The dire villainy of Waterman!


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human mutate/mutant

Occupation: Industrial saboteur and criminal

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: None

Enemies: Iron Man (Tony Stark), Stark Industries

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Waterman desires cupcakes

Base of Operations: Stark plant somewhere in the USA

First Appearance: Hostess Cupcakes ad, Iron Man in "Rust Be My Destiny!" from Uncanny X-Men I#106 (August, 1977) and other issues published in that month

Powers/Abilities: Waterman seemed to have ability to control and manipulate water. He was able to create powerful blasts of water from his hands that could rust metal quickly. Any other abilities were unrevealed.


(Iron Man in "Rust Be My Destiny!") - After discovering that a Stark Industries factory lunchroom contained a large amount of delicious Hostess cupcakes, Waterman vowed to steal them and began flooding the factory with his ability to manipulate water. Tony Stark learned of his attack and donned his Iron Man armor and went to investigate. Upon arriving, Iron Man was blasted by torrents of water and was rusting rapidly. However, Waterman was hit with an intense beam of energy and was rendered unconscious by Iron Man who then began blasting the flooded water into steam, thus saving the factory, employees and, importantly, the Hostess cupcakes.

Waterman blasts Iron Man

Comments: Created by unknown writer, George Tuska (penciler) and inker.

Of all the Hostess villains, only Icemaster has shown up in an Earth-616 title. He could have crossed over to Earth-616 from "Earth-Hostess," but I say leave them on Earth-616 until proven otherwise. Nonetheless, until they do show up in regular continuity, they remain outside regular canon. Surely someone will write a story teaming them all together.---Snood.

This is not true anymore as some Hostess ad villains were mentioned in the Fantastic Four Encyclopedia as natives of Earth-616. And lets not forget about Printout Man in the New Avengers Most Wanted Files.

You can get the whole story, and some clever commentary from Seanbaby's The Hostess Page. It might not meet with the Comics Code Authority's approval, so kids, ask your parents before checking that out!

Profile by AvatarWarlord72.

Waterman has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
Iron Man in "Rust Be My Destiny!", panel 5 (main image)

panel 1 (flooding the plant)
panel 3 (blasting Iron Man)

Last updated: 01/29/06

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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