CYANA (Lucretia Borgia) - Satannish's Lethal Legion, poisoned many during the Italian renaissance @ 1518.
    poison kiss + sharp nails
    note: Sazzik the Sorcerer, @ Tales of Suspense I#32, was said to have worked with the Borgias
    (app) (Lucretia)--All-True Crime#39
    (Cyana)--Avengers West Coast#98 (99,100

CYANIDE ( ) - Warpies, Seraphim, Cloud Nine.
    paralyze others with a touch
    --Excalibur I#62

CYANIDE JANE - see ALECTO - alias used in modern era
    --Cable II#94

CYBAL MAGNA - Kree colony assaulted by Shi'ar Battlegroup Nine under Vulcan's direction
    --[War of Kings#1]

CYBELE - Eternal, wife of Zuras, mother of Thena, frequently mistaken for the earth goddesses Agdista, Dyndynae, Gaea, Rhea, usually does not take part in the affairs of Eternals, usually lives in Colorado
    (D#3)--Eternals II#1

CYBELLE - S'ahra Sharn dimension, freed Shang-Chi and Iron Fist from Q'uan-Star and Shai-Tahn
    (app)--Master of Kung Fu Annual#1

CYBELLE - Morlock, killed by Marauders.
    exude acid from pores, cut path through solid stone in seconds
    *D* (D#18, app)--Uncanny X-Men I#211d

CYBER (Silas Burr) - mutant, old enemy of Wolverine, escaped the Ravencroft Institute alongside young Al Capone in 1923, led Devil's Brigade, former employee of Coven cult, mentor of Hell’s Belles, one eye ripped out by Wolverine, trained Logan & Daken + others at Canadian facility under Frederick Hudson (and secretly under Romulus), killed by Genesis using mutant death watch beetles, mental essence possessed the super-strong mutant Milo Gunderson, had Tinkerer grant him new Adamantium skin, realized Milo had heart disease, given Carbonadium pacemaker by Tinkerer under instruction by Wolverine
    skin coated with Adamantium, detect and track brain patterns, superhuman healing, sharp points on fingertips coated with poison or hallucinogen
    *D* (M, OH: Wolv)--Marvel Comics Presents I#85 (Wolverine: Origins#14 (fb), Marvel Comics Presents# (fb) / Wolverine: Origins#15 (fb) / Wolverine: Origins#12 / Wolverine: Origins#15 (fb) / W:O#17 (fb)
Ruins of Ravencroft: Dracula#1
    W:O#17 (fb-WWII), 27 (fb)
    MCP#85-92, X-Factor I#79, 80,81, Marvel Comics Presents#132-136, Wolverine II#79-81, Wolverine: Origins#12 (fb), Wolv93,95,96d, Wolv: Origins#12 (fb), 11-15

cyber-agents - fought and defeated by Psylocke.
    Relentless, continually repeated orders "Get the Girl!"
    superhuman strength + durability
    --X-Men Unlimited I#47/2 (47/2(fb)

CYBER-CONTROLLER of unidentified reality - one of the leaders of the Cybermen, humanoids who had most of their bodies replaced by sentient technology, present at Bonjaxx's party at Maruthea
    (app-maru)--Doctor Who magazine#173

CYBERDIVE CADRE of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. (Indigo Eshun, Communion Jack, Cat + Pretty Angie + Harry Beltane(D30))
    - Netgliders serving Doom
    --Doom 2099#28 (29,33

CYBERDRONES - largely or completely composed of organic beings converted into cyborgs under the control of the Gestalt Bomb and/or Activator
    (app)--Die-Cut vs G-Force#1

CYBEREX - robot created by the Organization, designed by original Walter Lawson, destroyed in battle against Captain Mar-Vell
    Big-Boy*, Robot-Killer*, Master of Machines* (app)--Captain Marvel I#8 (9

CYBERGIRL - nickname for Omega Sentinel by Lady Mastermind
    --X-Men II#194

CYBERHEAD of Earth-88469 - Force America, Dead Clown foe
    (app-fa)--Dead Clown#1

CYBER-HUNTERS (3, 4B, 7, others) - agents of Foreigner to attack Fisk Tower, attempted to kill Blood Rose
    (app)--Web of Spider-Man#97 (98

CYBERIAD - mutant detection system formerly used by Emma Frost at Massachusetts Academy
    --New Mutants I#43

