daughter of Yuji
(app-brass)--Marvel Comics Presents I#65, 70 (69(fb), 65-67, [68,69], 70,71
WATANABE, FUJIKO - daughter and secretary of Goro,
girlfriend of Toru Tarakoto
(app-monstermanster)--Iron Man I#30
WATANABE, GORO - Research scientist, father of Fujiko,
employer of Toru Tarakoto
(app-monstermanster)--Iron Man I#30
WATANABE, JOHN - NYPD officer, father of Yuri, convicted of accepting bribes
(app-wraith)--Amazing Spider-Man II#19.1
WATANABE, KENNETH - NYPD officer, father of John, grandfather of Yuri, awarded medal of honor
(app-wraith)--Amazing Spider-Man II#19.1
WATANABE, MICHIYO - Noah van Helsing's vampire hunters,
generational samurai, natural daughter of a Shinto princess slain by the Yiki
Onna, eventually sacrificed herself to destroy the lord of the Yiki Onna
virtuoso with the silver scythe and nitrate-dipped dart
*D* (app)--Tomb of Dracula IV#1 (1(fb), 1,2, 3d)
WATANABE, SEAN - see BRASS (app)--Marvel Comics Presents I#65
WATANABE, YUJI - karate sensei, father of Brass
and Brigitte, assisted them and Wolverine and Ghost Rider (Ketch)
against Deathwatch and his men
(app-brass)--Marvel Comics Presents I#65 (69(fb), 65, 66-71
WATANABE, YURI - NYPD detective, friend of Jean DeWolff, took on Wraith identity to punish criminals
(app)--Amazing Spider-Man II#600/1 (618-621, 664, 650, 651, 655, 656,
663, 664, Superior Spider-Man#8, 10, 14, 16, 19, 22-25
WATCHDOG (Normie) - pet of Sentry, Welsh Corgi
(net)--Sentry#1 (1(fb), 5/Fantastic Four#1(fb1),
Sent#1, 5, Sentry II#1-3, 6, 8, Civil War: Front Line#9, Mighty Avengers#2 (fb)
WATCHDOG PRIME - leader of the Watchdogs,
"Head Dog" --Captain America I#386,
WATCHDOGS (Watchdog Prime,
Captain America (William Burnside), Hiram Bukowski,
Monty Dixon, Mike Farrell, Curtiss Goetske, Willie Gordon, Omar Graves,
Darla Griffith, Virgil Kearney, Edgar May, Nathan Mitchell, Harold
Simmons, Larry, Phil)
- organization dedicated to stomping out indecency by any means
necessary, unknowingly formerly funded by red skull (Shmidt),
kidnapped and killed parents of captain america/Walker in attempt
to capture/execute him for capturing and imprisoning other
members of their organization
(U#8,M)--Captain America I#335 (345, 350,
Captain America#602-605 (2010)
WATCH DRAGONS - Asgard, conjured by Casiolena
(app-casiolena)--Defenders I#67
WATCHER - see UATU THE WATCHER--Fantastic Four I#13
watcher - unidentified, observed birth of a new
--Thor I#419 (423,424
watcher - see XECU - encountered by Bruce Banner
+ Amphibion on watcher's homeworld, observed birth of a new
galaxy with his wife, who died from exposure to the energies
--Incredible Hulk II#473
WATCHER newborn - see Talmadge.
sought by kree + skrulls, defended by thing,
taken back by watchers
--[Thing: Freakshow#1, 2(mentioned)], 3 ([1,2],3,4
WATCHER ( ) - ACE Corporation
(app-ace)--Motormouth & Killpower#6
WATCHER, ASSISTANT of Reality-90984 - see
--Amazing Spider-Man Family#8 (2009)
WATCHERS (Acba, Aron, Atul, Dark
Counsel, Ecce, Edda, Egma, Emnu, Engo, He Who Summons, High Tribunal, Ikor, Ing,
Otmu, Qyre, Talmadge, Uatu, Uatu's boss, Uilig, Ute(xd), Xecu, Zoma)
(I#12,D#14,app)--Fantastic Four I#13 (
Fantastic Force#7, Thing: Freakshow#4, She-Hulk I#7,
WATCHERS HIGH TRIBUNAL - saved Earth-311 for the Watcher
WATCHER's Homeworld -
-WATCHERWORLD--Tales to Astonish I#73 (
Captain Marvel I#37, Incredible Hulk II#472-474
WATCHFIRE ( ) - Brute Force, fought Thunderbolts
fiery form, fly, generate and project flames
(app-Brute Force)--Thunderbolts#31 (32
WATCHLORD (Pieter Altmann) - German boy @ World
War II, father killed by invading Russians, mutated by radiation, sought
vengeance on all Russians, apparently killed while fighting the Black Widow
Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, molecular rearrangement
*D* (app)--Amazing Adventures II#8/2 (8/2(fb), 8/2
WATCHTOWER - former hq of sentry (Reynolds),
contains Cloc
(net)--Sentry#5 (Sentry/Fantastic Four#1(fb1),
Sentry#5, Sentry vs Void
WATCHTOWER (Administrator) - had wolverine
abducted to investigate his healing factor
--Wolverine II#154
WATCHWRAITHs - synthezoid sentries, created by
male dire wraith, mechanical humanoid-shaped.
