"MUTANTS" Membership: At three unidentified beings (at least two were apparently slain) Purpose: Apparently experimentation and defense for the Keeper (Raker) Aliases: Affiliations: Keeper Raker; Enemies: Killraven (Jonathan Raven) and anyone else who threatened their Keeper Base of Operations: Unrevealed; First Appearance: Amazing Adventures II#18 (May, 1973) |
![]() ![]() Powers/Abilities: The mutates varied in terms of appearance and abilities. None of them spoke, but they rather made bestial noises. The most unique was the orange-skinned quadruped
with two heads, one directly on top of the other. Each head had a pair
of eyes with apparently red sclera and irides around dark pupils. Each
mouth had prominent maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) canine
teeth, but no visible incisors, premolars or molars. The green-skinned creature who accompanied the
orange quadruped had a more human body and facial conformation, but
with elongated limbs and enlarged hands and feet. The hands had four
fingers and a thumb, while the feet had four digits (without a
prominent first digit (big toe)). He(?) had green hair on his head, and
the iris color was light, nearly white. The other green-skinned creature who attacked
Killraven after Keeper Raker's death had even more human proportions,
but with a more monstrous face. It had prominent brow-ridges and
zygomatic arches (cheekbones), and it did not appear to have teeth in
its mouth. History: (Amazing Adventures II#18)
<Circa 2018 AD> - After Killraven invaded former Grand Central
Station, he urged the Keeper to come out and face him, and a
pair of mutates were unleashed. Killraven -- noting that the Keeper
must be desperate to risk his precious specimens -- swiftly dropped the
orange, two-headed feral creature with something he hurled from his sling (see comments). The
long-limbed green man-creature leapt through the air and knocked
Killraven off his feet. However, Killraven rolled with assault and smashed the larger mutate to the ground, incapacitating it. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Flipping the mutate over his head, Killraven then caught it in a Full Nelson and snapped its neck in two seconds. In the process, Killraven apologized but noted that he had had his fill of fighting that day and just wanted this over. |
They are called mutants repeatedly. They were described as Keeper Raker's specimens, and I ASSumed from reading that they there were the results of his genetic experimentation/mutation, which would make them mutates, rather than mutants. However, there were not any details to confirm or deny that they were created, and they were only called mutants, so I've gone with that as their designation. Additionally, it was only Killraven who identified them thusly, and he may not have appreciated the difference.
Interestingly, Killraven is clearly shown spinning his sling right before the quadruped mutate is struck with an unseen object and knocked out. However, in the next panel, that creature is laying on the ground, apparently in a pool of blood and with a spear sticking in the back of his neck.
The mutants originally had a sub-profile as "mutates" under Keeper Raker 09/02/2021.Profile by Snood.
The mutants of Keeper Raker of Earth-691 should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Amazing Adventures II#18, pg. 3, panel 2 (mutants unleashed);
panel 3 (mutants charging sling spinning Killraven);
panel 4 (two-headed quadruped mutant dropped)
pg. 4, panel 1(haired green mutant attacks Killraven);
panel 2 (Killraven kicking and flipping haired green mutant);
pg. 20, panel 1 (bald green mutant leaping atop Killraven's back);
panel 2 (bald green mutant face);
panel 4 (Killraven holding bald green mutant in full nelson)
Adventures II#18 (May, 1973) - Gerry Conway (script), Neal Adams &
Howard Chaykin (pencilers), F. Chiaramonte (inker), Roy Thomas (editor;
series conception)
First posted: 12/22/2024
Last updated: 12/22/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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