CYBERIAD of Earth-8107 (Nathan Price) - Schizophrenic cyborg, took over the X-Mansion, fought Spider-Man and the X-Men. (TV) 
    --Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981): "The X-Men Adventure"

CYBERLOCK of Earth-84309 - X-Force of that world, apparently the combined form of Doug Ramsey and the Technarch Warlock
    (app)--X-Force I Annual#1

CYBERMANCER of Earth-9528 (Suzi Endo) - agent of Iron Man while under control of Immortus (posing as Kang)
    *D* (app)--Force Works#17 (Iron Man I#321,War Machine#20, FW18,19,WarM#22, FW20-22d)

CYBERMANCER (Suzi Endo) - reverse engineered counterpart's suit from a gauntlet
    (CWBDR, app)--Civil War: Front Line#8/2

CYBERMAT of unidentified reality - animal or very young humanoirds who had most of their bodies replaced by sentient technology by the Cyber-Controllers, present at Bonjaxx's party at Maruthea
    (app-maru)--Doctor Who magazine#173

CYBERNAUTS-robot gangsters created by nightshade
    --Power Man/Iron Fist#51 (52,53

CYBER-NINJAS (Bludgeon, Fist, Katana, unnamed) - Si-Fan, dispatched by Kingpin against X-Men and Shang-Chi in Hong Kong, easily outfought
    (app)--X-Men II#62 (63

CYBER-NINJA ASSASSINS of Earth-Amalgam (THX 1138) Reavers elements + League of Assassins, agent of Talia
    (app-tal)--Dark Claw Adventures#1

CYBERNOIDS of Earth-93060 - used by Malcolm Kort
    (app-mk)--Exiles (UV) I#1(3

CYBER-NOSTRA of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. -
    --Punisher 2099#4 (   28,30-32

CYBERTANK - heavily-armored land vehicle used by Devos the Devastator, allowed him to mentally direct his drones
    (app)--Realm of Kings: Inhumans#2

CYBERNO-TRON - used by Hank Pym to identify why he couldn't control red ants that well
    (app)--Avengers I#46

CYBERSAMURAI (Hiro(quit), Fu'se(d), Katsu'ta'ro(d), Ko'ichi, Sojiro, Toshi, Elec’trix, Die’ode, Vibrato, Fu’se II? )
    -cybernetic agents of Tatsu'o, used in effort to force Opal Tanaka to marry one of them to continue Tatsu’o’s line
    CYBERPUNKS--X-Factor I#63 (64, Uncanny X-Men#289, New Warriors I#20

"CYBER-SANTA" - giant robot Santa used by Hydra
    (app)--Marvel Holiday Special 2006/2

CYBERSHAMAN of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - led Human Tribe
    --Hulk 2099#3 (4

CYBERSLAYERS - robots created by Alistair Smythe
    --Spectacular Scarlet Spider#1 (Web of Scarlet Spider#2 Spectacular Scarlet Spider#2

CYBERSLIK ( ) - Dystopia, Abominations, cybermerchant, training Roust + Joust in weaponmaking
    --Abominations#1 (2,3

CYBERTEK, inc (Stanley Cross, Billy Hansen, Dr.Hu, Ben Jacobs, John Rozum, Harlan Ryker, Laura)
    -subsidiary of Roxxon, discontinued, created Kelly and Collins Deathloks
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#62/4(Deathlok I#1-4, Deathlok II#1

CYBERTEK MARK NINE DEMOLISHERS 2099 - discovered in Vault of Forbidden Sciences
    --Ghost Rider 2099#18 (19

CYBERTOOTH (Yen Hsieh) - Pacific Overlords, cyborg.
    metal teeth, enhanced jaw strength
    (app-po)--Avengers West Coast#72 (73-74, 93(fb), 93-95

CYBERTRONS (114/"Therma-Tron," 78/"Vacu-Tron," 19-8/19-B/Vibra-Tron, at least 28 others)
    - robot field agents for Computo
    (app-computo)--X-Men I#48

CYBERWARRIORS (Siege) - cybernetic warriors designed by Cybertek, form of one taken over by Siege
    (app)--Deathlok II#17 ([20 (fb)], 17-21, Silver Sable#11-12

CYBILL - mutant of Mount Haven, technician? for Paul, apparently killed when Kitty Pryde accidentally phased through her
    feline appearance
    --X-Treme X-Men#27

