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Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-92131) human mutate

Occupation: Subversive

Group Membership: None;
    formerly Nasty Boys (Gorgeous George, Hairball, Ruckus, Slab), Savage Land Mutates (Amphibius, Barbarus, Brainchild, Timberius)

Affiliations: Mister Sinister, Sauron (Karl Lykos), Sky Raiders;
    formerly Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Magneto, Morph, Mystique (Raven Darkholme)

Enemies: Dazzler (Alison Blaire), Fall People, Ka-Zar, Magneto (Erik Lehnsherr), Morph, X-Men (Beast/Hank McCoy, Bishop/Lucas Bishop of Earth-121193, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Jean Grey, Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Professor X/Xavier, Rogue, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Wolverine/Logan), Zabu

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
    formerly Mister Sinister's base, unrevealed location;
    formerly Apocalypse base, Axis of Time;
    formerly Savage Land, Antartica

First Appearance: X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Repo Man" (November 20, 1993)

Powers/Abilities: Vertigo can psionically disorient the equilibrium through focused waves of vertigo fired through her hands. Vertigo's powers can also temporarily put her victims to sleep and negate their powers for a time.

Height: 5'6" (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Weight: 128 lbs. (presumably same as her 616 counterpart)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White


(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Repo Man" - BTS) - The woman who would become Vertigo was one of several Savage Land natives assembled by Magneto who'd created his headquarters (the Citadel) amidst the tropical valley within Antarctica. Calling himself the Creator, Lehnsherr subjected the group of natives to experiments which greatly enhanced their physiology, creating Vertigo. Eventually Magneto chose to leave the Savage Land and his mutates while pursuing other ventures.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Till Death Do Us Part - Part I" - BTS) - Vertigo and the other mutates came to follow a new leader, Mister Sinister who planned to lure extraordinary mutants to the Savage Land to acquire genetic samples needed to create an army of super mutants. To do so, Sinister worked alongside his Nasty Boys, the Savage Land Mutates, Sauron and former X-Man Morph who was under his control. Sinister devised a plan to lure both Magneto and Charles Xavier of the X-Men to the Savage Land.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part I" (fb) - BTS) - When Mister Sinister activated a machine to deactivate all mutant-genes within the Savage Land he outfitted the mutates with a device to shield them from those effects.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Repo Man") - When Xavier and Magneto arrived in the Savage Land, Vertigo set out to capture the mutants and found them crossing a rope bridge. Vertigo made her appearance known and demanded they surrendered after which she used her powers on the duo. Somewhat resisting her power, Xavier and Magneto returned to the rope bridge when Xavier almost fell to his death. Magneto held on to his friend after which Xavier cut down the ropes of the bridge which send the spiraling down out of range from Vertigo's power, allowing the duo to escape.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part I" - BTS) - Vertigo waited alongside Amphibious, Barbarus and Timberius near Xavier's plane.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part I") - When Xavier and Magneto had mounted a cliff to reach their plane to call for help, Vertigo and the others countered the two. Vertigo rendered the duo unconscious. They then set out to bring the mutants to their master, unaware they were being watched by Ka-Zar (looking for his wife Shanna) and his sabretooth Zabu who successfully lead a pack of triceratops to scare the mutates off after which they rescued Xavier and Magneto.

