BRAAK-'NHUD - extradimensional race, assaulted In-Betweener, fought by Teen Brigade
    --Vengeance#1 (2011)

BRAAK-'NHUD dimension -
    --Vengeance#1 (2011)

BRABHAM, JOHN - RAF squadron leader, body briefly inhabited by John Kowalksi who took part in evacuation of Dunkirk
    --War is Hell#

BRACCIA, agent LOLA of Earth-6216 - GEIST, participated on investigation of Death's Head 3.0 and Varina Goddard
    --Amazing Fantasy II#16 (17-20

BRACE ( Brace) - cyborg created by Adarco
    *D* (app)--Annex#1 (2(fb), 1-4

BRACKETT, major - World War II, US Army, killed by Col. Walker Price when he took command of Camp Cathart
    *D*--Truth: Red, White, & Black#2 (2d)

BRACKETT,    - Russian (KGB?), agent of Alexi Bruskin, abducted Yuri Petrovich, slain by Bruskin
    (app-bruskin)--Champions#10 (10(fb)

BRAD - giant snake serving Magik (Sefton) in Otherplace
    --Nightcrawler III#2 ([3(fb)], 3, 6, 9

BRAD ??- assistant of Kate Vinokur
    (app-kv)--Daredevil II#22 (24

BRAD ?? - butler/combat assistant to Hope Lee
    --Jubilee#1 (2-6

BRAD ?? - cameraman for the New Warriors reality TV show, possibly killed in Nitro's Stamford explosion
    --New Warriors III#1 (2-6, Civil War#1?

BRAD ?? - student at Midtown high, bully, picked on Jeremy
    --Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man#6

BRAD (Bradley) - Mystikos Sect, Vampires, electronic firms owner, helped Stephen create a medallion to protect Vampires from sunlight, met with a large assembly of Vampires on a Greek Island, saw Xarus stage an uprising against Dracula, saw Xarus dismember him, given 24 hours to join Xarus, falsely allied with Janus and Stephen, went with them to attack Xarus, revealed that he'd been working with Xarus, took over the Mystikos Sect, saw Stephen and the Anchorite die, saw Janus flee
    --Death of Dracula#1 (X-Men II#1 (2, 3, 4

BRADBURY - base of the Order
    --Order II#1

BRADEN, CARL - head of West-TV, attempted to defame Human Fly
    --Human Fly ( 6

    --Captain Britain I#8 (X-Treme X-Men#3(fb1), CB8-10, Daredevils#3,4->Captain Britain II)

BRADDOCK, BRIAN - Excalibur, husband to Meggan, brother of Psylocke, hybrid son of human + Otherworlder, empowered by Roma, doctorate in physics and engineering from Thames University, temporarily lost powers in battle with Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, given sword Excalibre and rule of Otherworld, passed on mantle of Captain Britain to Kelsey Leigh
    CAPTAIN BRITAIN*, BRITANIC*, FAST BUCK*, CUSTODIAN*--Captain Britain I#1->Captain Britain->Britanic.
    Excalibur I#96->cb.
    [Ex#115],122-124, 125(fb),125, [Astonishing X-Men II#1], Excalibur II#1-4, [Avengers III#81 (fb)], 79-81, Uncanny X-Men#444, [445], 449?, 462-->Captain Britain

BRADDOCK, ELIZABETH - mother of Jamie + Brian + Betsy, wife of James, slain by Mastermind
    *D*--Captain Britain I#14 (14(fb, dies)

BRADDOCK, sir JAMES - British man, replaced after his death by the Otherworlder who fathered Brian, James, and Betsy Braddock
    --[Marvel Atlas#1: United Kingdom]

BRADDOCK, sir Dr. JAMES sr. - father of Brian + Betsy + Jamie, husband of Elizabeth, native of Otherworld, founder of Captain Britain Corps, created Mastermind, examined Pizer, eventually had Mastermind terminate his life
    BLACK BISHOP* *D* (app)--Captain Britain I #14 (Captain Britain II#7(fb)/Excalibur II#2(fb), [Excalibur II#2(fb)], 3(fb), [CB II#1(fb)], CB II#7(fb)/Ex II#2(fb), [Ex I#97(fb)], [Excalibur I#87(fb)], [100(fb)], CB I#29(fb), CB I#14(fb), Daredevils#1(fb, dies)

