CHE - Shadowriders, formerly Warheads (first Malkuth, then Kether troop), served as double agent to Cable while in Mys-Tech, slain in battle against Abadon, reformed as cyborg by Vorin
    (app)--Warheads#5 (Shadow Riders#1/2(fb), Warheads#5, 6, Death's Head III#5, WarH#7, 9-11 ShadR#1-4

CHE, HO - agent of Mandarin
    *D*--Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin#3 (2007)


CHECK ( ) - Psi-Cops, youth.
    stun minds of others
    --Warlock III#1, (named) 3 (1-3

CHECKER LOUNGE III BAND - backup singers for Howlin' Wolf
    (app-howlinwolf)--Marvel Comics Presents I#65/4

CHECKPOINT CHARLIE ( ) - agent of the Baron, spied on Luke Cage and Cheshire Cat
    (app-baron)--Luke Cage, Power Man#37 (38

CHECKS (              ) - Friends of Humanity
    --Maverick II#4

CHEEMUZWA (Light Horse) - tribe of Native American mystics, associated with the Keewazi, formerly attempted to train Miracle Man
    -SILENT ONES--Fantastic Four I#138 (139, Marvel Two-In-One#8(fb)

CHEERY-O's DUDE RANCH - formerly employed Hawkeye
    --Ghost Rider II#27

CHEESE (    ) - US marines?, ally of Marcus Johnson
    --Battle Scars# (3

CHEESEBURGER - US Air Force nickname for Carol Danvers after she vomited in the G-Force machine
    --Ms. Marvel II#11

CHEESECAKE, agent - SHIELD LMD sexpionage agent, Hulkbusters
    (app)--She-Hulk II#15 (16-19

    joke name picked by Skin while mocking Razorback
    --Generation X: Crossroads

CHEETAH (Esteban Carracus) - Mexican thief, partnered with Kree Sentry#459 when partner Raoul Escheverra’s mind was mentally imprisoned in it, empowered by Sentry, sought revenge for perceived crimes of USA against Mexico, defeated by Ronan, lost powers after sentry destroyed, adopted costume to duplicate original powers, killed by Scourge of the Underworld-1 at the Bar with No Name.
    Superhuman strength + speed, sharp claws, covered with fur
    *D* (D#16, app)--Captain Marvel I#48 (47-49, OHotMUDE#16, Captain America I#319d, 320 (d), [Deadpool III#0 (fb), Captain America I#427 (fb), 427] )

    --Iron Fist I#4 (Uncanny X-Men#113, 158, Marvel Graphic Novel#5

CHEIROS - @ 500 BC, Inhumans, Bird People
    bat-winged, opposed Kylus' hostility towards the non-winged Inhumans, tortured and slain by agents of Kylus
    (app)--Thor Annual#12/2

CHEKHOV or CHEKOV, ARTHUR "ANTON" - former boarder of May Parker, grand-father of Bette
    elderly man, wore beret
    --Marvel Team-Up I#124 ( Amazing Spider-Man I#237, MTU127, A254, 260, Web of Spider-Man#6, A269, 273, 275, Spectacular Spider-Man II#113, A284, 288, 308, W50, A315, W53, Sp153, W54, A326, [335], 337

CHEKOV, BETTE - Granddaughter of Arthur Chekov, fled from mob after buying stolen cocaine, rescued by Spider-Man, healed by Uatu's power
    --Marvel Team-Up I#127

CHELEMEK-PRIME (Bureau of Monster Management) - Negative Zone planet, humanoids are plagued by large numbers of large, semi-humanoid creatures, Bureau formed to control and combat these creatures, Fantastic Four were briefly trapped here and employed by Bureau
    —Fantastic Four III#19

CHELL-TEK - Kree; supplied intelligence to alien races trying to break through Phalanx barrier around Kree galaxy
    --Annihilation Conquest#5 (2008)

CHELM, inspector GEORGE - British, Scotland Yard, former ally of Kate Fraser, adversary of Dracula.
    wm, balding, dark hair + moustache
    (app)--Tomb of Dracula I#3 (6, 16, Giant-Size Chillers#1, Giant-Size Dracula#2, 3, Tomb of Dracula#31 33,34 36, Tomb of Dracula II#1

CHEMAXONE (Phillip Hockney) - chemical company, absorbed by Kronas Corporation
    --Captain America V#12

    weapon of THEM
    (app-synthoid)--Tales of Suspense I#79/2 (or 78/2?)