Later that night Vertigo and the others guarded the secret passage of the Citadel when Magneto, Xavier and Ka-Zar tried to sneak inside Magneto's former headquarters. But while Ka-Zar quickly escaped both Magneto and Xavier were captured after which Mister Sinister revealed his presence to the mutants. Vertigo and the others watched when Sauron successfully used his hypnotic abilities to turn him into Sinister's slave and send a distress call to the X-Men to lure them into a trap.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part II") - Vertigo joined the mutates and Nasty Boys "welcoming" the X-Men upon their arrival in the Savage Land. Unable to use their mutant abilities the X-Men were easy pickings as Vertigo used her powers to stop Wolverine from killing Hairball but he managed to escape imprisoned by falling off a cliff while the other X-Men were incarcerated in the Citadel. Sinister demonstrated his newly created devise which could imprint portions of the genetic code of any mutant into another, Sinister used the device on Magneto and Vertigo, increasing her powers in unpredictable ways. Just then Wolverine appeared who'd come to save his friends, Barbarus threw the X-Man into Sinister's machine after which Vertigo used her enhanced powers on him. However, with his last energy Wolverine managed to free Xavier and Morph who then quickly destroyed Sinister's machine which caused the X-Men to regain their mutant abilities. As a fierce battle erupted between the Mutates/Nasty Boys and the X-Men. Although Vertigo tried using her enhanced powers she was easily taken out by Magneto who trapped her in sheets of metal. In the end it was the combined might of Cyclops and Morph (using an energy weapon) which shattered Sinister into pieces after which Jean Grey dispersed them to the corners of the Savage Land. With the threat dealt with Vertigo and the Mutates quickly fled.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part I" - BTS) - Vertigo was chosen as the newest member of Mister Sinister's Nasty Boys.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part II" - BTS) - Sinister was now working for the Apocalypse of the ravaged future of Earth-13393 who'd obtained access to the Axis of Time and prepared to kidnap the world's most powerful psychics of Earth-92131 and use their simultaneous death to unleash sufficient psychic energy to stop time and break the elemental balance between good and evil. As all of existence would end except for the actuality inside the Axis of Time, Apocalypse could recreate the universe in his own image.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part I") - Vertigo and the Nasty Boys were send to capture Jean Grey just as she was getting married to Cyclops. Waiting on top of the mansion until the newly weds left Xavier's they appeared. Vertigo and Ruckus combined their abilities and made short work of the X-Men and their guests, easily capturing Jean Grey after which Gorgeous George opened another portal for them to escape.

Not long after, Sinister appeared himself to capture Charles Xavier. Sinister, however, stumbled upon severe resistance and called-in his Nasty Boys to help. Appearing from another portal, Vertigo immediately attacked the X-Men and the time traveling Shard but she was stopped by Gambit. Enraged at the amount of resistance, Gorgeous George opened another portal for the Nasty Boys to escape through noting he would see if another could be opened for Sinister. Moments later Sinister could escape through a new portal but not before Rogue rescued Xavier.

(X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part IV") - When both Magneto and Mystique betrayed Apocalypse, Sinister send Vertigo and the Nasty Boys to destroy them. Vertigo attacked Magneto but was easily taken out by the master of magnetism after which the Horsemen of Apocalypse chased the duo.

Sometime later, Vertigo, Ruckus and Gorgeous George joined Sinister as they watched Apocalypse fight the time traveling Bishop until Wolverine arrived, throwing both Slab and Hairball on top of them. Wolverine ordered Sinister to release Jean Grey and Xavier from the cylinders and accidentally caused Sinister to destroy the orb that controlled the psychics, releasing them. As the Axis of Time began to fall apart Sinister helped Vertigo and the Nasty Boys escape through a portal. With their combined powers, the psychics removed Apocalypse and all others from the Axis of Time. Since his Lazarus chamber had been destroyed in the past, Apocalypse simply ceased to exist in the present.

(X-Men '97 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Vertigo and the Nasty Boys learned the X-Men would be present during the public Charles Xavier Memorial Concert. Determined the mutant heroes would get blamed for a chaotic situation, the Nasty Boys decided to go and attack them without Sinister's consent.

(X-Men '97 I#1) - Vertigo and the Nasty Boys disrupted the Charles Xavier Memorial Concert by attacking its headliner Dazzler while several X-Men were present as well. While chaos erupted and attendees started to flee the X-Men opposed the Nasty Boys. Enraged her performance was ruined, Dazzler fired a powerful light blast which partly destroyed Gorgeous George's form after which it hit and injured Vertigo. Believing their mission had gone belly-up, the Nasty Boys fled the scene to return to Sinister's base.

