(of Earth-22191)

Classification: Terrestrial building

Creator: Unrevealed

User/Possessors: Spider-Byte (Margo)

First Appearance: Vault of Spiders I#1 (December, 2018)

Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology Building functioned as a typical science lab and it was equipped with a large computer lab.

History: (Vault of Spiders I#1/4) - The Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology Building was a place of learning named after Peter Parker who was deceased or at least presumed so. The world it was in had a vibrant community active in the virtual reality of cyberspace. A young woman named Margo, who was a student at the Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology, decided to use her spare time by helping the Cyber Crime Investigation. Adopting a masked identity, she spent the time between her classes in the computer lab of the Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology, where, after logging into cyberspace, she went after cybercriminals herself, becoming known as the vigilante Spider-Byte.

Comments: Created by Nilah Magruder and Alberto Jimenez Albuquerque.

Profile by HBK123.

Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology Building has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Vault of Spiders I#1, p18, pan1 (Peter Parker Memorial Science & Technology Building, main image)

Vault of Spiders I#1 (December, 2018) - "Spider-Byte" - Nilah Magruder (writer), Alberto Jimenez Albuquerque (pencils, inks), Nick Lowe (editor)

First Posted: 06/03/2020
Last updated: 06/03/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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