Mika, the 24/7 underwear model


Real Name: Mika (last name unrevealed)

Identity/Class: Normal human (European nationality unrevealed)

Occupation: Fashion model (specializing in male underwear)

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: She-Hulk, Janet Van Dyne (loose)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile internationally, especially Europe and New York

First Appearance: She-Hulk III#1 (May, 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Mika was a normal human and considered sufficiently handsome to become a male fashion model. His English language skills were moderate and rode a motorbike. He liked Jennifer Walters more in her She-Hulk form.

Mika the cover-boy: 'cos he's worth it


(She-Hulk III#1 (fb) - BTS) - Mika was Europe's top male fashion model renown for showcasing male underwear. He met up with She-Hulk at the after-party of Janet Van Dyne's spring fashion show and left the party early to go home with her to her Avengers Mansion bedroom.

(She-Hulk III#1) - The next morning, Mika was suddenly woken up when She-Hulk accidentally knocked him out of bed. They later shared breakfast but Jarvis was concerned about her unannounced overnight guests and whimsically speculated that Mika might even be a Hydra agent. Nevertheless, She-Hulk left for work and asked Jarvis to see him out. Mika later attended a victory party at the Mansion, celebrating alongside She-Hulk

   A day or so later, She-Hulk invited Mika to her legal firm's office to celebrate a courtroom victory. When he arrived, She-Hulk jumped on him in joy as the others in her office had already passed out. She woke the next morning in bed to find Mika trying to sneak out as he could not find enough depth in her to form a relationship. She-Hulk was surprised that a model could see her as shallow. Mika left, asking Jarvis to show him out.

Comments: Created by Dan Slott (writer), Juan Bobillo (pencils) and Marcelo Sosa (inks).

Hm, you don't see too many male underwear models with chest hair.

The name Mika is a Finnish shortened form for Mikael (apparently "he who is like God?"). But in Japanese, the female name of Mika apparently relates to "beauty" or "beautiful smell"...

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Mika has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
She-Hulk III#1, p5, pan4 (bedside)

p4, pan2 (cover shot)

She-Hulk III#1 (May, 2004) - Dan Slott (writer), Juan Bobillo (pencils), Marcelo Sosa (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

Last updated: 01/27/08

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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