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Real Name: Marie Cavendish

Identity/Class: Human

Occupation: Unrevealed

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Jeb, Juggernaut (Cain Marko)

Enemies: None

Known Relatives: Unidentified father

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Junction, New York

First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited I#13/2 (October, 1996)

Powers/Abilities: Marie Cavendish is a normal human without any superhuman abilities.

Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'7")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 140lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde, formerly brown


(X-Men Unlimited I#13/2 - BTS) - Marie Cavendish, the reverend's daughter was well known in the tight-knit community of Junction, New York.

(X-Men Unlimited I#13/2 (fb)) - During a bustling Halloween parade in Junction, Marie, dressed as an angel, stumbled upon a distressing sight: two teenagers assaulting young Cain Marko in a dim alleyway. Recognizing one of the bullies as Jeb, she swiftly intervened, threatening to alert his father if he didn't cease. Startled by Marie's intervention, the bullies fled, allowing her to assist the injured boy. However, Cain, overwhelmed with humiliation, rejected her aid and fled.

(X-Men Unlimited I#13/2 - BTS) - In recent times, Marie Cavendish attended Junction's Halloween parade again, now dressed as Greek goddess. However, Cavendish found herself trapped beneath the rubble when Max's Pet Store partially collapsed due to the Juggernaut's destructive path through Junction.

(X-Men Unlimited I#13/2) - It wasn't until the mystic Gomurr intervened, persuading Juggernaut that his destiny held more significance than mere brute force. To underscore his argument, Gomurr presented Juggernaut with a stark reminder of his recent rampage: Marie Cavendish. Confronted with the consequences of his actions, Juggernaut vowed to right his wrongs and swiftly sought medical aid for Cavendish, demonstrating that he was not bound to a predetermined path of destruction. After delivering Cavendish to a doctor, who reprimanded him for potentially worsening her injuries with his less-than-comfortable embrace, Juggernaut grew weary of the situation. He firmly declared his autonomy, refusing to be shackled by any curse or external force, before departing from Gomurr and Junction, determined to forge his own path forward.

(Uncanny X-Men I#435 - BTS) - When the Juggernaut faced trial for his past crimes in Canada, his defense attorney, She-Hulk (secretly Jennifer Walters from Earth-721 seeking adventure), cited his previous offenses, including the alleged harm inflicted upon Marie Cavendish and the destruction of Gary's Gas and Max's Pet Store in Junction, New York.

Comments: Created by Jorge Gonzales, Greg Land, and Mark McKenna.

Compliments for the creative team of Uncanny X-Men I#435 (December, 2003) for including Cavendish on the list of Juggernaut's criminal offenses.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Marie Cavendish has no known connections to


  Jeb was a teenager living in Junction, New York

During a bustling Halloween parade in the city, Jeb donned the costume of Uncle Sam and reveled in the festivities alongside his friends, indulging in smoking and drinking beers. Spotting young Cain Marko scaling the tree they occupied, they callously knocked him from his perch, leading to his painful fall and injury. Enraged by the mistreatment, Marko retaliated by hurling a stone at Jeb, causing the teenager to plummet from the tree. Incensed, Jeb and his companion pursued the boy into a dim alleyway, where they subjected him to a brutal beating until Marie Cavendish, daughter of the local reverend, intervened.

--X-Men Unlimited I#13/2

Images: (without ads)
X-Men Unlimited I#13, p51, pan5 (main image)
X-Men Unlimited I#13, p45, pan4 (dressed as an angel)
X-Men Unlimited I#13, p53, pan1 (injured)

X-Men Unlimited I#13/2 (October, 1996) - Jorge Gonzales (writer), Greg Land (pencils), Mark McKenna (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Uncanny X-Men I#435 (December, 2003) - Chuck Austen (writer), Ron Garney (pencils), Mark Morales (inks), Mike Marts, Cory Sedlmeier, Stephanie Moore (editors)

First Posted: 04/15/2024
Last Updated: 04/15/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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