CHEMICAL DESTABILIZATION CANNON - designed by Vasily Khandruvitch and built by Tony Stark + Hank McCoy + Simon Williams, used to destabilize the chemical brains of the Elements of Doom
    --Avengers III#56 (56(fb)

chemical monsters - attacked Wolverine & Jean Grey, she held them off with a small force field that forced the two to confront their feelings
    --Classic X-Men#27

    research scientist, brother of Calvin, invented Alchemy Gun, sought revenge on Mainstream Motors for firing him after he refused to give up Alchemy Gun, had brief criminal career, reformed after destroyed own foot by turning it to stone.
    Transmute elements
    (U#2, M, app)--Hero for Hire#12 (->Carr)

CHEMISTRO (Archibald "Arch" Morton) - agent of Baron, ex-cellmate of Curtis, stole gun + former identity, forced Curtis to reveal secrets, gained powers from explosion of Alchemy gun, defeated when Curtis developed nullifier for his powers and gave it to Power Man (Cage).
    (U#2 ,M, app)—Power Man I#37 (37(fb), 37-39

CHEMISTRO (Calvin Carr) - Hood's army, former agent of Mingo, younger brother of Curtis, stole gun and former identity, mentally unstable, briefly turned Bob Diamond and Colleen Wing into glass, attacked Iron Man as part of Acts of Vengeance, crystallized brother’s other foot
    (U#2, M, NA: MWF, app)—Power Man/Iron Fist#93 (94(fb), 93-94, [96(fb)], 96, [Iron Man I#252 (fb)], 251-252, [New Avengers#1(fb), 1-3]/4(fb), New Avengers#35-36, 37 (fb), Annual#2

CHEMODAM of Earth-Amalgam - Modam + Chemo
    (app-ss)--Magnetic Men featuring Magneto#1

CHEN - Golden Claws
    (app-jb)--Master of Kung Fu I#90 (91

CHEN, AMY - Wild Pack, lesbian. Asian female
    --Silver Sable#1(2-7, Deathlok II#18
Amazing Spider-Man An2000/2 Thunderbolts #41, 67?

CHEN HSU - Makluan captain, trained the Mandarin in using his Rings' full power, later manipulated the Ringmaster via the Cosmic Ring
    --Iron Man I#260 (
     Marvel Team-Up III#7, 10

CHEN, HU - Chinese intelligence operative, directed Dr. Yen to brainwash the Black Widow (Romanova)
    (app)--Avengers I#29 (30

CHEN, SANDRA - ally/lover of Shang-Chi
    --Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu#2

CHEN, Dr. - gynecologist of Firestar
    --New Warriors I#63 (64,[65]

CHEN, Dr. - formerly employed at An Hu Po Psychiatric facility, killed by Kareem Najeeb
    *D*--Iron Man IV#15 15 (fb), 16 (fb, dies)

CHEN, Dr. ?? - Polar Station One
    --Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom#1 (2008)

CHEN, General - see SUPREME SERPENT* (app)--Avengers I#32

CHEN, Professor KAI - creator of Thermal Man
    (app/cal-tm)--Thor I#169(An15/3

CHEN, Professor - Sandra's father
    --Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu#2

CHENEY, LILA - mutant, former employer of Strong Guy, girlfriend of Cannonball, interstellar rock singer, based on dyson sphere, sold into interstellar slavery at a young age, former criminal, involved in plot to sell Earth to extraterrestrial, convinced to turn against them by Cannonball, assisted X-Men against Warskrulls.
    Teleport galactic distances, wf, dark hair, skilled thief
    (U#2, OH2006#2, 198, net)--New Mutants Annual#1 (NM#29,Secret Wars II#1,NM30 [Uncanny X-Men#206],NM#42,UXM214,NM#55,[UXM224],Spellbound#4,[NM66],67-70, UXM269,270,273,274,276,277,XM II#5-7 10,11 UX294, X-Force#19-22, XFac93, XM30, [107] 110,111,Cab42,StrG Reborn#1,Ex125,XMU#21, XTreme X-Men#24, 32,33, 40, 46, I (heart) Marvel: My Mutant Heart#1/3, X-Men II#165

CHENG, ZHOU- host of Ch'i-Lin
    --Immortal Iron Fist#17, (identified) #19

CHENG-HO of the Hyborian era - god
    --Conan the Barbarian I#32 (33, 34

CHEN K'AN of Universe-7711 - sorcerer, former king of Warnlin, banished by Lyissa and dark forces, summoned Hulk to help him defeat Lyissa, claim the Star of Catalax, and destroy his world, which was beyond recovery
    (app)--Rampaging Hulk I#4 (4 (fb), 4d)