BRADDOCK, JAMES "JAMIE" - Foursaken, brother of Brian + Psylocke, agent of Sat-Yr9, former race car driver, abused wealthy socialite status, became involved in illegal activities in Africa, including mass murder and leading slave trade, captured by Dr. Crocodile, powers awakened by mystic treatments/punishments of Dr. Crocodile, freed by Technet for Sat-yr-9, killed Alysande Stuart, mutated Nigel Frobisher into lookalike of Vixen, restored Psylocke to life, making her immune to reality manipulation in effort to use her against the First Fallen, ultimately sacrificed himself against the First Fallen
    Insane, able to warp reality
    (198, net)--(UK) [Captain Britain I#8], 9; Excalibur I#15 (Excalibur Annual#2(fb3), [2(fb)], [CB9(fb), 8], 9, 10, 11(fb), 12, [15],15, 17,18, 20, 21, 31, 34(fb), 34, 39, Super-Spider-Man and Captain Britain#243, [244], Uncanny X-Men#473 (fbs), 474 (fb), Excalibur Annual#2 (fb1), Captain Britain II#10/Excalibur I#15(fb), [CB9],9, 10, [Ex15]/Ex Annual#2(fb2), Ex15, [27(fb)], [18],19, 21, 27, 55, 56, Excalibur Annual#2, Uncanny X-Men#472 (fb), 447+448, [456], 460, 462, 464, 472-474

BRADDOCK, JOE - father of Lucy, eye ripped out by the Brothers when he investigated Lucy's disappearance
    --Wolverine III#3 ([3(fb)], 3, 4

BRADDOCK, JOHN - Hellfire Club (US branch)
    (app)--X-Men: Hellfire Club#4 (4 (fb)

BRADDOCK, LUCY - 17 year old girl, kidnapped by the Brothers, died after making contact with Wolverine
    --Wolverine III#1 (1d)

BRADDOCK, MEGGAN - see MEGGAN—Excalibur I#125

BRADDON, GIDEON of Earth-Seeker 3000 - crewman of the Seeker
    (app-seeker)--Seeker 3000#2

BRADEN, AMANDA - ex-wife of Michael, hit by him in drunk-driving collision, faked paralysis and murdered him?
    --All-Select Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (2009)

BRADEN, MICHAEL - killed by Amanda
    *D*--All-Select Comics 70th Anniversary Special#1 (2009)

BRADFORD, Mr. - representative of POTUS, met with Zuras, Sersi, and other Eternals at Washington, DC's Station Four
    --Eternals I#18

BRADLEE, PAUL RAYMOND - janitor, used as pawn by Ringmaster/Arnold Quaid to corroborate story of Sam Griggs
    --Daredevil II#23 (24

BRADLEY ?? - chemotherapy patient, visited by Avengers under direction of Madison Taylor, carried teddy bear, Tips
    (app-taylor)--Avengers I#349

BRADLEY (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#11 (12, Marvel Mystery Comics#16

BRADLEY, JEAN - Midtown High School teacher, flirted with Peter Parker
    --Marvel Team-Up III#1 (2, 5

BRADLEY, BECKY of Earth-Captain America: Isaiah Bradley became Captain America - see BECKY BARNES
    --Captain America IV#27

BRADLEY, CARRIE - former neighbor of Ben Reilly
    --Amazing Scarlet Spider#1 (Spectacular Scarlet Spider#1, ASS2,SSS2

BRADLEY, CHRIS - see BOLT--X-Men Unlimited#8 (15(fb), 15, Maverick II#1,3,4,6,8->Bolt)

BRADLEY, DANA of Earth-93060 - ultra, became abusive after gaining powers, leading husband, Jeffrey, to flee with their daughter, Stacy; hired Firearm to bring back her daughter, left them in piece after Stacey begged her not to kill her father, later killed by Rafferty
    *D* (app)--Firearm (uv)#7 ([7 (fb)], 7, 12d)

BRADLEY, ELIJAH - see PATRIOT--Young Avengers#1

BRADLEY, FAITH - see SHABAZZ, FAITH --Truth: Red, White, & Black#1

BRADLEY, H. HOWARD - assistant to Dr. Thatcher at the London branch of Richmond Enterprises, tormented by Death-Stalker
    (app)--Dr. Strange II#29

BRADLEY, ISAIAH - husband of Faith, father of Sarah Gail, subject of early Super Soldier program, sole survivor, left sterile and brain damaged by late effects of the process, imprisoned for 17 years, pardoned by Eisenhower in 1960, recognized and given remnant of original costume by Captain America in the modern era
    (Young Avengers / Runaways trade)--Truth: Red, White, & Black#1 (2-6, [7(fb)], Crew#5 (fb6), Truth#7, Crew#5, Young Avengers Special#1 (fb), Young Avengers#7, 9, 12, Black Panther IV#16, 18, Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America#5

BRADLEY, JEFFREY of Earth-93060 - widower of Dana, fled with daughter, Stacey, after Dana became abusive
    (app-dana)--Firearm (uv)#7 ([7 (fb)], 7

BRADLEY, JOHN - construction company owner, poisoned by the Old One
    *D* (app-oldone)--Mystic Comics#9/3