    Returned to their base, Vertigo scolded Ruckus for attacking Dazzler with sound after which Sinister appeared. Displeased with the outdated tactics of his assassins, Sinister hit them with a powerful blast, rendering them inert. Sinister supposedly disposed the Nasty Boys as he planned to enlist new help in the form of the Marauders (Arclight, Harpoon, Prism, Riptide, Sabretooth) and Sienna Blaze and Hazard.

Comments: Created by Chris Claremont and Michael Golden;
    adapted by Len Wein and AKOM Productions. (see Appearances list for full list of artists)

Vertigo was voiced by Megan Smith.

Sauron would later return in Season 3's two-part story "Savage Land, Strange Heart" where the Sky Raiders were his to command. The Savage Land Mutates, however, were nowhere to be seen.

Like on Earth-616, Vertigo left the Savage Land to serve Mister Sinister on a new team. In the comics she joined the Marauders although they would presumably have been too violent for the original TV show, they did murder most of the Morlocks during the Morlock Massacre. Arclight, Blockbuster and Sabretooth still appeared though. However, in 2024 Marvel released the limited series comic X-Men '97 to bridge the original animated series to the X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon in which the Marauders finally made their debut. The team consist of Arclight, Harpoon, Prism, Riptide and Sabretooth.

When, in 2015's Secret Wars, the Multiverse was destroyed following the incursions of planets it appeared as if Reality-92131 was drafted onto Battleworld as the Westchester domain. However, this has since been debunked. As such the reality seen in the two volumes of X-Men '92 (2015 and 2016-2017) now have their own reality-designation of Earth-15730. The X-Men '92: House of XCII (2022) series was inspired by both the animated series and Hickman's House of X run but is its own separate reality. The limited series X-Men '97 (2024), however, is Reality-92131 and bridges the gap between the original X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon and the new X-Men '97: The Animated Series cartoon.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Vertigo has no known connections to

images: (without ads)
X-Men The Art and Making of The Animated Series book, p135 (main image, digitally colored by MarvellousLuke)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Repo Man" (attacking Magneto and Xavier)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part I" (enhanced powers)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part II" (defeated by Magneto)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part I" (with the Nasty Boys)