CYBOR - see CAPTAIN CYBOR (app)--Incredible Hulk II#136

CYBORG - AIM assassin
    (app)--Captain America I#124

cyborg coyotes - used by Texas-based Hate-Monger's National Force
    --Punisher War Journal II#6 (7-10

cyborg dingos - used as weapons by Reavers in Australian Outback base
    (app)--Uncanny X-Men#252 (Wolverine II#72

cyborg dinosaurs - bioengineered for superior strength & savagery by the Saurians; Brainchild gave them cybernetic brain components granting them telekinesis, slain by the Sentinel Squad ONE
    --Sentinel Squad ONE#1 ((3 (fb), 3, 4d)


CYBORG X ( ) - empowered by Oscar McDonnell
    (app)--Spider-Man#18 (21

CYBORGS of Matricca Scoppio -
    (app-ms)--Death's Head & the Origin of Die-Cut#1

CYBORTRONS - cybernetically controlled robots built at New Hope government installation

CYCLOBE, Dr. of Earth-8410 circa 2020 AD- see Dr. CYCLOBE (app-bain2020)--Machine Man II#2

CYCLONE (André Gerard) - former agent of Masked Marauder and Maggia, French Nato engineer, designed costume, killed by Scourge of the Underworld-1 at the Bar with No Name.
    generate powerful winds
    *D* (D#16,M,net)--Amazing Spider-Man I#143 (144(fb),143,144, Spectacular Spider-Man II#22,23, Captain America I#319d)

CYCLONE ( ) - identical powers, wore duplicate of the original's costume
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#97/4

CYCLONE (Gregory Stevens) - identical powers, wore radically different costume, agent of Justin Hammer, reportedly killed in a skiing accident
    *D* (app)--Silver Sable#21 (22, [All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z#3 (fb)]

CYCLONE (Pierce Fresson) - Masters of Evil, Maggia, controlled European faction, former agent of Justin Hammer, stole costume from European crime family after they recreated it, forced to work with Thunderbolts against Crimson Cowl
    (OH2006#3, app)--Thunderbolts#3 ([18(fb)], 33(fb), 3, 18-20, 23-25, Avengers I#31, Tb43, [44(fb), 63(fb)], 63-65,67,69, Marvel Universe: The End#5-6, Tb71,73/[74], [75?], Civil War: War Crimes#1?

CYCLOPEDIA UNIVERSUM - stores combined knowledge of every Watcher who ever lived, asked with Uatu's permission by Fantastic Four to locate Gravity
    (app)--Fantastic Four#544

CYCLOPES (Arges, , ) - original three, children of Gaea and Uranus, sent to Tartarus by Uranus, crafted the Thunderbolts, freed by Zeus for aiding against Cronus, employed by Hephaestus in designing the Olympian God’s weaponry, slain by Apollo after Zeus used a thunderbolt to slay Aesclepius
    --Avengers Annual#23 ([Hulk vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide#1 (fb)], Avengers Annual#23

CYCLOPES (Argus, Polyphemus) - later generation
    --Journey into Unknown Worlds#50 (Tales of Suspense I#10;
    Fantastic Four I#9 (Sub-Mariner I#29, Thor I#289

CYCLOPS - temporarily blinded by Ulysses, frozen beneath ice on an island, broken out by Duncan, threatened to destroy an approaching ocean liner, tricked into running across thin ice, fell through, re-frozen
    (app)--Tales of Suspense I#10/1 ([10 (fb)], 10

CYCLOPS - presumably one of the cyclopes of myth, fought Reed Richards
    possibly the same as the above
    (app)--Fantastic Four I#9

