Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human; conventional weapons user
Occupation: Professional criminal
Group Membership: Maggia;
formerly the Diamond Heads
Affiliations: Manipulated people of Harlem
Enemies: Captain America (Steve Rogers), Falcon (Sam Wilson); people of Harlem
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Rocky the Lynx
Base of Operations:
First Appearance: Captain America I#126 (June, 1970)
Powers/Abilities: Reasonably skilled at deception, manipulation, and intimidation. He used a machine gun. His agents were relatively experienced at street fighting, including the use of guns and knives. Their motto was, "We're as cold as diamonds...as sharp as diamonds...and as hard as diamonds!"
(Captain America I#126 (fb) - BTS) - Rocky the Lynx had some past experience
with Captain America, who knew him to be a Maggia agent and would recognize him
(Captain America I#126 (fb) - BTS) - The Maggia wished to take over Harlem and figured that fomenting chaos would make their takeover easier. Maggia agent Rocky the Lynx took the masked identity of Diamond Head, posed as a resident of Harlem, and formed a violent, fanatical gang, the Diamond Heads. He preached hatred towards the white man. The African-American community feared the Diamond Heads, but seemed powerless against them.
(Captain America I#126 (fb) - BTS) - The Falcon opposed the violence of the Diamond Heads. When one of the Diamond Heads was murdered, the others framed Falcon for the death. The Falcon was injured in the ensuing conflict, which attracted the attention of the police; as a result, the Falcon was cornered in an abandoned building.
America I#126) - Captain America helped the Falcon escape the police. The
Diamond Heads were none too pleased to hear this, but Diamond Head assured them
that they had the Falcon on the run, so that he couldn't interfere with them any
more. When one of his men mentioned his concerns about the Maggia, Diamond Head
told them the Maggia would not dare to invade their turf. He then sent them to
terrorize an "outsider" (white man) who had started up a business in their area,
destroying his property and inventory and threatening him with physical injury.
Knowing that the Diamond Heads were assaulting new
businesses, Captain America checked out the biggest new business. On the way, he
saw Rocky the Lynx, and at the business' warehouse he recognized Diamond Heads.
Rocky saw Cap, too, and he had the Diamond Heads inside ambush him. However,
with the aid of the Falcon, Captain America overpowered Diamond Head and his
gang, unmasking him as Maggia agent Rocky the Lynx, and ending his influence
over Harlem.
Comments: Created by Stan "The Man" Lee and Gene "The Dean" Colan.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
Diamondhead (Arch Dyker) - Terrible Trio, mutated by diamond-powered laser while attempting to steal some precious gems, enemy of Nova
(Rider), betrayed Nova Corps to Skrulls, former prisoner on Stranger’s Laboratory
World, shattered by Nova.
Super-strong, diamond-like body
--Nova I#3
other "Diamond" or "Head" characters
Captain America I#126, p 9 (Diamond Heads)
p10, panel 1 (Diamond Head)
p20, panel 3 (Rocky)
Last updated: 04/05/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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