BRADLEY, KEN - Brand Corporation
    --Captain America Annual 1999

BRADLEY, LITIGIOUS - brother of Elijah & Stephanie
    , Black Panther IV#16

BRADLEY , NAILS (    ) -
    --Mystic Comics II#2

BRADLEY, RUDOLPH - politician, fund-raising ball disrupted by Captain America imposter Mike Farrell and Dead-Ringer
    (app-superpatriot)--Captain America I#425

BRADLEY, SARAH GAIL - daughter of Faith and Isaiah, born in 1942   
    --Truth: Red, White, & Black#2 (3, Crew#5 (fb1, 6), 5

BRADLEY, STACEY of Earth-93060 - daughter of Dana & Jeffry
    (app-dana)--Firearm (uv)#7 ([7 (fb)], 7

BRADLEY, STEPHANIE - sister of Elijah (Patriot)
    , Black Panther IV#16

BRADSHAW, PHIL - Maggia, had paintings stolen by Black Cat
    --Amazing Spider-Man I#226

BRADY (    ) -
    --Captain America Comics#23

BRADY, BOBBY - son of Hal & Rose
        (app-hal)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRADY, CELIA of Earth-93060 - secretary for Hardcase
    --Hardcase(uv)#7 (Ultraverse: Year Zero: Death of the Squad#2, HC#7

BRADY, HAL - husband of Rose, father of Michael, Pat, John, & Bobby; arsonist, leader of We--The People, encountered Captain America, killed in own fire
    *D* (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRADY, JOHN - son of Hal & Rose
    (app-hal)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRADY, MEAGYN of Earth-982 - Midtown high school, friends with May, unnoticed by most
    - Invisible Girl* –Spider-Girl#53 ([55], 67, 89

BRADY, MICHAEL - son of Hal & Rose
    (app-hal)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRADY, PAT - son of Hal & Rose
    (app-hal)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRADY, ROSE - widow of Hal, mother of Michael, Pat, John, & Bobby
    (app-hal)--Marvel Fanfare I#18

BRAGAR of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - Mutroid
    --Ravage 2099#27 (28

BRAGATELLO CONSTRUCTION FIRM - hired to construct children’s hospital in New York City, cut from job due to accusations of bad business practice, framed by Corruptor
    --Nova II#3

BRAGG, BEN of the Old West 1870s - his mining blast released Living Totem, fought Rawhide Kid, arrested for illegal mining
    (app)--Rawhide Kid I#22

BRAGG, General CLEMENT - US Army(?), attempted to captured Reed Richards when he fled the project to investigate the cosmic ray storm
    --Fantastic Four III#529

BRAGG, SCARZI (    ) -
    --Daring Comics#11

BRAGGADOOM - creation of Arnold Krank, reduced into the mind and size of an infant, raised by Krank as his own.
    Immense green semi-humanoid
  - The Mountain that Walks Like a Man* (app)--Marvel Two-In-One#13 (13(fb), 13

BRAGGI - Asgardian
    --Journey into Mystery I#118/2

BRAGI - Asgardian god of poetry, husband of Idunn, worshipped in the Hyborian era
    same as Braggi?
    --Marvel Fanfare I#13 ([Conan the Barbarian I#18?]

BRAGORUS  of the Hyborian era - Nemedian, attempted to invade Aquilonia @ 10,900BC, fought off by Epeus
    --[<REH untitled>, Drums of Tombalku, Savage Sword of Conan#21]

BRAHL of Reality-691 circa 31st century - Achernonian, Minions of Menace, Force, Intimidators, allegiance to Malevolence through which he briefly usurped control of Force.
    Become intangible, turn other objects and beings intangible
    (app)--Thor Annual#6 ([Guardians of the Galaxy#5 (fb), 3 (fb), 1], 3-6, 11, 13-16, 21-23, Annual#2

BRAHMA - creator god of the Hindu
    -The Creator (app)--Thor I#301 (
    Thor II#61, 65

BRAHMA (Dr. Brian Mann) - see Entity.
    Nest, nuclear physicist, designed the Nest, patterned after the Hindu God
    -The Creator (app-nest)--Marvel Team-Up Annual#1

BRAHMAN (Vivatma Visvajit) - circa 1860 AD, Hindu warrior, lost his ability to ignite his Kundalini after Zafar II was exiled, sent to work camp in Chapra Jail, Bihar, India where he befriended Bei Bang-Wen who helped him escape and try to rescue Zafar; instead encountered and slew Tiger Jani and then adopted the role of Zahar to give his people something to believe in
    transform into giant six-armed warrior
    Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar II imposter*--Immortal Iron Fist#15

BRAHMA BILL ( ) - biker, sought relationship with Roxanne Simpson, assisted Ghost Rider (John Blaze/Zarathos) against Orb
    --Ghost Rider II#27 (28