CYCLOPS (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#36

CYCLOPS (Scott "SLIM" Summers) - mutant, X-Men (occasional field leader), X-Factor, Twelve, former advisor to the Xavier Institute Corsairs, former pawn of Jack O’Diamonds, son of Corsair, brother of Havok, widower of Jean Grey, widower of Madelyne Pryor, father of Cable, brain damage from fall from plane, temporarily possessed by Apocalypse.
    fire powerful optic blasts, requires ruby quartz lens to prevent unwanted firing of blasts
    -ERIK the RED*,SLYM DAYSPRING* (I#3,D#3,M, OH: X2004, ME, 198, SecWar, net) <chronology incomplete>--XMen I#1 (Uncanny X-Men#156(fb)/144(fb)/114(fb) XFactor I#38(fb) 35(fb) Classic X-Men#41/2,42/2 XMen I#38/2(fb),39/2(fb),38/2-41/2,42/2([UX309(fb)]) Amazing Fantasy I#17(fb) XM44/2-46/2 55/2,56/2 51/2-53/2 Marvel Comics Presents#85/3(fb), XM I#1(UX308(fb)), 2 Tales of Suspense I#49, Avengers I#3 UX3 ThorCorps3 UX4 5 Fantastic Four I#28 Marvels#2, UX6 Amazing Spider-Man An1, Journey into Mystery I#109, Marv2 Untold Tales of Spider-Man#21 UX7, Excalibur: XX Crossing(fb) UX8 Untold Tales of Spider-Man An1997, UX9 F4#35,36 UX10-13, Fantastic Four An3/Marvel: Heroes & Legends#1 UX14-27 Strange Tales I#156, UX28-31 32(138(fb)), UX33-45,Av53,UX46 48-52 Av60 UX53 Sub-Mariner I#14 UX54-60 61([62(fb)]) 62-66,XM II#94/2, X-Men: Hidden Years#1-23(?), , X-Men: Deadly Genesis#4/2 (fb), Amazing Adventures II#11(fb) Marvel Team-Up I#4, AmzA#15, X-Men Unlimited II#10/2, Av111(fb),110,111 Captain America I#173(fb), Adventures into Fear#20(fb), Hulk172 Cap173(fb) 172-175 MTU#23,GS XMen#1(fb)/, X-Men: Deadly Genesis#4 (fb), 6 (fb), Classic X-Men#1/XMen: Liberators#2(fb)/GS XM#1/CX#1 CX#27/2 CX#1 UX94/CX#2/Thor233 UX95/CX3 CX3/2 UX96/CX4 UX106(fb),UX97/CX6/2 [Marvel Holiday Special#1] UX98/CX6 UX99/CX7 UX100/CX8 CX8/2 UX101(CX9 MTU An1 MTU#53 Marvel Tales#262/2, CX9/2), UX102 CX10 [11] [UX103] Iron Fist#11 UX104 CX13 US105 107/CX14 UX108/CX15/UX109(fb) IronF#15 UX109 CX#26/2 28/3, [Bizarre Adventures#27(fb)] UX110 Ghost Rider II#34 CX17/2 UX111 112/CX18 UX113/CX19 UX125(fb) CX20(fb) UX114/CX20 UX115 116//CX22/2, UX117 CX23 UX118 119 CX25 UX119-121 Power Man/Iron Fist#57 UX122-124 An3 [MTU89] BizAdv27/3 UX125-132(133(fb)),133-134, [Code of Honor#2] UX135-137 199(fb) 138 143-150 An5 [Marvel Fanfare I#3] UX151-153 Death of Captain Marvel GN, Marvel Graphic Novel#4 UX154-159 161 162(fb) 163-166, Excalibur I#116(fb),UX167 An6 Hlk278 Marvel Super-Heroes: Contest of Champions I#1,[2,3], Marvel Two-In-One An7, MTIO#96, XM Special Edition#1 UX168 170 171, Rogue II#3, Wolverine I#4 XMen/Alpha Flight I#1,2, UX172-174 175([Cap289]) UX223(fb) 176,177,[178],Secret Wars I#1-12,[F4#265] UX181 Marvel Graphic Novel#12, UX185 Dazzler#38 UX197 199 An9, UX200 201 [206] Cabl1 II#7(fb) XFac1(UX223(fb)) 2-7 An1 Iron Man An8, Amz282 XFac8 9/UX210 XFac10/[UX211] Power Pack I#27 Th374, XFac11 12, Mephisto vs...2,3, XFac13-16 [MarvFan50(fb)] XFac17-20 Hlk336,337 XFacAn2 XFac21-24,25/PP35,XFac26 F4#312,  XFac27,28 [Strange Tales II#18],
Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix#1-4/Marvel Valentine Special#1/5(fb) XFac115 UXM333,XFor55, XMan25 XM II#62-64 Cab42 X65,66,Wolv115 Jim513 UXM351-355,Cable/Machine Man An1998, UXM356,357,359, XFac149,UX368,XMan#53-55 Contest of Champions II#1,[2-4],5
XM92,Astonishing XMen II#1-3,UX375,X95,Wolv145,X-Men Unlimited#25,UX376,Cab74,X96,UX377,Cab76,X97,[UX378],X98 XMen :Search for Cyclops#1-4, UX391, 392,X112,UX393,X113, UX394, Chamber#1, 4, X-Men Unlimited#31/2, Amazing Spider-Man II#36, Wolv173, X-Men Unlimited II#6(fb),
    X150, [Doc Samson II#1 (fb)]
    XMU#47/2(fb), 47/2,    AmzSp II#57+58/59, New Mutants II#10, Hercules III#1(fb)
    X-Men Unlimited II#1/2, Wolverine/Captain America#4, X-Men Unlimited#2/2, X157, X-Men Unlimited II#11, Uncanny X-Men#444, 446, XMU4, Marvel Team-Up III#1, X165, New X-Men: Academy X#8, XMU5, Marvel Team-Up III#5, NX:AX#10, X-Men Unlimited II#8, NX:AX#12, UX455, 459, NX:AX13, 14, X174, XMU10, UX460-461, Nightcrawler III#9, House of M#1, X203 (fb)
    New Excalibur#4, X-Men Unlimited II#14 (fb), X-Factor III#7, Claws#1, [Thing II#8 (fb)], 8, New X-Men#28-29, 31, Uncanny X-Men#476 (fb), X-Men II#193, Amazing Spider-Man#533, X194, 200-201, Cable & Deadpool#43-44, X200-204, XFac23, NXM43 (fb), 42-43, Marvel Comics Presents II#8/3, Young X-Men#6, Cable II#6 (fbs), 6, X-Men: Legacy#215-216, X-Force IIII#2, 6, 7

