Real Name: Zoga
Identity/Class: Atlantean (Homo Mermani) mutate
Occupation: Former despot, would-be conqueror
Affiliations: Partner of Ruthar, utilized a band of Atlantean pirates and a few unnamed human allies, as well as a group of mutated sharks; Enemy of Namor the Sub-Mariner
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None known
Base of Operations: The Dead Zone, a series of undersea caverns near the Bermuda Triangle. It is known to contain and release poisonous and/or mutagenic gases
Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents#7/4 (Late November, 1988)
Powers: Zoga possessed superhuman strength (@ Class 25-50) and durabilty, sufficient to make him a match for Namor (after he had been weakened by a poison). His head and forearms are covered with sharp spikes. As an Atlantean, he lived and was adapted to survive underwater, and could only survive for very short periods of time out of water. His natural lifespan would be roughly twice that of a human being.
History: Zoga was once known as a powerful despot. This may have been decades or even centuries ago. When he was defeated, he was exiled to the Dead Zone, where it was believed he would perish. However, instead of perishing among the toxic gases there, he instead was mutated by them. In addition, he gained some ability to control the mutated sharks that existed in the Dead Zone.
the modern era, Zoga partnered himself with another Atlantean,
Ruthar. The two formed a band of pirates who sank military
freighters and stole the weapons they found within them. They
also formed an alliance with an unnamed man, who, probably in
exchange for pearls and other sunken treasures, deliberately led
ships into the range of the pirates. Zoga and Ruthar made their
base within a section of the Dead Zone free of toxic gases, in
which the other Atlanteans could survive without harm.
One of their attacks was observed by Namor, who managed to follow the pirates back into the Dead Zone. Zoga sent his mutated sharks to attack Namor, but he managed to wound one, causing the others to attack it in a feeding frenzy. Namor overpowered Ruthar, and then confronted Zoga. After a brief struggle, Namor, although weakened by poison, managed to impale Zoga on some of his own spikes, after which he was attacked by his mutated sharks. Namor left Zoga for dead, and then blew up his base.
Zoga has no connection to:
Zoga, a robot dragon created by the
Monster-Master, @ Iron Man I#30.
Comments: Created by Steve Ditko and Hollis Bright.
Last updated: 08/01/02
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