CHEO (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#66

CHERNOBOG of Earth-3470 - Russian god, responsible for the Darkforce, used by Darkstar in effort to blanket the Earth with darkforce, dispelled by Snowbird

CHERNOBYL 2099 (Maj. Arkady Valentinov) - Soviet warrior, in suspended animation from 1960s-2099
    (app)--Spider-Man 2099 Annual#1 (1(fb), 1

CHERRON - planet, former home of Haifs + Haif-Nas, destroyed by Haif-Nas to end their oppression
    (app-meru)—Marvel Team-Up I#115 (115(fb), 116

CHERRUVUE - Incan god of war--not in MU

CHERRYH, RANDOLPH WINSTON - crooked New York city mayoral candidate, succeeded in winning election, but forced to resign by daredevil
    --Daredevil I#177 (Unt Spider-Man#2 DD#177-180

CHERUB (    ) -
    --Miss America#5

CHERUBIM (Giggles, Quill, Fern, AC/DC, Lump, Whirlwind) - Warpies, some of the first gathered by RCX, former agents of Cloud Nine, remade by Mastermind
    --(UK) Captain Britain II#7(8, 11/3,12/ ,13/5,14/ , Excalibur I#6_ -6_, Excalibur II#1-4

CHERUBS - Bane?, cause mischief within Mys-Tech Central

CHERYL ?? - employ at Fruit Whips in the Sale Mall, asked out on a date by Sunspot, preferred Cannonball instead
    --X-Men Unlimited II#11/2

CHERYL ?? - New York Police Department
    --Sensational Spider-Man III#24

CHERYL ?? - homeless woman, saved from assault by arrival of Arch-E, witnessed his subsequent self-destruction
    --World War Hulk: Frontline#5/2 (5/2 (fb), 5/2

CHERYL - lover of Ronnie, got mad at Ronnie for dressing up as Spider-Man, getting drunk and ditching her on Halloween, discovered that the "Spider-Man" that Doug and Eric brought home was the real one, met with Ronnie after he "defeated" the Furious Five.
    --Amazing Spider-Man: The Short Halloween#1

CHESBRO - servant of black tarantula. small bald man
    —Amazing Spider-Man I#419(420,421/2,422,424,427,428,433-435 436(fb)

CHESHIRE CAT ( ) - ally of Big Brother, later in service of Deadly Nightshade, part of her Flashmob
    become invisible, teleporter
    --Power Man#37 (38-40, Shadowland: Power Man#2, Spider-Island: Heroes for Hire#1

CHESHIRE CAT - restaurant
    --Daredevil II#95

    (net-preff)--(g) Millie the Model#

CHESS MASTER (Jules Baxendale) - @ 1930s, criminal mastermind, employed Shady Deale, Markham, Ox, and Sapper, attempted to blackmail Senator Berkley, slain by Night Raven
    CHESSMASTER, GRANDMASTER of CRIME (app)--Savage Action#3/2 ([3/2(fb)], 3/2, 4/3

CHESSMEN (Bishop I, King, Knight I+II, Pawn, Queen, Rook)-pawns of obadiah stane in his takeover of stark international
    —Iron Man I#163

CHESS SET (Brass Bishop II, Dark Tower, Killer Queen, King Coal, Overknight)
    - group of criminals employed by brass bishop both as security and as field agents, guarded the forms of Silver and Auric, battled Alpha Flight
    (net)--Alpha Flight I#121

CHEST of STRENGTH - Held at the bottom of the Crimson Waters, contained only a mirror to reflect the inner strength; Thor was sent by Zeus to obtain it
    --Thor II#45

CHESTER ?? - father of Ethan, he and his son killed each other after singing Henrietta Hunter's song
    *D* (app-hunter)--X-Statix#18

CHESTER ?? - classmate, rival of Catiana

CHESTER ?? - part of group that badly beat the Zombie
    --Legion of Monsters: Man-Thing#1/2

CHESWICK, agent - SHIELD I, posed as barber in SHIELD barbershop HQ, assisted in Vision's arrest
    --Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes II#2

CHET ?? - Hellfire Club, chosen as romantic target in competition between Emma Frost and Selene, head blew up while each tried to control him
    *D* (app)--X-Men Unlimited#33/3 (33/3d)

    earth-morgan, queen’s vengeance
    (app-emorgan)—Avengers III#2,5(named)(2,3)