CYCLOPS ( ) - mutant, Hyde Park Underground, enforcer +/- leader, burned to death by Mr. Clean.
    Single large eye, superhuman strength + durability
    *D*--    Uncanny X-Men#395

CYCLOPS robot - created by A-Chiltarians, destroyed by Ant-Man + Wasp
    (app)--Tales to Astonish I#46

CYGNET VII - home planet of the Proselytes
    --Incredible Hulk Annual#12

CYGNIANS (    ) -
    --Mystic Comics#1

CYGNORION race (Xanja) - Natives of Cygnorion. Semi-reptilian humanoids
    (app)--Web of Spider-Man#25

CYGNORION - home planet of the Cygnorions
    (app-cygnorians)--Web of Spider-Man#25

CYGNUS (Rowena MacLean) - A.R.E.S., daughter of Emil Tessler
    --Solo#1 (Solo1(fb),Solo1

CYGNUS PRIME - planet, base of Balthazarr's Used Goods Emporium
    --X-Factor I#111

CYKE - X-Babies, counterpart to Cyclops
    --X-Men II#36, (named) X-Babies#1 (X-Babies Reborn, X-Men Unlimited I#37

CYLLA - Olympian Goddess, witch, formerly spurned by Hercules, briefly allied with Typhon against Hercules
    - WITCH of DELPHI--Marvel Premiere#26 (26 (fb), 26

CYLLA - see SCYLLA (net)--Uncanny X-Men#281

CYLLANDRA - library planet of the Kree --[Avengers: Strikefiles#1]

CYLLENIUS - see HERMES (app)--Thor I#129

CYMORIL - homeworld of the K’yndar, saved from slaughter of Haalmhad by Star-Lord + Ship
    --Marvel Preview#15

CYNAS - Inhumans genetics council
    female, yellow, single eye
    --Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising#1(Fantastic Four I#401, FForce#9, F4#402,Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising#2

CYNDI - splinter personality of Legion, pyrokinetic, rebellious young girl, passed on shortly after death of core personality
    *D*--[New Mutants I#26],27(28,
    Excalibur I#121d)

CYNDRIARR - mystic entity, invoked in a spell
    --[Dr. Strange II#44]

    alias used while brainwashed by SOOPhI (app)--Amazing Spider-Man: Back in Quack#1

CYNODD - alien sorcerers, worship Syntropy
    (app)--Gun Runner#1 (2(fb), 1-6

CYNOSURE (Saen Sendak) - Luminals, former leader, converted into zombie-like slave of Abyss, disintegrated after Abyss was re-contained
    *D*--Nova IV#8 (9d)