BRAHMANES - Macroverse, sentient life force of undersea planet, encountered Silver Surfer
    empathic powers
    —Silver Surfer III#142

BRAHAMS - Mojoverse
    --Marvel Fanfare II#5

BRAIN (   ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#18

BRAIN (Senator Doaks) -
    --Human Torch Comics#15

BRAIN (Sidney Onselm) - Golden Age, Namor & Namora foe

BRAIN (Otto von Schmittsder) - Nazi scientist, kept disembodied head alive through unknown means.
    mentally control others on contact
    (MarvZom, app)--(g) Adventure into Terror#4 (6; Curse of the Weird#1 (3

BRAIN ( ) - criminal strategist, one of three men merged into Tri-Man by Masked Marauder
    (app-tri)--Daredevil I#22 (23

"BRAIN" (    ) - "Terrigen Marines"
    --Silent War#5 (6

BRAIN of Earth-1958 ("Slugger" Johnson) - energized by the Eternity Machine, dreams made into a pocket reality by Shaper of Worlds, took on Einstein-like aspect, but dreams eventually judged unworthy by Shaper, sent to a world where his dreams would harm no one
    (app-earth-1958)--Fantastic Four I#136 (136(fb?), 136,137

BRAIN of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD ( ) - Midnight Wreckers
    (app-mw)--Machine Man II#1 (2-4, Thor Corps#2, Spider-Man/X-Men: Time's Arrow: Book Three

BRAINARD, - Cult of Zhered-Na
    (app-cult)--Adventures into Fear#13 (14, [15]

BRAIN-CARRIERS - Binary Beings
    MIND CARRIERS* (app)--Marvel Super-Heroes (UK)#385

    --[Uncanny X-Men#291], 292

BRAINCHILD - Savage Land Mutate
    superhuman intellect,emotional level of a child
    (D#11)--X-Men I#62 (63, Av105, MarvFan4, UXM An12, UX250, 274,275, Wolv69, XMU#6, XTXM:Savage Land#1-4

BRAIN-CHILD of Earth-712 (Arnold Sutton) - superhuman intellect, mental powers, enlarged brain. returned to normal
    (app)—Avengers I#86 (86(fb), 86

BRAIN-CHILD ONE of Earth-712 - rocket designed by Sutton to cause the sun to go super-nova, stopped by the Scarlet Witch, but at least in one alternate timeline, it did destroy Earth
    (app-bc)--[Avengers I#85], 86

BRAIN DRAIN (Werner Schmidt) - Super-Axis, Omega Flight, empowered Master Man (Loemer), tapped into the ring of the nebulas, mesmerized "star gods" and forced them to act as teutonic gods, thrown into a vat of acid by them when regained memory, reconstructed self as a disembodied brain existing only in life support media, involved in quest to build a giant flying swastika, trapped in snowbank for over half a century until took control of nearby skier, manipulated international heroes to attempt to kill their national leaders, given robotic body by Master of the World, opened gateway to dimension of Sk’ar
    Genius inventor, mentally control others
    -Operative A.1416 (net)--[Giant-Size Invaders#1], Invaders I#2 ([GS Inv1,Inv I#1],Inv I#2,MTIO An1,MTIO#20 AF I#108 110-112 129,130

BRAINEATERS (Cody, Layla Linski, Lupe, Razorblade, Scuzz ) - gang of werewolves, originals created by Jack Russell, based out of the Black Moon Bar & Grill, slaughtered humans, many killed by Jack Russell and Silver Dagger,
    hedonistic, revel in their bestial nature,
    CHILDREN of the BEAST (app)--(allegedly) Werewolf by Night I#6, (more likely) Marvel Spotlight I#3, (Braineaters) Marvel Comics Presents#55/2 ([54/2], 55/2-59/2, 107/3-112/3

BRAINER, Chief (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#60

BRAINFEELER - see VIRIDIAN (app-se-vir)--Dr. Who#51

BRAIN LEECHES - animated brains of deceased Xandarians, used in Super-Nova’s ship
    (app)--Avengers I#301

BRAIN MINES - Deviant weapons, able to render Eternals catatonic while attached to forehead
    --Eternals I#4 (Marvel Universe#4-5, Marvel: Lost Generation#10, Et#4,6, Iron Man Annual#6, Eternals II#10-12, Avengers I#370-371, Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual1998

BRAINOSAUR - SHIELD technology, designed by Tony Stark, used to deactivate the Betatron Bomb
    (app)--[Strange Tales I#138], 139, 140

BRAIN PARASITES - extraterrestrial trilobite-like creatures, arrived on earth in meteor-like egg which was discovered by Dr. Gideon Carruthers, attached themselves to the neck of lifeforms on earth, transforming them into powerful + primitive + hostile versions of themselves, sought oil for sustenance, die within one hour of separation from host, many destroyed by Franklin Richards
    (app)--Fantastic Four I#227