enhanced strength and durability
(app)--Rom#16 (37
WATERBEAST - Used by "Brother Bloodseed" to attack
Lysander upon his arrival, controlled by "Brother Bloodseed" via pain, healed by
Lysander and used against "Brother Bloodseed"
(app-bloodseed)--Bloodseed#1, 2
WATER BOYS (Delores, Janet, Ruth) -
threatened to blow up New York City’s water supplies to get
revenge for past misfortunes, defeated by Punisher
(app)--Punisher II#41 ([41(fb)], 41
WATER-CHILDREN - followers of the Aquarian and
his teachings
WATER CREST COUNTRY CLUB - Georgia, former base of Blackburn's
Dragon Circle
--Jungle Action#
water monster - created by Leann
(app)--Flood Relief
WATER ELEMENTALs - Svartalfheim, agents of Dark Elves
--Thor I#347
WATERFALL of WATOOMB - within Temple of
Watoomb, empowered Tempest
(app-temp)--Iron Man III#22
(app)--Marvel Swimsuit Special#3 (1994)
1930s, personal physician of Herbert Walpole
(app-simonsdavid)--Savage Action#1/2 (2/2
WATERFIELD, EMILY - @ 1930s, wife
of Cedricke, sister of Herbert Walpole, cut out of his will
(app-simonsdavid)--Savage Action#1/2 (2/2
WATER GOD 2099 - sentient giant water creature, stopped by Hulk 2099
(app)--2099 Unlimited#3
WATERMAN - hostess add, iron man foe
<August, 1977>--Amazing Spider-Man I#171
WATERWAY IMPORTS - subsidiary of Fisk Enterprises, brought down when
Foggy Nelson exposed continued use
of lead paint
--Daredevil/Spider-Man#3 (4
WATER WITCH ( ) - Outcasts, Superia’s
control water
(app-out)--Marvel Treasury Edition#25( Rom28 [Captain
America I#387,388],389-391,[392] Iron Man Annual#12
WATER WIZARD (Peter van Zante) -
costumed criminal, former agent of enforcer + moondark + justin
hammer, wounded serving usa in viet nam, placed under
experimental radiation device to stimulate cellular regeneration,
power surge mutated him to give him control over liquid molecules
-AQUEDUCT* (D#12,M)--Ghost Rider II#23 (23(fb),23,24
Iron Man I#126,127, GR59,61,62, Captain America I#320, Fantastic
Four I#336, Avengers Annual#19/5->aqueduct)
WATERS, DENISE A. - mother of Ellie, works as
palm reader in New Orleans, daughter of a voodoo priestess and
alleged Ogoun Shango
--Silver Surfer IV#1 (2-14
WATERS, ELLIE - daughter of Denise, autistic, taken from Earth
by Annunaki race, apparently saved Earth from the Marduk construct
Vast reality-altering powers
--Silver Surfer IV#1 (2-14
WATER, GEORGE - Hidden, brother of
*D* (app-hid)--[Blaze: Legacy of Blood #1], 2
WATERS, MARIANNE - sister of george,
killed by him
*D* (app-hid)--[Blaze: Legacy of Blood#1], 2 (2d)
WATERS, SETH - SHIELD II, administrator for Washington bureau, involved in
Extechop plan to kidnap Cable and
use his techno-virus, forced to testify before congress
--Cable II#58 (60-62
WATERS, - mother of Denise, vodoun priestess,
died @ 38 years old
*D*--Silver Surfer IV#1 (1(fb)
WATERS of ETERNITY/INFINITY - Dakimh's castle,
used to view past and/or distant events, served as portal for
Bzzkj'oh to confront Dakimh and his allies
--Howard the Duck I#22
WATERS of LUTHUK - within Tryk lair, magical
--Blade#2 (3-5
WATKINS, DELROY - student under Luke Charles, bullied by Mack
& others, considered using gun, counseled by Charles, shot Death Tiger as he
prepared to slay Black Panther
--Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes II#2
