"future mutates"
(of Earth-18352)
Classification: Extradimensional (Earth-18352) mutates
Location/Base of Operations: Earth-616's Ophrah
Industries building in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado,
formerly the deserts of Earth-18352
Known Members: None identified
Enemies: Armor (Hisako Ichiki), Cable (Nathan
Summers), Doop,
Longshot, Shatterstar (Gaveedra-Seven), X-23 (Laura Kinney) (all of
First Appearance: Cable III#152 (February,
Powers/Abilities: The "future mutates"
possessed claws fingers and razor-sharp teeth. Their mouths also
emitted a smoky green haze, suggesting some sort of acidic breath or
Traits: Each of the "future mutates" were
virtually mindless, acting entirely on animalistic instinct. They could
be trained to answer to a specific master and were extremely savage in
their attacks. They possessed no hair, red skin and eyes and mouths
that glowed green. Each mutate appeared humanoid and some even
resembled human shapes.
Type: Bilaterally symmetrical bipeds
Eyes: Two (glowing green in color)
Fingers: Three to five (depending on the mutate)
Toes: Two
Skin color: Red
Average height: Various
History: (Cable III#153 (fb)) - On Earth-18352, circa 5352 A.D.,
the "future mutates" sensed the presence of the traveling Gideon and
his robot assistant Eve and attacked, their own presence sensed moments
before the attack by Eve. By 5361 A.D., Gideon had bent the mutates to
his will and had begun using them as a foraging pack. While searching
New York, Gideon, Eve and the mutates came across an abandoned
X-Mansion in Central Park and once inside, Gideon ordered Eve and the
mutates to search the mansion for supplies while he searched for any
other interesting things. When Gideon found Cable's former cybernetic
arm, he informed Eve and the mutates of the arm's time-travel
capabilities, suggesting that if the arm still worked, it could prove
an end to their struggling.
(Cable III#152 (fb) - BTS) - Gideon used the arm to
travel to the past of Earth-616, bringing along the mutates as he
settled into the last surviving Ophrah Industries building in the Black
Canyon of the Gunnison, Colorado.
(Cable III#152) - When Earth-616's Cable and his allies investigated the Ophrah Industries building and were met by Earth-18352's Gideon, the "future mutates" were unleashed against Cable and his allies. The mutates quickly swarmed Cable and his allies, savagely attacking them, and some were killed during the battle. One of the mutates eventually downed Doop, inadvertently taking down Doop's psychic shield preventing Gideon's captive telepaths from attacking Cable and his allies.
(Cable III#153) - The surviving mutates surrounded
Cable and his allies as the captive telepaths attacked and
incapacitated the heroes. Doop was quickly awakened and he temporarily
generated a new psychic shield, buying the heroes time to escape the
telepaths and the mutates before he passed out once more. The mutates
immediately pursuing the escaping heroes until the heroes came to a
sealed door. As the heroes realized the only exit would back through
the swarm of mutates, the Ophrah Industries self-destruct program was
activated and the building soon exploded, apparently killing all of the
remaining mutates in the blast.
Comments: Created by Ed Brisson and Jon Malin.
The "future mutates" were never identified on-panel.
No actual origin was given but since some of the mutates had a humanoid
shape, it seems likely that they might have once been human beings or
evolved from humans over time....
Profile by Proto-Man.
The "future mutates" have no known connections to
images: (without ads)
Cable III#153, p2, pan5 ("future mutates"
emerging from the desert sand, main image)
Cable III#152, p17, pan1-2 ("future mutates" being
unleashed against Cable)
Cable III#153, p3, pan1 ("future mutates" being used as a foraging pack
by Gideon)
Cable III#152 (February, 2018) - Ed Brisson (writer), Jon Malin (art),
Darren Shan, Mark Paniccia (editors)
Cable III#153 (March, 2018) - Ed Brisson (writer), Jon Malin (art),
Darren Shan (editor)
First Posted: 02/24/2019
Last updated:
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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