Real Name: Unrevealed 

Identity/Class: Unrevealed

Occupation: Unrevealed 

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None 

Enemies: Unrevealed 

Known Relatives: None 

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Unrevealed 

First Appearance: (Mentioned) Marvel Year-in-Review '93 (1993)

Powers/Abilities: Unrevealed

History: (Marvel Year-in-Review '93) - "Sometimes he's acute, sometimes he's obtuse, but he's seldom right! Not much is known about the history of the man who is called the Angle - and what is known is more than anyone cares about!"

Comments: Created by Tom Brevoort and Mike Kanterovich.

The Angle was one of five joke characters whose origins were given in the Marvel Year-in-Review '93 for the article "I created a new character for Marvel and all I got was this lousy trading card!", which took a derisory look at the spate of new characters introduced in Marvel's 1993 annuals (Face Thief, Bantam, etc.). After ridiculing the characters who had actually appeared, the article then listed "...and the ones that got away", noting "Believe it or not, there were some characters who didn't make the cut for the Superstars of Tomorrow. That's right...they were too weak even to fit in with this bunch. Here's a peek." Only a paragraph worth of text description was given, and no images, so the details above are pretty much the entirety of the character's existence, and in the Angle's case, even that single paragraph provided absolutely zero detail about the character (literally, just the quote given in the history above). Joke character or not, he's Appendix worthy, and presumably is owned by Marvel, should some demented writer ever decide to actually use him.

Each character, both those that had been used and the five parodies, had bullet-points listing the schticks the new characters embodied. In the Angle's case, it was "Zero Imagination" as the character is a perfect embodiment of someone a writer has created with no effort whatsoever put into developing who they are, not even figuring out their powers.

Profile by Loki.

The Angle has no known connections to

images: None

Marvel Year-in-Review '93 (1993) - Tom Brevoort & Mike Kanterovich (writers), Evan Skolnick (editor)

Last updated: 08/19/13

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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