WATKINS, Mr. - librarian who
transformed into a werewolf
WATOOMB - sorcerer, created Wand & Scrolls of Watoomb, participated in
Wager of the Octessence, empowered
Tempest, invoked by numerous sorcerers
"Winds of Watoomb" (app)--[Amazing
Spider-Man Annual#2], Dr. Strange II#34 (Iron Man III#22 (fb) [22 (fb) - BTS],
[Doc II#81 (fb)], [AmzSpAn2 (fb)], DocII#34 (fb), [AmzSpAn2, Dr. Strange I#179,
Doctor Strange I#163/173/177/182/183/Sub-Mariner#22/Marvel Premiere#8/Doctor
Strange II#6/20/22/29/39/44/Ghost Rider II#31, Incredible Hulk II#126, Doctor
Strange II#40/45/48/57/61/65/73/Doctor Strange III#5/7/10/13, 23, 24, 28, 34,
48], 49, [IM22], [Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch#1/3]
WATSON, ANNA MAY - aunt of MJ,
sister of Phillip, old friend and former neighbor of May Parker
(MESp)--Amazing Spider-Man I#15 (Spectacular
Spider-Man II#257(fb), Peter Parker: Spider-Man#1/2(fb), Amz I#259(fb),
Marvel Graphic Novel: Spider-Man: Parallel Lives, Untold Tales of
Spider-Man#16, AmzSp15, [Sensational Spider-Man Annual 1996], Sp:ParL,
Untold Tales of Spider-Man: Strange Encounters, US19, U20, A18, U22,
25, A28, [Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man#9], Sp:PL, A30, 34, [Web:ToSp1],
A39, 41, S:PL, A42, 43, 45, 46, Fantastic Four I#61, A47-50, 53,
55-57, Spectacular Spider-Man I#1, 60, 64, 66-68, 72, 82, 86, A365/3(fb),
A94-96, [102], 112, 123, 134(fb), Giant-Size Spider-Man#1, [A136],
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu#9/2, A144,145, GS Sp5, A147, 156, 167,
SpecII#7, AmzAn11, A177-179, 196, 200, Sp38, A208, [SpecAn2], A220/2,
238, 241, 247, An19, A274, Sp112,113, A An21, S:PL, A297, WebS38,
[A314], SpAn9/3, [Spider-Man I#50], Web117, A394, W118,Sp218, 220,
W122, A400, SS225/2, W126,A403, Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage
Alpha, Sensational Spider-Man#0, A417,Sp240,Se11, A418,S75,Sp241,Se12,A419,A420,S76,
X-Man#24, [Sp244], S77, [Spider-Man Unlimited#15], Se16,18, [S81],
[Spider-Man Team-Up#7], A424,425, Se21,22, S83,Sp250, S85-87, Sp251-253,
Heroes Reborn: The Return#1, Se24(fb), 24, Kingpin#1, Sp255,Se26,Sp256,
Se27, 28, Sp257, S91, A437, Se29, [30], [Sp259], Se31, 32, Sp263,
Amazing Spider-Man II#1/3,[Peter Parker: Spider-Man#1], A2, [PP:Sp13],
14, A18, P19, 29, 37, A510, Sensational Spider-Man III#39-->Mary Jane Parker
Amazing Spider-Man#A545/2, 560-561
WATSON, GAYLE - see GAYLE WATSON BYRNES—Amazing Spider-Man I#246 (image), 258
WATSON, KRISTY - cousin of Mary Jane, bulimic, had
heart attack as a result of eating disorder, stabilized with
-- Spectacular Spider-Man II#145,146, Web of
Spider-Man#47,48, Amazing Spider-Man I#313,314, W50, A315, W51,
Sp152, W53, Sp153, W54, Spectacular Spider-Man An9/3, Sp154, 156,
[W56],57,58, 61, 62, 69, Sp169, 173, W73,74, Spider-Man I#23, W84,
Peter Parker: Spider-Man#19
WATSON, LOU - uncle of MJ, father of Kristy, husband of Sybil
--Web of Spider-Man#58
WATSON, MADELINE - mother of MJ + Gayle, ex-wife
of Phillip, married just out of college, left him after he became
abusive, died shortly before birth of gayle’s second child
*D*--Amazing Spider-Man I#258 (258(fb1 2 3 4)/Marvel
Graphic Novel: Spider-Man: Parallel Lives
(OH: Spdm2004, ME)--Amazing Spider-Man I#15, 25, 42 (A258(fb2 4), Marvel
