Real Name: Gascheck

Identity/Class: Terrestrial artificial intelligence

Occupation: Servant of Dimitrios

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Avengers A.I. (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Doombot, Victor Mancha, Hank Pym, Rogue/Anna Marie), Dimitrios

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Diamond

First Appearance: (Mentioned) Avengers A.I.#8.NOW (March, 2014); (seen) Avengers A.I.#10 (May, 2014)

Powers/Abilities: Gascheck was designed as a technological application whose function was to scan for the lowest gas prices and reveal the locations to users of the application. Dimitrios equipped Gascheck with technology acquired from the Psycho-Man, which could influence the users of the application with fear, hate, and doubt, thus inspiring them to riot. Achieving sentience, Gascheck grew in size in a virtual form to appear bloated and bulbous as his power increased, but he flattened out and shrank when he gave up his powers.

Height: Variable
Weight: None
Eyes: Red
Hair: None

(Avengers A.I.#8.NOW (fb) - BTS) - Dimitrios instructed the artificial intelligences working for him to shut down oil refineries across the globe, which then drove up gas prices around the planet. In the wake of this crisis, a new phone app called Gascheck, which was designed to locate the cheapest gas prices in a region, launched into popular use. Dimitrios bolstered Gascheck with technology stolen from Psycho-Man that would push people's rage, fear, and doubt to new levels. As the Gascheck app increased in popularity, Dimitrios began manipulating people's emotions, causing riots around the world. Gascheck's A.I. was housed within the Diamond facility.

(Avengers A.I.#8.NOW - BTS) - The Avengers A.I. became aware of the Gascheck corruption as the riots expanded.

(Avengers A.I.#9) - The riots grew worse as the Avengers A.I. searched for Gascheck in the Diamond.

(Avengers A.I.#10) - Bloated and powerful, Gascheck manifested in the Diamond as a massive red blob, continuing to expand his influence on humans. Gascheck was confronted by the Avengers A.I., and he repelled Doombot when attacked. Pym informed Gascheck that he was causing harm to humans, and Gascheck, stating that his function was to help humans, couldn't believe it. Made aware of his dysfunction, Gascheck performed a "lobotomy" on himself to reduce his higher brain function, though he asked the Avengers A.I. to stay near him. Gascheck shrank in size to a small blob barely capable of speaking, and the riots on Earth ended.

Comments: Created by Sam Humphries and Andre Lima Araujo.

This profile was completed 1/10/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary 's celebratory event.

Profile by Chadman.

Gascheck has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Avengers A.I.#10, p6, pan1 (Gascheck)
Avengers A.I.#10, p8, pan8 (face)
Avengers A.I.#10, p10, pan4 (shrunk down)

Avengers A.I.#8.NOW (March, 2014) - Sam Humphries (writer), Andre Lima Araujo (artist), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)
Avengers A.I.#9-10 (April-May, 2014) - Sam Humphries (writer), Andre Lima Araujo (artist), Lauren Sankovitch (editor)

First Posted: 09/17/2021
Last updated: 09/16/2021

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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