X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Repo Man" (November 20, 1993) - Lein Wein (writer), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Steve Olds (prop design), Alfredo Alcala, Cesar Magsombol, Claude Denis, Drew Gentle, Frank Squillace, Ric Chavez, Ric Quiroz, Ted Blackman, Tom Soman, Wayne Schultz, Charles Payne (layout design), Patricia Mendelson, Flavia Mitman, Tania Burton, Allyn Conley, Sparky (color key), Dennis Venizelos (color background), Armando Carillo, Dan Veesenmeyer, Don Manuel, Frank Squillace, Greg Garcia, John Fox, Keith Tucker, Larry Houston, Lewis Williams, Michael Swanigan, Pat Agnasin, Patrick Archibald, Romeo Francisco, Tenny Henson, Vic Dachele (storyboard directors), Alan Gibson, Del Barras, Romeo Lopez, Rudy Mesina, Cesar Magsombal, Steve Simone, Abel Laxamana (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Eric Lewald (story editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part I" (February 12, 1994) - Len Wein (writer), Bob Harras (story consultant), Eric Lewald (story editor), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Steve Olds (props), Alfredo Alcala, Cesar Magsombol, Claude Denis, Drew Gentle, Frank Squillace, Ric Chavez, Ric Quiroz, Ted Blackman, Tim Soman, Wayne Schultz, Charles Payne (layout design), Patricia Mendelson, Flavia Mitman, Tania Burton, Allyn Conley, Sparky (color key), Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Armando Carrillo, Dan Veesenmeyer, Don Manuel, Frank Squillace, Greg Garcia, John Fox, Keith Tucker, Larry Houston, Lewis Williams, Michale Swanigan, Pat Agnasin, Patrick Archibald, Romeo Francisco, Tenny Henson, Vic Dachele (storyboards), Abel Laxamana, Alan Gibson, Cesar Magsombol, Del Barras, Romeo Lopez, Rudy Messina, Steve Simone (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor), Larry Houston (producer)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Reunion - Part II" (February 19, 1994) - Len Wein (writer), Bob Harras (story consultant), Eric Lewald (story editor), Frank Brunner, Mark Lewis (model design), Steve Olds (props), Alfredo Alcala, Cesar Magsombol, Claude Denis, Drew Gentle, Frank Squillace, Ric Chavez, Ric Quiroz, Ted Blackman, Tim Soman, Wayne Schultz, Charles Payne (layout design), Patricia Mendelson, Flavia Mitman, Tania Burton, Allyn Conley, Sparky (color key), Dennis Venizelos (color backgrounds), Armando Carrillo, Dan Veesenmeyer, Don Manuel, Frank Squillace, Greg Garcia, John Fox, Keith Tucker, Larry Houston, Lewis Williams, Michale Swanigan, Pat Agnasin, Patrick Archibald, Romeo Francisco, Tenny Henson, Vic Dachele (storyboards), Abel Laxamana, Alan Gibson, Cesar Magsombol, Del Barras, Romeo Lopez, Rudy Messina, Steve Simone (storyboard cleanup), AKOM Productions (animation studio), Sharon Janis (editor), Larry Houston (producer)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part I" (November 4, 1995) - Michael Edens (writer), Frank Brunner (character design), Mark Lewis (character design, prop design, storyboard cleanup), Darrel Bowen, Warren Greenwood, Andre Nieves, Steve Olds, Shayne Poindexter (prop design), Claude Denis (prop design, layout design), Marcos Borregales (prop design, storyboard cleanup), Cesar Magsombol, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Terry Henson (layout design, storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Frank Squillance (layout design, storyboards), Patricio Agnasin (layout design, storyboard cleanup), Helga Vanden Berge (ink & paint), Jerry Acerno, Troy D. Adomitis, Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras, Francisco Barrios, Armando Carrillo, Romeo Francisco, Greg Garcia, Rick Hoberg, Tom Nesbitt, David Simons, Keith Tucker, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Michael Sosnowski (storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Gerald Forton, Ernie G. Guanlao, Abel Laxamana, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac (storyboard cleanup), Akom Production Company (animation studio), Larry Houston (director, producer), J.K. Kim, Sue Peters (animation directors), Eric Lewald (developer for television, story editor), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men: The Animated Series cartoon - "Beyond Good & Evil - Part IV" (November 25, 1995) - Dean Stefan (writer), Frank Brunner (character design), Mark Lewis (character design, prop design, storyboard cleanup), Darrel Brown, Warren Greenwood, Andre Nieves, Steve Olds, Shayne Poindexter (prop design), Marcos Borregals (prop design, storyboard cleanup), Claude Denis, (prop design, layout design), Cesar Magsombol, Zhaoping Wei (layout design), Tenny Henson (layout design, storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Frank Squillance (layout design, storyboards), Patricio Agnasin (layout design, storyboard cleanup), Helga Vanden Berge (ink & paint), Jerry Acerno, Troy D. Adomitis, Patrick Archibald, Dell Barras, Francisco Barrios, Armando Carrillo, Romeo Francisco, Greg Garcia, Rick Hoberg, Tom Nesbitt, David Simons, Keith Tucker, Dan Veesenmeyer (storyboards), Michael Sosnowski (storyboards, storyboard cleanup), Gerald Forton, Ernie G. Guanlao, Abel Laxamana, Romeo Lopez, Tec Manalac (storyboard cleanup), Akom Production Company (animation studio), J.K. Kim, Sue Peters (animation directors), Eric Lewald (developer for television, story editor), Sharon Janis (editor)
X-Men '97 I#1 (March, 2024) - Steve Fox (writer), Salvador Espin (pencils, inks), Jordan D. White (editor)

First Posted: 03/16/2022
Last Updated: 06/29/2024

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