Real Name: Nestor Rodriguez

Identity/Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Hero, entrepreneur, rapper, cologne designer, clothing designer, restaurant owner

Group MembershipSanterians (Chango, Ogun, Oshun, Oya);
Formerly Street Angels

Affiliations: Candy Cotten, Daredevil (Matt Murdock), Sam Donaldson, Randy Firkandi, Chris Gonzalez, Artie Lange, Robin Quivers, Diane Sawyer, Silvia, Howard Stern

EnemiesBarber, Johnny Sockets, Kingpin

Known RelativesHector Rodriguez (father, deceased)

Aliases: NeRo

Base of Operations: New York City, New York

First Appearance: Daredevil: Father#1 (June, 2004)

Powers/Abilities: Through a Santerian religious ceremony, Rodriguez took on attributes of the Orisha Ellegua, the Santerian god of doorways and communication, allowing him to cause acute confusion and alter the communication abilities of others, to the point of insanity. Rodriguez has vast riches and technology at his disposal as well.


(Daredevil: Father#1 (fb) - BTS) - Son of Hispanic rights activist and New York City councilman Hector Rodriguez, Nestor Rodriguez was an excellent student in public school. At age 13, he was volunteering in soup kitchens and helping build homes for the homeless. After the Bronx Drug War, young Nestor organized a neighborhood watch group called the Street Angels, helping keep crime down.

(Daredevil: Father#4 (fb)) - Nestor got a hot tip about a drug deal, so he sent the Angels to get the police while he investigated. When he got closer, he saw his father involved in the deal with the Kingpin and asked what he was doing. The Kingpin ordered Barber to give Hector a gun and ordered him to clean up his mess, reminding Hector that he was responsible for his success and clean record. Hector pointed a gun at Nestor, but turned it on the Kingpin at the last second. Hector was shot and killed and the criminals left Nestor holding his father's body. Daredevil rushed in, but Nestor told him he was too late.

(Daredevil: Father#5 (fb)/All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#9) - After attending his father's funeral, Nestor met a priest who taught him of the Santerian religion, a blending of Catholicism with African Yoruba beliefs. Nestor learned how to sacrifice chickens to obtain super powers.

(Daredevil: Father#1 (fb) - BTS) - Five years after his father's murder, Nestor reappeared and used the fortune he'd inherited to become the rapper NeRo. With a hip-hop label (his signature album being My Father's Son), restaurants, a clothing line, and his own cologne Only, NeRo became very famous.

(Daredevil: Father#4 (fb) - BTS/All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#9) - Nestor decided to start his own hero group, the Santerians, to fight crime. He found members of his Street Angels gang willing to undergo the religious rites. The hot-headed and mischievous Chango, named after the Orisha of fire and passion, developed the ability to manipulate electricity. Ogun, named after the Orisha of war, developed incredible super strength, a good complement to his giant form. Oshun, named for the Orisha of rivers and streams, developed the ability to manipulate any liquid. And Oya, named after the Orisha of storms, learned to fly and control localized weather, including the manipulation of winds. They began patrolling the streets and training together.

(Daredevil: Father#1) - Nestor watched a documentary of himself on music television. He noted the newspaper reports that Hell's Kitchen crime rates were way down.

(Daredevil: Father#2/All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#9) - After watching Candy Cotten and Randy Firkandi on Nighttime New York, Nestor was summoned by his team, who had a car waiting. The Santerians broke up a drug ring, leaving policemen, including Chris Gonzalez, to clean up. They wrote the word Santerians on the wall in red. Nestor soon saw on the news that the serial killer Johnny Sockets had struck again. Nestor was frustrated that local hero Daredevil, who'd been revealed to be Matt Murdock, was not acting against the killer. When Murdock was later running through the city, Oya made him fall so the Santerians could confront him.

(Daredevil: FatherI#3) - The Santerians watched as Ellegua told Murdock how he admired him, but that he needed to start worrying about the rest of the city. Murdock, furious, struck Ellegua, frustrating the Santerians. Chango set Murdock's clothes on fire until Ellegua ordered him to stop. Oya then lifted Murdock high into the air and crashed him to the ground. Ellegua ordered Ogun to stop things, but Oshun still nearly dried out Murdock's brain. The Santerians walked away, leaving Murdock unconscious in the alley. Nestor was interviewed on the radio with Howard, Robin, and Artie about his ribbon cutting ceremony that afternoon at the Tribeca Youth Center. There, the press asked him questions about his past, leaving him furious with his publicist, Silvia, for not fielding the reporters. Later, Ellegua called the Santerians into action. He rode in the car while Oshun drove, Ogun and Chango rode motorcycles, and Oya flew above them. Daredevil, on a motorcycle and in samurai garb, attacked, yanking Ogun off his motorcycle and stringing him up from a post with his billy club, also causing Oya to crash into Ellegua's windshield. The other Santerians prepared to act.

(Daredevil: Father#4) - Ellegua managed to convince Daredevil to stand down, but Chango started a fight anyway. Daredevil managed to conduct Chango's electricity into his sword, then kick Chango in the face. After ensnaring Oya in a net, Daredevil swung it into Chango, knocking him down. Oshun opened a fire hydrant and manipulated the water to crush Daredevil, but he kicked a smoke grenade at her, breaking her concentration. Ogun calmly attacked until Daredevil kicked him in the groin. Figuring it had been enough, Ellegua cast a spell to make everyone confused, calming them down. He asked Daredevil to help them someday, reminding him that there was a serial killer out there to stop. Nestor continued monitoring the news about he Sockets' killings, growing defensive when Silvia entered his private quarters to tell him about a Stark fundraiser. He asked her to take care of things, then walked away. Nestor was shocked when Murdock appeared in his home, claiming he knew who he was. Nestor angrily told Murdock the truth about Hector. Nestor told Murdock to get out, not willing to tell him how he got his powers, and reminded him again that Sockets could be his problem too.

