archsisters, Persephone, was cloned by Jakar. After fulfilling a false mission for Jakar, she joined with Ganymede in renewing their mission against Tyrant. It is unclear whether they have yet learned that Tyrant met his apparent demise at the hands of others.



Their former temple exists in ruins beneath the surface of an unnamed planetoid, guarded by a powerful android duplicate of one of the Archsisters. The android can be deactivated by a simple touch of a button on the back of its neck.

--Silver Surfer III#80 (Silver Surfer III#80 (fb), [Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb)], Silver Surfer III#80, [Scarlet Witch III#6 (fb)], Cosmic Powers#3, Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3







images: (without ads)
Sensational She-Hulk II#7, p, pan (main)
Silver Surfer Annual III#6/3, p2, pan1 (head shot)
Silver Surfer III#80, p20 (awakened from crystasis)
Silver Surfer III#81, Cover (vs. Silver Surfer)
Cosmic Powers#3, p24, pan3 (vs. Terrax)
Scarlet Witch III#6, p2, pan1 (new costume)
Scarlet Witch III#6, p12, pan1 (new costume, fighting Blood Skrulls)
Silver Surfer III#81, p4, pan2 (Archsisterhood/Spinsterhood)
Cosmic Powers#3, p12, pan1 (android)
Cosmic Powers#3, p15-16, left panel (temple)

Silver Surfer III#80-82 (May-July, 1993) - Ron Marz (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Tom Christopher (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Silver Surfer Annual#6 (1993) - Ron Marz (writer), Jim Hall (pencils), Ian Akin (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Cosmic Powers#3 (May, 1994) - Ron Marz (writer), Andy Smith (pencils), Bill Anderson (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Cosmic Powers#4 (June, 1994) - Ron Marz (writer), Ron Lim (pencils), Bob Almond (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Cosmic Powers#5 (July, 1994) - Ron Marz (writer), Tom Grindberg (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Cosmic Powers#6 (August, 1994) - Ron Marz (writer), Scot Eaton (pencils), Bill Anderson (inks), Craig Anderson (editor)
Cosmic Powers Unlimited#3 (December, 1995) - Michael Gallagher (writer), Sandu Florea (artist), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
   Story 2: Gregory Wright (writer), John Buscema (artist), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Scarlet Witch III#6 (June, 2023) - Steve Orlando (writer), Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli (artists), Alanna Smith (editor)
Scarlet Witch III#9 (December, 2023) - Steve Orlando (writer), Lorenzo Tammetta & Sara Pichelli (artists), Alanna Smith (editor)
Sensational She-Hulk II#6-7 (May-June, 2024) - Rainbow Rowell (writer), Ig Guara (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Sensational She-Hulk II#8 (July, 2024) - Rainbow Powell (writer), Andrés Genolet (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)

First Posted: 02/16/2003
Last updated: 06/25/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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