BRAIN SPASM (Dennis Hoxie) - Anti-Registration Underground
    --[Civil War: Front Line#4], 6 ([4//4/4]), 6

BRAIN-STEM PARASITES - see TYRMEAN BRAIN-STEM PARASITES (app-broker)--[Force Works#13], 15

BRAINSTORM (Jimmy) - insane, mutated and manipulated by Doctor at Mad Dog Ward for potential use as assassin for Kingpin, duped into believing he was asleep so that it was ok to act out his aggressions.
    (app) - MAD DOG 20/20*, MD2020--Web of Spider-Man#33 (Amazing Spider-Man I#295, Spectacular Spider-Man II#133, Spider-Man#29-31

BRAIN VOLES - monsters of old Kushan empire

BRAIN-WAVE BOOSTER - immense, mile-long machine created by US Army, utilized by Leader, used to cause Hulk to battle mental projections of his enemies in hopes of pushing the Hulk into a heart attack, turned against Leader by Jim Wilson, causing him to have a mental breakdown
    generate solid three-dimensional structures based on the brain-waves of the being using the Mentallo-Projector helmet
    (app)--Incredible Hulk II#139

BRAINY ( ) - Bianca Laniege’s dwarves.
    designs advanced equipment
    (app-bl)--Generation X#40 (41, 43

BRAK the BARBARIAN of Earth-73012 - extradimensional, banished from the north for offending the gods. Has a tail (or wore a pelt with a tail0
    per Savage Tales#7, Brak dwells in a parallel universe, which is about on the level of the time of the early Roman empire
    (app)--Spell of the Dragon; Chamber of Chills#2 (Savage Tales#7/2, 8/3, CoC#2

BRAMBLE - Hellbent,
    red skin, fire buzz scales
    (app-hellbent)--Marc Spector: Moon Knight#50

BRAMER ( ) - Cell-12, leader
    blond hair, large mechanical appendage on left arm
    *D* (app-cell12)--Amazing Spider-Man I#411 (Spider-Man#68, Spectacular Spider-Man II#234, Spdm69d)

BRAN - Proud Walkers, spent time in tir inna mBan, lost 3000 years due to warp, journeyed to Camelot to aid in final battle against forces of Necromon;
    in modern era, allied with unknown parties, bonded with Bran Murphy, and plotted against She-Hulk; blew up the bar O'Shea's right in front of She-Hulk then escaped, later acted as bodyguard to Dark Art and subsequently poisoned him; eventually decapitated by Hercules
  - Bran the Blessed (app-walk)--(UK) Hulk comic#61 ([62,63],
    She-Hulk II#24 (28 (fb), 29-30

BRAN - see BRAN MURPHY--She-Hulk II#24, 28

BRAN MAK MORN - @ 200 AD, Pict king, direct descendent of Brule
  Partha Mac Othna--REH's Kings of the Knight, Weird Tales, 1930; Savage Sword of Conan#15 (16, 42/3, 43/4

BRAND (Abigail) - Head of SWORD, extraterrestrial (on her father's side) hybrid, directed alliance with Ord and Benetech's development of a mutant cure, sought relationship with Beast
    generate burning energy in her hands
    --Astonishing X-Men III#6 (Secret Invasion: Who do you Trust?#1/2 (fb), [AXM31-5], 6, 7, 8, 10, 13-18, 19-24, Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men#1, Secret Invasion: Who do you Trust?#1/2 (fb), 1/2

    (net-preff)--(g) Young Men#21

BRAND, LUCAS - vampire, former agent of Jason Faust and Dr. Sun, long history of criminal activity, employed by Faust, beat Dracula when he was weakened, sent after Quincy Harker, turned into vampire by Dracula, slew Faust, but was temporarily destroyed by sunlight, revived and trained by Dr. Sun to defeat Dracula and become lord of the vampires, rebelled against sun after obtaining memories of Dracula from sun’s mind-draining device, incinerated by Dr. Sun
    *D/R/D* (D#20)--Tomb of Dracula I#9, 11(named) (13, 16-20, 21d)

BRAND, PETER "BLOWTORCH" - pyromaniac, immune to fire, killed by Scourge of the Underworld (Priscilla Lyons)
    *D*--Defenders I#135 (USAgent I#2d)

BRAND CORPORATION (Buzz Baxter, Linda Donaldson, Mr. Grant, Karl Maddicks)
    - division of Roxxon corporation, responsible for superpowers research
    --Amazing Adventures II#11 (12-17, Avengers I#149, Ghost Rider II#27, Spectacular Spider-Man II#57, Amazing Spider-Man I#232-236

