comic book coverVAPOR GIRL

Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-33213) human (presumably; see comments);
    fictional character on Earth-33

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Possible connection to the military defense organization code-named A.M.E.R.I.C.A.

Allies: Tommy, General Lawton

Enemies: King Groo-Moor, the Menons

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed

First Appearance: Unstable Molecule#1 (March 2003)

Powers/Abilities: Vapor Girl is presumably a very skilled fighter. Whether she has any vapor-based superpowers or weaponry which would explain her name, is never displayed in her few appearances, although she can apparently "turn herself into mist or something." She does display an uncommon degree of willpower and may be able to astrally project, although that is likely a side effect of the Menons' treatment of her (see below).

headshot(Unstable Molecules#2) - In Vapor Girl#3 (June 1958), Vapor Girl found herself in "The Stone Cold Clutches of King Groo-Moor."

(Unstable Molecules#1) - In an adventure which took place no earlier than June and no later than October 1958, Vapor Girl intercepted an invasion force by the (presumably alien) Menons. She attempted to escape in order to alert her ally in the military, General Lawton, but was captured.

(Unstable Molecules#2) - The Menons attached Vapor Girl to an "atomic manipulator ray," one blast from which had the intended effect of paralyzing her. A second blast separated her mind from her physical form. As a bodiless wraith, she was able to watch as her body was led unresistingly by the Menons on a leash, and was unable to understand why she didn't resist. The Menons also captured her friend, the young boy Tommy, who was allowed to see her mindless form but who was unable to rouse it into action. As the Menons brought Tommy outside (one must presume in order to join their human slave ranks), he grabbed one of their laser guns and used it to ignite a nearby lawn mower, which burst into flames. He was able to escape in the resulting confusion, and sought to hide in the fog of the Lost Valley, despite the knowledge that "those who journey into the Lost Valley never return." 

    Unable to assist Tommy directly, Vapor Girl willed herself to appear to her ally General Lawton at A.M.E.R.I.C.A. headquarters, in order to request that he rescue Tommy before the boy was lost forever. In the midst of the Valley, Tommy encountered the immense King Groo-Moor. Meanwhile, despite the fact that America's defense forces were in disarray, General Lawton had followed Tommy into the Lost Valley. He too, was captured by King Groo-Moor and his stony underworld minions, and was reunited with Tommy. Distressed at her friends' helplessness, Vapor Girl interrupted a third treatment on her body by the "atomic manipulator ray," which would have allowed a Menon scientist to control her body with his own brain. Through sheer force of will, she channeled her spirit into the path of the atomic manipulation beam, thus reuniting herself with her body. She was finally able to turn the beam aside and escape, freeing herself to save the world.

(Unstable Molecules#2) - In Vapor Girl#3 (June 1958), Vapor Girl found herself in "The Stone Cold Clutches of King Groo-Moor."

(Unstable Molecules#1) - In an adventure which took place no earlier than June and no later than October 1958, Vapor Girl intercepted an invasion force by the (presumably alien) Menons. She attempted to escape in order to alert her ally in the military, General Lawton, but was captured.

Comments:  Created by James Sturm.

    Vapor Girl was a fictional character depicted in the series Unstable Molecules, and was devotedly read by the one of the story's protagonists, Jonathan Sturm. Johnny Sturm is the Earth-33 counterpart to the Earth-616 Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch. It is unrevealed whether Vapor Girl comics were published on Earth-616, although I'd like to think so.

    The writer and artist on the strip as credited in the Earth-33 comic were Stan Lee and Rupert Coles. Coles based her visual appearance on Susan Sturm, the Earth-33 counterpart to the Earth-616 Sue Storm, aka the Invisible Girl.

    In an infinite multiverse, every reality exists. Whether the Vapor Girl comic paralleled the alternate reality character for some reason or just strange coincidence is unrevealed. It is also possible that Vapor Girl existed on Earth-616 in the pre-modern era, around the dates of his stories' publication, but was poorly remembered for some reason.

Profile by Mikel Midnight


Vapor Girl has no known connection to...


Unstable Molecules#1, p 3, pan 6 (head shot)

Unstable Molecules#2, p 23, pan1 (cover of Vapor Girl#3)

Last updated: 05/10/16

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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