Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Dragon (see comments)

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Mystic of Moondark Mount

Enemies: Marok the Merciless

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed (see comments)

First Appearance: Savage Tales I#6/4 (September 1974)

Powers/Abilities: The dragon was extremely large and physically powerful. Its teeth had mystical properties and could be removed (and presumably returned) easily; if planted in the ground and tended to, the teeth would grow into a full sized human warrior, complete with weapons and armor, within a few weeks.

Height: 9' (by approximation)
Length:' (head to base of tail) 22' (by approximation); (head to end of tail) 40' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: None

Savage Tales I#6/4 (fb) - BTS) - For unrevealed reasons, a dragon entrusted its teeth to the Mystic of Moondark Mount. However, while he was holding them, the Mystic was visited by Marok the Merciless, a barbarian conqueror whose army had recently been wiped out to a man. The belligerent barbarian demanded the Mystic provide him with a new army, intending  to kill him if he did not. Having apparently foreseen this situation, the Mystic mentioned that he had dragon's teeth that if planted would grow into an army that would follow the planter to the ends of the Earth and to the death. Marok predictably demanded the teeth, and when the Mystic told him he could not, Marok knocked him down before he could explain why and took the teeth anyway, with the Mystic shouting after the departing warlord that he would regret his actions. Sure enough, a few weeks later the enraged Marok returned, because the teeth had indeed grown into an army which had followed him, but only because they wanted to slay him, and he had only narrowly managed to survive by destroying them by triggering a landslide.

(Savage Tales I#6/4) - As Marok confronted the Mystic, the dragon arrived at Moondark Mount to reclaim his teeth. Focused on the Mystic in his rage, Marok failed to notice its shadow gradually falling over them both, instead listening as the Mystic rebutted Marok's outrage by pointing out that he had tried to tell the barbarian that he had only been holding the teeth for their real owner. When Marok demanded to know what he meant by that, the Mystic told him to see for himself, and pointed behind the barbarian. Turning, Marok saw the angry dragon now looming over him, and screamed in terror while the Mystic gleefully pronounced that the dragon had come back for its teeth.

Comments: Created by Len Wein and Steve Gan.

   The dragon isn't named in the story, so I've identified him using the location we saw him at, since even though it doesn't seem to be his regular haunt, it's the only piece of identifying information we have. Neither does the story offer any clues as to whether it is set in the distant barbarian past of Earth, such as the eras of Kull or Conan, or if it might be in some kind of fantasy dimension.

   This profile was completed 09/17/2021, but its publication was delayed as it was intended for the Appendix 20th anniversary's celebratory event.

Profile by Loki.

The Dragon of Moondark Mount has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Savage Tales I#6/4, p9, pan1 (main image)

Savage Tales I#6/4 (September 1974) - Len Wein (writer), Steve Gan (art), Marv Wolfman, Tony Isabella (consulting editors), Gerry Conway, Doug Moench (contributing editors)

First Posted: 09/18/2021
Last updated:

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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