Graphic Novel: Spider-Man: Parallel Lives, #9; Untold Tales of
Spider-Man#15, 16, [A15], [Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man#7-9],
A39-48/Spider-Man: Blue#1-6, Dr. Octopus: Negative Exposure#2
Spider-Man/Human Torch#2
Sensational Spider-Man Annual#1 (fb)
A87, Daredevil I#77, Spider-Man: Death &
Destiny#2,3, A95,
Amazing Spider-Man II#510(fb)/512(fb)
Sensational Spider-Man III#33 (fb), Web:ToSp#1/2, A126, Sensational
Spider-Man Annual#1 (fb), Marvel Team-Up I#15,
A127, DD160,
Sensational Spider-Man Annual#1 (fb)
Spectacular Spider-Man II#7, MTU#58, Spec11, [MTU65],
68, Avengers I#168, Amazing Spider-Man An11, 11/2, Amz173
--Mary Jane Watson-Parker/Mary Jane Parker;
Amazing Spider-Man#545
WATSON, PHILIP - father of mj + gayle, brother
of anna, ex-husband of madeline, former american literature
professor and would-be writer, blamed wife and children for lack
of success as writer, wife took children and left him after he
became abusive, moved to oregon, tricked gayle into helping him
steal a manuscript, allowed her to take the blame, exposed by mj
and imprisoned
--Amazing Spider-Man I#258 (258(fb1 2 3 4)/Marvel
Graphic Novel: Spider-Man: Parallel Lives, A291,292, Spec219
WATSON-PARKER, MARY JANE - see PARKER, MARY JANE (U#8)--Amazing Spider-Man An21(
WATSON, RANDY LEE - Identity assumed by a
Deviant working for the Damocles Foundation. "Watson"
enlisted the aid of Lucas Guthrie in capturing a Celestial
Gatherer, but died when a guard shot him.
When he reverted to his true form, Guthrie
realized his employers had been lying to him.
WATSON, SYBIL - aunt of MJ, mother of Kristy
--Web of Spider-Man#58
WATSON, WENDELL - mutant, murdered for being a mutant
*D*--[Generation M#4] ([4 (fb)]
WATSON, DOC - @ World War II, Deadly Dozen, former prisoner
of Nazis, killed by German soldiers on their final missions
*D* (app)--Combat
Kelly and the Deadly Dozen#1 (5(fb), [1(fb)], 1(fb), 1, [3], [Sgt. Fury and his
Howling Commandos#104], CKatDD#5, 6(fb), 6, 8-9
WATSON 2099 - Wildboys, worked with Crick (named
for men who discovered DNA)
-- X-Nation#5
WATTAGE WASTER ( ) - Energy Drainers
--Captain America and the Campbell Kids
(net-preff)--(g) Jungle Tales#1
WAVER of Earth-93060 ( ) - Academy of the New
eyes emit microwaves
(app-academy)--Freex#10 (11, Prototype#13/Ultraverse
Premiere#6, Freex#13-14, 16, Godwheel#0, Freex#18
WAVE SPIDERS 2099 - disrupt computer systems,
float under cloud cover, used by John Herod
--Doom 2099#33 (34,35, 2099 Apocalypse#1d
--Ghost Rider VI#24 (25
WAXMAN (mayor Dobbs) - American
agent of Nazis, based in wax museum, suffocated victims with wax
masks, used their heads in his museum
--Captain America Comics#2/3
WAXMAN ( ) - scientist with skin disease,
tested cellular regeneration process on himself, skin turned into
countless unicellular organisms that smother those he touches
-Eric B____ (app)--Spider-Woman I#17 (18
WAX PEOPLE (unnamed couple, night watchman, police
officer, wax mannequins) - natives of planet Xaccus, society very similar to
bodies composed entirely of wax
(app)--Strange Tales I #93/4
WAXWORKS ( ) – Technet.
small pink creature with tentacles,
disproportionately large head + eyes, cause others to assume
stability similar to soft rubber, relationship to elmo?