BRAND CORPORATION (Herbert Landon, Dr. Everett Burgos, Ken Bradley)
    - involved with the Sphinx in the Hero-Killers plot
    --Spider-Man: Mutant Agenda#1 (2,3, Amazing Spider-Man Annual#26, Spectacular Spider-Man An12, Web of Spider-Man An8, New Warriors An2, Captain America Annual 1999

BRANDENBERG, SANDI - friend/employee/former lover of Deadpool/Agent X, dated Taskmaster, history of dating abusive men, worked as mercenary in Agency X
    --Taskmaster# ?, Deadpool III#65 (66-69, Agent X#1-6, 7, 10,11, 12, 13-15, Cable & Deadpool#38-40, 43, 45-47, 49-50

BRANDER (    ) -
    --USA Comics#6

BRANDON, MOIRA - former actress prior to addition of sound to movies, owner of mansion in Palos Verdes that became Avengers Compound, forced to assist Crossfire in plot to kill Hawkeye and Mockingbird, but assisted them in defeating him, later died of heart attack, honorary member of the Avengers
    *D* (1990s, app)--Avengers West Coast#100/2 (100/2(fb)

BRANDT, ELLEN - former wife of Ted Sallis, mother of Job Burke, betrayed Sallis to AIM, half of face burnt by Man-Thing, allied with Man-Thing on quest for fragments of the Nexus of Realities, entered the nexus with Ted Sallis to keep it intact, merged with Sallis + K'ad-Mon + Nexus itself into form of the Man-Thing
    -Ellen Sallis
    (app)--Savage Tales  I#1 (Man-thing III#2(fbs), [Savage Tales#1(fb)], Giant-Size Man-Thing#5(fb), ManThing2(fb), SavT#1, [ManThing5(fb)], [Astonishing Tales#12 (fb)], [Monsters Unleashed#5(fb)], 5, [ManTh2(fb)], [5(fb)], [2(fb)], 2(fb), [3(fb)]/4(fb), 1-8, Strange Tales IV#1,2, < >, [Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual 1999 (fb)], Annual 1999, Incredible Hulk III#6(fb)

BRANDT, GUSTAV - see LIBRA (app)--Avengers I#72

BRANDT, LUA - former wife of Libra, mother of Mantis, brother of Khruul, slain by him for marrying an occidental
    (app-libra)--Avengers I#123 (123(fb)

BRANDT, BROTHERS - World War II era spies taken down at a local circus show by Captain America (Steve Rogers) and Bucky (James Barnes)
    --Captain America and Bucky#621 (2011)

BRANEBIG - see PROFESSOR BRANEBIG--All-Select #3/3 (Spring 1944) “Speed to Spare”

BRANIFF, MAXIMILLIAN - Hydra, associate of Big and the Whale
    (app)--Terror Inc. #9 (10

BRANN (Brann Mak Arn Mak Minyfordd Mak--) - circa 1000 AD, assisted Iron Man against Aislinn
    --Iron Man III#59, (named) 60 (61

BRANNEX, ALLESANDRO - android, chairman of the board of AIM
    -SUPER-ADAPTOID*--Quasar I#9( Cap387 410-413 FanForce4 440,Av387,Cap441

BRANNEX, SOLEMNE - AIM, sister of Allesandro?, sought aid from SHIELD when AIM obtained a Shi'ar vessel
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#174

    --Captain America III#25 (26,27

BRANSON, - SHIELD II tech directorate, allied with Eisely and Lewis, sought to sell SHIELD secrets on black market, exposed by Scorpion & Doc Samson
    --Doc Samson II#3 ([3 (fb)], 3 (fb), 3

BRANT, Mr. - father of teen-aged adventurer Bob Brant
   (app-brant,bob)--Man Comics I#26/1 (26/3, 27/1, 27/3, 28/1, 28/3

BRANT, BENNETT - Brother of Betty Brant, indebted to gangster Blackie Gaxton, led to Betty's involvement in criminal activities, died during a conflict between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus (Octavius), resulting in hostility toward Spider-Man from Betty
    --Amazing Spider-Man I#11