CYNOSURE (Lena Sendak) - Luminals, leader, successor & relative of the above
    --Guardians of the Galaxy II#4 (5-6

CYNTHIA ?? - life partner of Percy Boraine
    (app-percy)----Marvel Comics Presents #17/2 (17/2(fb)

CYNTHIA ?? - reporter
    --[Daredevil: Father#4]

CYPHER (Douglas Ramsey*) - mutant, close friend of warlock iii and kitty pryde, killed by ani-mator, part of mind lives on in Douglock/Warlock
    Translate any language or code, expert with computer software
    *D* (OH: BoD)--New Mutants I#21(NM An1 Damage Control I#4(fb) XMen/Alpha Flight I#1 Uncanny X-Men#193, New Mutants: Truth or Death#1-3, NM26-28, Secret Wars II#1, NM32-34 New Mutants Special Edition#1, Uncanny X-Men An9, UX200 NM35 UX201 Secret Wars II#7 NM36,37 SWII#9 NM38-40 Web of Spider-Man An2, NM43,44 81(fb) An2 Fallen Angels#1,2 NM53-59,60d An6/2(d), Excalibur: Possession(d)

CYPHER ( ) - AIM commander, sought technology to take control of nuclear missiles
    --Sabretooth & Mystique#1(2-4

CYPHRR-4 - agent of Tenebrae, robot guard, guarded and protected Alicia Masters, abandoned her in Sub-Atomica when received new orders
    --Silver Surfer III#141 (142-145

CYPRESS ( ) - assassin, former agent of Roxxon, targeted Mikhail and Yuri, opposed by Meggan and Shadowcat
    mutate?, uses conventional weaponry
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents#75/3

CYPRESS POOL JOKERS (Pauline Stratton,Ralphie D'Amato,JD,Angel ) - local gang
    --Ghost Rider III#1( [44(fb)],44

CYRA - Inhumans
    --Inhumans: The Untold Saga#1


CYRIL (Dr. Phillip Krantz) - microbiologist, one Kalashnikov’s agents, slain by Sabretooth
    --Sabretooth: Mary Shelly Overdrive#2(3d

CYRUS, ARLEN of Earth-Nightside - Others, leader of the Werewolves, killed by the Worms of the Earth during the Five's takeover of the Others
    *D* (app-others)--Nightside#2

CYTHANI 93 - star (or planet in the orbit of the star) from which the Shi'ar warbird/ship "Spirit of the Aerie" refueled before returning to Chandilar, during which an assault by members of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Starjammers ultimately concluded with Gladiator resolving his loyalty to Lilandra.
    (app)--War of Kings#3

CYTROCAN - bitter drug
    --[Death's Head III#14]

CYTTORAK - mystic entity, involved in Wager of the Octessence, empowered Juggernaut, invoked to form virtually indestructible bands to restrain others or form shield
    (app)--[X-Men I#12, Strange Tales I#124], Dr. Strange III#49 (Iron Man III#22(fb), New Excalibur#15 (fb), Doc III#49 X-Men Unlimited#12 [XMen88, Uncanny X-Men#369], [Thor II#17, Peter Parker: Spider-Man#11], Juggernaut: 8th Day, [UX435, 436], Defenders III#5, [New Excalibur#13], 14-15, [WWH: X-Men#2-3], Captain Britain and MI13#3

CZAR - Time Diamond-user, pulled through time and memories erased by the Time Variance Authority's Minutemen
    --Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine#2

CZAR PETER of Earth-9997 (Piotr Nikolaevitch Rasputin) - Ruler of Russia, X-Men,used knowledge of farming to return country to super power status, later revealed to be Sinister
(sketch)--Earth X Sketch, #8 (9,10,  [X]

CZAR-DOON - Badoon, Thanos-Thrall
    --Captain Marvel I#32

CZARINA CATHERINE (Captain Donelson) - @ 1890, ship used by Dracula to travel from London back to Varna
    --Stoker's Dracula#4

CZARKOWSKI, CHARLES - former head of Czarko Industries, became the 9th wealthiest man in the world via stock tips from his future self before unwittingly shooting his disguised near-future self in the back, rendering him semi-comatose
    --She-Hulk II#1 (2(fb), 1-2

CZARZAK of the Hyborian era - Kordavan torturer, interrogated Nafertali, slain by Conan
    *D*--Savage Sword of Conan#61

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