(Daredevil: Father#5) - Nestor listened to Sam and Diane report on the heatwave and the Sockets' killings.

(Daredevil: Father#6) - While Daredevil stopped Johnny Sockets, the Santerians continued fighting crime.

(Civil War: Battle Damage Report) - Tony Stark considered Ellegua as a potential Initiative recruit.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.1) - Spider-Man, investigating the mysterious resurrection of Julio Rodriguez, went to the home of Don Anselmo to investigate and found the Santerians there.


(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.2) - After becoming acquainted with the Santerians, Spider-Man was convinced to go to Cuba to track down the truth about Julio's resurrection. Julio was a personal friend of theirs, but they didn't feel they could reach out to him personally, suspicious of his transformation.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.3) - The Santerians helped Julio and his family (Mrs. Rodriguez, Mara, and Jaime) escape a house fire, and they learned that Julio didn't know why he was alive. Later, they touched bases with Spider-Man about his trip to Cuba.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.4) - Julio and his family attended the funeral of Julio's father, with the Santerians there. Spider-Man informed the Santerians that Julio's initial death had been from murder, and he later tracked down the killer, though the Santerians were hesitant to believe it.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.5) - Still wanting answers, the Santerians sought out Don Anselmo, who cast spells to restore his own youth through the god Ochumare, and he let them know that Julio had been corrupted. Allying with Spider-Man, and using intel from Iron Man and Friday, they found Julio at his own grave, opening a dimensional gateway, with gargoyles and winged angels to back him as Julio attacked, manipulated by the Elder.

(Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.6) - The Santerians helped Spider-Man fight the Elder and his minions, passing through an expanding dimensional gateway. Though Spider-Man was furious, Ellegua chose to kill Julio Rodriguez, which caused the gateway to close and the demons to disappear. They later attended Julio's funeral.

Comments: Created by Joe Quesada and Danny Miki.

Nestor was interviewed by Howard, Robin and Artie. They would be 616 counterparts of Howard Stern, Robin Quivers and Artie Lange. Sam and Diane, who reported on the heatwave where presumably 616 counterparts of Diane Sawyer and Sam Donaldson.
--Markus Raymond

Profile by Chadman.

Ellegua has no known connections to


(Daredevil: Father#4 (fb) ) - An agent of the Kingpin, Barber was ordered to give Hector Rodriguez a gun to kill his son, Nestor. When Hector turned the gun on the Kingpin, Hector was shot and killed.

--Daredevil: Father#4 (Daredevil: Father#4 (fb)

 Hector Rodriguez

(Daredevil: Father#1 (fb) ) - Son of Hispanic rights activist and New York City councilman Hector Rodriguez, Nestor Rodriguez was an excellent student in public school. At age 13, he was volunteering in soup kitchens and helping build homes for the homeless. After the Bronx Drug War, young Nestor organized a neighborhood watch group called the Street Angels, helping keep crime down.

(Daredevil: Father#4 (fb)) - Nestor got a hot tip about a drug deal, so he sent the Angels to get the police while he investigated. When he got closer, he saw his father involved in the deal with the Kingpin and asked what he was doing. The Kingpin ordered Barber to give Hector a gun and ordered him to clean up his mess, reminding Hector that he was responsible for his success and clean record. Hector pointed a gun at Nestor, but turned it on the Kingpin at the last second. Hector was shot and killed and the criminals left Nestor holding his father's body. Daredevil rushed in, but Nestor told him he was too late.

--Daredevil: Father#1 (Daredevil: Father#1 (fb), 4 (fb)


(Daredevil: Father#3) - Nestor Rodriguez grew frustrated with his publicist, Silvia, for not fielding reporters at the opening of the Tribeca Youth Center.

(Daredevil: Father#4) - Nestor grew defensive when Silvia entered his private quarters to tell him about a Stark fundraiser. He asked her to take care of things, then walked away.

--Daredevil: Father#3 (Daredevil: Father#3-4

 Street Angels

(Daredevil: Father#1 (fb) ) - After the Bronx Drug War, young Nestor Rodriguez organized a neighborhood watch group called the Street Angels, helping keep crime down.

(Daredevil: Father#4 (fb) - BTS) - Members of the Street Angels later became the Santerians.

--Daredevil: Father#1 (Daredevil: Father#1 (fb), 4 (fb) - BTS

images: (without ads)
Daredevil: Father#4, p8, pan6 (main)
Daredevil: Father#1, p22, pan1 (2nd)
Daredevil: Father#3, p13, pan5 (Silvia)
Daredevil: Father#4, p21, pan7 (Hector Rodriguez)

p22, pan1 (Street Angels)

Daredevil: Father#1 (June, 2004) - Joe Quesada (writer/penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Axel Alonso (editor)
Daredevil: Father#2-4 (October-December, 2005) - Joe Quesada (writer/penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Axel Alonso (editor)
Daredevil: Father#5-6 (January-February, 2007) - Joe Quesada (writer/penciler), Danny Miki (inker), Axel Alonso (editor)
All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe#9 (September, 2006)
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007)

Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.1-1.3 (February-April, 2016) - Jose Molina (writer), Simone Bianchi (artist), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.4 (May, 2016) - Jose Molina (writer), Simone Bianchi, Andrea Broccardo (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.5 (June, 2016) - Jose Molina (writer), Simone Bianchi, Raymond Bermudez (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)
Amazing Spider-Man IV#1.6 (September, 2016) - Jose Molina (writer), Simone Bianchi, Andra Broccardo (artists), Nick Lowe (editor)

Last updated: 10/16/17

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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