BRANT, BETTY - Daily Bugle, investigative reporter, former secretary of Jonah and Robbie, sister of Bennett Brant, former girlfriend of Peter Parker, widow of Ned Leeds, had affair with Flash Thompson, briefly brainwashed by Cult of Love after Ned’s death
    -BETTY BRANT-LEEDS* (OH: Spdm2004(supporting), OH: Spdm2005, net)--Amazing Spider-Man I#4(UntSp12(fb),A4-6,US#1,2,A7,U3,A9,10(U6,7),A11,12(U10),U11-13,A13, Spider-Man/Human Torch#1, U14,A15/Sens'96,A16, AmzAn1,A17-23, UntSp:StrEnc, A24,25,27,29-34,40, 41-43/Spider-Man: Blue#1,2, Amz44,45, 47,49-52,54,56,58,SpecSp I#1,A60,63,64,66,67,71,83 AmzAn1996(fb) A88,94,96, A112,113,115,116,119,123,129-132,134-136,139-143 GS Sp5 A145,149 GS Sp5 A151 DHoKF#22/2 A156->bbl.
Web113-115,Spdm:FfaO#1, W116, 118, 120, S54, Sp:FfaO#1, #9; Amz400,Web124,Sp225, DailyB#1-3, Spdm:tFA#3,4,S69,Se7,SpTU#5/2,SU#14,S75-77 Sp243,S78,Sp244, Spdm An1997,S:HL#1-3 S79 Sp246,247,249 SU#16 S81 SU#17 Se20,21 S:VenAg Se25,A432,Sp255 257 259-261 SU321 S95 SU#22 Sp263,S98, AmzSpII#1,PP:Sp1,3,4 A5 PP:Sp5 Amz1999 PP:Sp6 8 Cap1999 PP11 14 A18 P19 [A25], DD34, Spdm:Sweet Charity#1, Alias#10, Deadline#1,2,4, She-Hulk III#4, MK Spider-Man#6, Spider-Man Unlimited II#5, Marvel Holiday Special 2007#1, Civil War: Fallen Son: Daily Bugle Special#1, Friendly Neighborhood of Spider-Man#15-16, 18-19, 20-22, 23 (fb), Avengers: The Initiative#7, Spider-Man: Swing Shift, Amz546-548, 552, 554, 555, 560-561, 562, 568, 572-573, Annual II#1

BRANT, BOB - 1950s, teen-aged adventurer, leader of Trouble-Shooters
    (app)--(g) Man Comics I#26/1 (26/3, 27/1, 27/3, 28/1, 28/3

BRANT, CARMEN - Miami radio personality
    --Black Widow IV#2

BRANT, CECILE - mother of teen-aged adventurer Bob Brant
   (app-brant,bob)--Man Comics I#26/1

BRANT, CHIPS (    ) -
    --Captain America Comics#6

BRANT, ELEONORE - mother of Betty and Bennett
    --Amazing Spider-Man I#3

BRANT, MATILDA - Snow Valley School for Girls, rival of Emma Frost, eventually had to leave school when parents went bankrupt
    --Emma Frost#1 (2,3

BRANT-LEEDS, BETTY-see BETTY BRANT-Amazing Spider-Man I#156 (182-184,Spec22 24,A188,Sp26 29,A189,191-195,197,229

BRANWYN of the Hyborian era - wife of Math Mac Llion, mother of Kynon, mistaken for Sonja, abducted by Vassilisa, kept alive by Yuri in exchange for sexual favors, slew him and escaped
    --Red Sonja III# (8-13

BRASHIR, KABAR - @ 1897, London, Clan Akkaba, succeeded Hamilton Slade as most fit, but then slain by vampires
    *D*--X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula#2 (3d)

BRASHEAR, ADAM - see BLUE MARVEL    --Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel#1 (2009)

BRASHEAR, ADRIENNE - daughter of Blue Marvel
   --[Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel#2 (2009)]

BRASHEAR, CANDACE (Marlene Frazier*) - wife of Blue Marvel, government agent sent to marry Adam Brashear to keep an eye on him
   AGENT 314*--Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel#2 (2009)

BRASHEAR, MAX - son of Blue Marvel
   --[Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel#2 (2009)]

    Project: Glamour (app)—MCP#

BRASS (Sean Watanabe) - Navy SEALS, son of Yuji, brother of Emmaline, girlfriend Theresa killed by Mandarin, sought revenge on all involved with Acts of Vengeance, trained by ninja father Yuji, assisted Wolverine and Ghost Rider against Deathwatch (Ketch).
    low-level telepath, sense + counteract opponent’s next move, skilled in martial arts
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#65, 67 (69(fb) / [Avengers I#313], 65-71

BRASS (      ) - Stockpile, large robot controlled by Morgan Stark
    (app-stock)—Iron Man I#330 (331

BRASS BISHOP (Benedicto de vica Severtes) - bishop in Spain several centuries ago, made contact with Mephisto in an attempt to gain the love of Beatriz, but was tricked by him, built armor of Brass sealed by blood of Beatriz to conceal his soul from Mephisto, sought stormgates of Heaven to trade Mephisto Beatriz’s soul in exchange for his freedom, built Tower of Babel and used Solomon’s seal, fought Puck and Modred in past, recently attained Solomon’s Seal, took over town of White Cross, Newfoundland, approached Gate of Heaven, but was captured by Mephisto when Puck cracked his armor.
    Mystical knowledge, used the demon Dargill to capture souls, kept souls in his brass armor
    (app)--[Alpha Flight I#12], Alpha Flight II#14 (16(fb1+2), 14-16