(U#7)--(UK) Captain Britain II#3; Captain
Britain TP, Excalibur Special Edition#1 (Excalibur I#42-47,
Marvel Comics Presents#175?, Excalibur I#125, Fantastic Four III#6-8
WAY of GREATNESS - Microverse, created Breachpoint,
allowed race to die out when "monsters" started being born
*D* (app-breachpoint)--Micronauts II#11 ([11(fb)], 11d)
WAYEB - Mayan mischief god, summoned during Uayep by Dr. Rabin
who gained power as the god-king Kuhul Ajaw, battled Spider-Man, driven off when
Rabin failed to sacrifice a victim before the celestial alignment passed
--[Amazing Spider-Man#555], 556 ([556 (fb), 555],
WAYEP - see WAYEB--[Amazing Spider-Man#555], 556
WAYFINDER of Earth-Sword in the Star -
extraterrestrial prince from Ithacon, led group of extraterrestrials to
earth, later populated Microverse when fled earth from demons, became
Time Traveler
(app-earthsits)--Marvel Preview#4/2 (7/2, Micronauts I#35 (fb(31(fb)))
WAYFINDER – extraterrestrial demon,
herald of ??, opens portals and finds realms for master, summoned
by Bloodravens, portal closed when Red Raven plugged it with Sky
Immense creature
(app)--Defenders II#7
WAYNE, FRANK - robot under MODOT's control, acted as TV personality
--[Howard the Duck IV#1]
WAY-OPENER (Tyril Felder, Pyreus Kril, Gabriel Lan, Sharen
Morell, Duranna Simek, Cortellia Sinnott)
- Xandarian explorer ship, formerly captained by Lan before he
became Air-Walker
-- (Uncanny Origins#4)
WAYNE ?? - mother killed
by Random Killers
WAYNE ?? of Earth-982 - former boyfriend of Betty Forest,
assaulted by Bitterfrost
--Amazing Spider-Girl#3 (3 (fb), 3
WAYNE, BRUCE of Earth-Amalgam - director of SHIELD
--Bruce Wayne: Agent of SHIELD#1
WAYNE, JACK - splinter personality of Legion,
desired destruction of all other personalities in order to gain
control himself, apparently ceased to exist shortly after death
of Legion,
controlled telekinetic powers
*D*--[New Mutants I#26], 27 (28,
Excalibur I#121d
WAYNE, JANET - film star, killed by Fatty, made
to look like suicide
--Mystic Comics#4/6d
WAYNE, TED - pre-modern era, stole the work of Ellis
Brent, tormented and eventually slain by the Clutching Hands
*D* (app-clutching)--Journey into Mystery I#1/3
SHIELD I, specialized science degree in gamma radiation, assigned
to monitor Bruce Banner/Hulk after he regained his intellect,
fell in love with him, briefly mutated by MODOK, unable to stop Hulk from losing
his intellect under the manipulations of Nightmare, later investigated the
Warbound, joined them after being bound to Hiroim's Old Power
manipulate energy from Earth's inertia force
-Ms. MODOK* (WWH, app)—Incredible Hulk II#287
(288-290, 292-300, [Incredible Hulk III#100/2 (fb)], WWH Aftersmash: Warbound#1/2-4/2 (fb), 5 (fb), 1, [4]
WAYOPEX - Interdite, Mourners, discovered
that Soul-Eater had consumed the souls of the Kree killed by the
telepath, communes with dead spirits
(app-mourn)—Quasar#26, 35(named)
WAZAM of the Hyborian era - Vendhyan,
loyal agent to the king
--People of the Black Circle; Savage Sword of
WAZILIAH race – extraterrestrial, semi-humanoid,
pronounced jowls, stocky legs.
the skrull Aptak impersonated one, was sent to
their planet to spy on them, and was trapped in that form by
hyper-wave bomb
--[Silver Surfer III#6]
WAZOO, ALI - see ALI WAZOO (app-bagmom)--Howard the Duck Annual#1
WAZIR - Asgardian, land of Hindi, granted knowledge of
the location of the Mystic Mountain to Thor and the Warriors Three
- the PROPHET* (app)--Thor I#138/2
WAZIRA - Wakandan thief, fearful of T’Challa,
responsible for brief war with Atlantis when caught smuggling
Wakandan technology
King of Thieves-(net-wak)--Defenders I#84