Real Name: Maise Brewn
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Inhuman)
Occupation: None;
former yoga instructor/co-owner of Peaceful
Sanctuary Yoga Studio, podcaster, community programs volunteer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Fred;
formerly Ray Hutchinson
Enemies: Hulk (Jennifer Walters),
Ray Hutchinson, Maxwell, Stewart, Mr. Tick
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: New York City, New York,
First Appearance: Hulk IV#1 (February, 2017)
Powers/Abilities: After undergoing
Terrigenesis, Maise Brewn developed the ability to manifest her fears
as shadowy monsters, which would act of their own accord to protect
her. The monsters can form a larger giant monster that Maise can
control. Maise can also extend shadowy tendrils from her own form and
take control of others' minds. Maise can also form large shields around
Her eyes are now solid black and Maise has a rather
emaciated form since her transformation.
Maise is also a talented yoga instructor.
Height: 5'8'' (by approximation)
Weight: 125 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Solid black; formerly brown
Hair: Brown
History: (Hulk
IV#3 (fb) - BTS)
- Maise Brewn was a yoga instructor at Peaceful Sanctuary Yoga Studio
and she hosted a podcast on wellness while regularly volunteering in
community programs. She and Ray Hutchinson co-owned the yoga studio.
Ray wanted to sell the business and hired men to kill Maise.
(Hulk IV#4 (fb)) - Maise left her yoga
class but was pursued by men dressed in black, who cornered her in an
alley and badly beat her, leaving her for dead.
(Hulk IV#3 (fb) - BTS) -
Maise was badly wounded and hospitalized for three months and Ray was
soon arrested.
(Hulk IV#5 (fb) - BTS) - Maise underwent
Terrigenesis, developing the ability to summon shadowy creatures who
served as her protectors and who could combine into a larger form.
During times of distress, the creature would grow more massive in size
and send out tendrils to the world around her, committing acts of
violence or even finding other civilians to infect and control.
(Hulk IV#1 (fb) - BTS) - Maise worked
with the law
offices of Ryu, Barber, Zucker and Scott, who helped to handle her
affairs, with attorney Fred being appointed directly to help her. After
transformation, Maise didn't leave her house ever but when her
landlord Mr. Tick, who regularly cashed her checks while claiming she
wasn't paying her rent, threatened to evict her, Maise realized she
needed help.
(Hulk IV#1) - Brewn went to the law
offices and waited in the dark of Jennifer Walters' office until
Walters entered. Brewn scared Walters at first then explained why she
needed help, showing all the bank statements that showed she had paid
her rent in the past. Maise then rushed out, saying she had to be home
before dark. As she rushed away, Maise asked Walters to promise that
she'd save her home but Walters only promised to do her very best.
Back at her apartment, Maise sought assurance in the darkness that she
would be okay and the darkness promised she would.
(Hulk IV#2) - When Tick pounded on
Maise's door, she called Walters for help but Walters was unavailable.
That night, a shadowy monster hunted down Tick and killed him.
(Hulk IV#3) - The police (including
Stewart and Maxwell)
came to question Maise about Tick's death and she answered their
questions through the door. She collapsed in her apartment, crying out
to be protected. As the police left, they were attacked by the shadows.
(Hulk IV#4) - Maise woke up and asked the
shadow if it would keep protecting her. Later, Walters visited Maise
and found her apartment and building in squalor. When Walters informed
Maise that the apartment building had been sold by Tick months before,
Maise panicked and released the monster inside her.

(Hulk IV#5) - As Walters fled down the hall and up to
the roof, Maise pursued her with her monster. Maise spread her control
outward, taking over the forms of civilians, then formed her monsters
into one massive giant. As they attacked, Walters changed into her Hulk
(Hulk IV#6) - The shadow giant formed a shield over Hulk
and sought to feed on her but she broke free, dispersing the creature.
Maise screamed at Hulk for disrupting her safety then tried to kill
herself by setting off a fiery explosion but Hulk grabbed her and
rushed free, saving Maise's life as the building exploded behind her.
Maise was arrested for reckless endangerment after being treated for
minor injuries. Her fear creature remained free.
Comments: Created by Mariko
Tamaki and Nico Leon.
Profile by Chadman.
Maise Brewn has no known connections to:
- any other "Maise" or "Brewn"
images: (without ads)
Hulk IV#5, p19, pan1 (main)
Hulk IV#1, p8, pan2 (face)
Hulk IV#3, p17, pan3 (in yoga pose)
Hulk IV#5, p18, pan4 (controlling others)
Hulk IV#6, p4, pan3 (forming shield)
Hulk IV#1 (February, 2017) - Mariko Tamaki (writer), Nico Leon
(artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Hulk IV#2 (March, 2017) - Mariko Tamaki (writer), Nico Leon, Dalibor
Talajic (artists), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Hulk IV#3-6 (April-July, 2017) - Mariko Tamaki (writer), Nico Leon
(artist), Mark Paniccia (editor)
First Posted: 03/25/2021
Last updated: 03/25/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let
me know.
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