BRASS BISHOP (Robert Brasman) - Chess Set, leader, captured bodies of Silver and Auric after their deaths and exposure to power of the Sphinx, planned to sell them to the highest bidder, defeated by entity formed from merging of Silver and Auric, arrested.
    Teleport, predict opponents’ moves
    (app)--Alpha Flight I#120

BRASS FROG(s) - King Solomon's Tomb, two items, one brings objects back in time, the other returns them
  - KING SOLOMON's FROG(s)* (app)--Black Panther I#1 (1(fb), 1(fb), 1(fb), 1-4, Black Panther III#48(fb), 49(fb), 44(fb), [41, 42], 43-46, Black Panther IV#27-31, 33, Black Panther Annual#1

BRASSKNUCKLES ( ) - AIM assassin desiring death
    (app)--Death Metal#2 (3,4

BRATPACK (Alfy, Butch, Darla) - see FATBOYS.
    Group of kids briefly allied with Longshot, some briefly mutated by Spiral & Psylocke and served Mojo
    --Longshot#5 (6, New Mutants Annual#2--Fatboys

BRATPACK (Cannonball, Jubilee, Magik, Magma, Mirage, Straight Arrow, Sunspot, Template, Wolfsbane
    - Bratpack/Fatboys, plus several mutants, and the Coy Manh twins mutated by Spiral and Psylocke to serve as Mojo agents in the Wildways; returned to normal when Psylocke through off Spiral's control
    (app)--New Mutants Annual#2

BRATTON, - ARMOR armored agent
    *D*--Marvel Zombies 3#1 (2008)

    --Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos Annual#2

BRAUN, Dr. - former agent of Dr. Vault, sought wealth rather than power, killed by Vault after he tried to walk out on him
    *D* (app)--Astonishing Tales#21

BRAUN, father - town of Holly, assisted Wolverine against a Plodex, killed by Panzer.
    Fought evil with a sword
    --Wolverine Annual 2001/2 (Wolverine II#177, 178

BRAUTIGAN of Earth-712 - anchorman of WSQS, tv’s Squadron news station
    --Squadron Supreme I#10

BRAVADO of Earth-Battleworld (Balder Blake) - son of alternate dimensional counterparts of Thor and Enchantress, assisted Avengers during Destiny War
    (app-earthbat)—What If? II#114 (Avengers Forever#11,12

BRAVO - Warzone
    (app-wz)--Web of Spider-Man#44 (Incredible Hulk II#349

BRAWL (James Cole) - cyborg, government-empowered & directed Freedom Force
    subdermal force field renders him invulnerable, knows 17 different hand-to-hand combat styles
    --X-Men III#40 (2013), (identified) #41 (2013)

BRAWLER (Jacques Moreau) - Berserkers.
    wm, black hair, superhuman strength and durability
    (net)--X-Men/Alpha Flight I#1 (2)

BRAWLER ( ) - Circle of Pavane
    (app-pavane)—Avengers I#377

BRAWN (David Pike) - son of Cassandra Pike, battled his cousin, the She-Hulk
    (app)--Marvel Fanfare I#48

BRAWN, HUNTER - wealthy man, father of Tristan, employs Mr. Legault, arranged "accidental" death of Jubilee’s parents to gain control over their bank, imprisoned when jubilee turned in evidence of his activities.
    Generate energy armor

BRAWN, TRISTAN - Massachusetts Academy, son of Hunter, dated Paige Guthrie
    --Generation X#50, 51 (52(fb),52,57,An1999

BRAWN TANK - weapon used in plot to invade Stark Industries/International, destroyed by Iron Man
    (app)--"Iron Man in: Brains Over Brawn" (Hostess Fruit Pies advertisement in Marvel Team-Up #81 and other May 1979 issues)

BRAXTON, LLOYD - fired for gambling on company time, hired Claude Unger and sued for racial discrimination, defeated by Matt Murdock
    --Daredevil II#20

BRAXTON, SEWARD of Earth-712 - director of the national decriminalization institute in Pavlovia
    --Squadron Supreme I#10

BRAXUS - Wyrd Sisters.
    electromagnetic powers
    (app-wyrd)--Dark Angel#9, (named) 11 (12, 16

BRAZEN of Earth-93060 ( ) - partner of Gangsta, allied w/ Pilgrim, mother of Zip-Zap?

BRAZEN BULL-greek torture device used by Inanna's bailiff

BRAZIER of BALTHAKK – power item in Temple of Balthakk, empowered Inferno
    BLINDING BRAZIER of BALTHAKK* (app-inf)—Iron Man III#21/2

BRAZIER of TRUTH - associated with Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
    --Marvel Super-Heroes II#17 (Avengers I#71, 84, 100, Defenders I#4(fb), 4

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Last updated: 02/17/13