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Real Name: Mrs. Sara Conroy

Identity/Class: Normal human

Occupation: Police officer

Group Membership: NYPD

Affiliations: Morris;
   formerly Robert Dalquist

Enemies: Robert Dalquist

Known Relatives: Eric Conroy (husband)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: New York City, USA

First Appearance: Monsters Unleashed I#4/9 (February, 1974)

Powers/Abilities: Sara Conroy is an experienced New York police officer, trained in the use of handguns. She is a very good detective and has made local contacts.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Unrevealed/
Hair: Blond


(Monsters Unleashed I#4/9 (fb) - BTS) - Sara Conroy became a New York police officer. At some point, her husband Eric acquired the curse of the werewolf and over nine years, she cared for him during times of transformation, holding him back from danger. However, a serial killer dubbed the Hanling Killer (secretly Assistant District Attorney Robert Dalquist) stalked the New York streets, targeting women. Unbeknown to her, Eric had witnessed a murder and Dalquist had set about framing Eric for the killings.

(Monsters Unleashed I#4/9) - Dalquist ordered Sara into his office and told her to stop working the streets as he doubted she could arrest him. She left work and went to where she suspected Eric hid: the Metropolitan Opera. She reached it at midnight in the rain. Her contact Morris the night watchman didn't open the door, so she forced her way in and found him ripped apart; she suspected Eric. However, the nefarious Dalquist had followed her and set off disorienting stage lights and let loose stage rigging in a bizarre hunt that wore her down until Dalquist stood over her with a gun and laid out his plan to murder her and frame Eric for her death. He would then hand the death penalty to Eric. Instead, in werewolf form, Eric leapt in and attacked Dalquist, tearing him apart in feral rage. Eric turned to Sara, but she saw only hate and hunger in Eric's werewolf form. Eric lunged at her and she fired her gun in self-defense, killing him. Eric transformed back into human form as he died and they declared their love for each other. Later, the media sought her response over the event, but she was tired (and perhaps relieved).


Comments: Created by Chris Claremont & Don Perlin.

No silver bullets required (although she did load her own gun before heading out at night to look for her husband, knowing he was in werewolf form...).

Profile by Grendel Prime.

Sara Conroy has no known connections to:

Eric Conroy

Eric Conroy was Sara's husband and was wrote fondly about theater. At some point, he acquired the werewolf curse. Over nine years, Sara helped him with his rage during his nights of transformation as best she could; he often hid in the Opera's catacombs. But a serial killer (secretly Assistant District Attorney Robert Dalquist) stalked the New York streets. By chance, Eric witnessed the 19th murder, but chose not to go to the police due to his were wolf curse. Dalquist quickly set plans to frame Eric for the murders and made Eric the prime suspect. Dalquist ordered Sara remove herself from street work due to her connection with Eric and she later went to the empty Metropolitan Opera at midnight looking for Eric. There, she found that Eric had ripped the night guard Morris. Dalquist tired Sara by dropping stage rigging around her and was about to shoot her when Eric attacked him and tore Dalquist apart. Eric turned to Sara, barely recognizing her, while Sara saw only his rage and feral hunting fury. She defended herself by firing her gun when Eric lunged at her. He transformed back into human form and they declared their love for each other.









--Monsters Unleashed I#4/9

Robert Dalquist

Robert Dalquist was the tough Assistant District Attorney, but secretly the serial killer called the Hanling Killer targeting New York women. Police officer Sara Conroy's husband Eric witnessed the 19th death and Dalquist sought to frame him for the murder when Eric didn't go to the police (due to his troubled history as a werewolf). Dalquist ordered Sara stop working the streets as her husband Eric had now become the prime suspect in the murders. Dalquist followed Sara as she went to the Metropolitan Opera, hoping to find her husband. Dalquist dropped stage riggings that weakened Sara until he confronted her  and told her of his plan to murder her and frame Eric for it, then pass the death penalty to Eric. Instead, Eric, secretly hidden in werewolf form, lunged at Dalquist and ripped him apart in a lethal rage.







--Monsters Unleashed I#4/9

images: (without ads)
Monsters Unleashed I#4/9, p2, pan1 (main image)
   p8, pan6 (headshot)
   p8, pan2 (Eric as werewolf)
   p8, pan5 (Eric transforming in death)
   p6, pan7 (Dalquist)

Monsters Unleashed I#4/9 (February, 1974) - Chris Claremont (writer), Don Perlin (art), Roy Thomas (editor)

First posted: 10/31/2023
Last updated: 10/31/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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