CHEVALIER BRETAGNE ( ) - (Captain Britain) Corps

CHEVRIER, YVES - French assassin, died fighting Black Widow (Natasha) and Silver Sable
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents I#53/4

CHEVY ?? - participated in murder of Dennis Hogan, attempted to get a job at Xavier's school
    --[X-Men: Prime], Generation X#16 (18, 20

CHEVY's - Mexican restaurant at which Peter Parker met with Reed Richards
    --Sensational Spider-Man III#36

CHEWIE - cat, pet of Carol Danvers, transported from Earth-58163 reality by Sir Warren Traveler
    --Ms. Marvel II#4, (named) #5 (13, 15, 17, 22

CHEYARAFIM - group of mutants believed to be angels in the distant past, Warren Worthington was mistaken for one by Yidrazil of the Neyaphem
    ANGELS*--[Uncanny X-Men#431] ([433(fb)]

CHEYENNE GODS (Owayadota, Heammawiho([newmut41], Hotamitanio)
    --Dr. Strange III#25

CHEZ, CHESTER "CHET" - press agent, informed Kate Kildare of Rebecca Ryan's nude films
    --Order II#2

CHI - native of K'un-Lun, exiled to Earth along with followers for crimes @ 1000 years ago, used souls of others to maintain power, controlled Shadow Thiefs, kidnapped Mary Blue Cloud and tried to return to Kun Lun, defeated and possibly slain by Iron Fist
    *D*--Iron Fist IV#1, (named) #3, 4 (4(fb), [1-3], 4,5, 6d)

CHI of Earth X - Xen,
    flight powers
    --Universe X#0 

CHIA of the Hyborian era - Zamboulan, had affairs with Akter Khan and Zarfra, slain by agents of Balad
    - TIGRESS*--Sword of Skelos; Savage Sword of Conan#56

CHIANTANG - see BLACK DRAGON (app)--Power Man/Iron Fist#118 (119(fb1-3), 118-120, 122, [Black Panther III#38(fb)]->Black Dragon.

CHIARUSCURO -New York headquarters of Bible John, base of the Cathari, an annex to their academy of Light and Shadow, the original one was apparently torched in Calcutta in the 1940s by Sons of Set, after which it gutted and moved to New York, makes of an entire block, looks like normal buildings from the outside
    (app-bible_john)--Blade: Vampire Hunter#4([4(fb)], 4, 7, 9

CHICAGO RESERVE of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD - ruled by Herod, headquarters of coalition of megacorps
    --Doom 2099#32 (33-35

CHICAULT, FRANCOIS - vampire, Assassin’s Guild, took control of slaves of Antiquary to access his library, beheaded by Blade
    *D/R/D*--Gambit III#4 (4(fb),4d)

CHI-CHEE - monkey infected with Phalanx material by Mainspring research facility, freed by Warlock, recaptured by Mainspring, developed transmode virus
    —Warlock III#1(2-5,[6] 7-9

CHI-CHINESE - restaurant
    --Secret Warriors#2

CHICKEN COLONEL ( ) - restaurant franchise owner, employed US Archer, Baron von Blimp, and Taryn O’Connel to contest to see who could haul his chickens the fastest.
    cross b/t Colonel Sanders and Foghorn Leghorn

"CHICKEN COW" - see CHT'YLOK (app)--Sensational Spider-Man II#

CHICKEN COW - restaurant, formerly employed Anya Corazon/Arana
    --Ms. Marvel II#6 (7, 13, 14

    Alias used while mesmerized into serving Swami Rihva in Calliope's Carnival and Circus
    (app-calliope)--Werewolf by Night I#7

CHICKENWINGS - Morlock, killed by Sabretooth
    (app)--X-Factor I#51

CHIC-MEC of the Hyborian era - Tecuhltli, brother(?) of Techotl, slain by Burning Skull
    --Red Nails; Savage Tales I#2

CHICKY (    ) - arms dealer, supplied Agent X
    (app)--Agent X#12

CHICO ?? - agent of Conquistador
    (app-conquistador)--X-Men I#50/2 (51/2-53/2)

CHICO ?? - agent of Alton Lennox and later Turk, partner of Merv, attempted to murder Dakota North
    --Daredevil II#85 (87, 97, 99-100, [101], 103

CHICO ?? - bouncer/doorman at Lazer Club
    --Civil War#1

CHI DEMON ( ) - Eternals, New Breed, also acts as sociology and humanities professor at UC Davis.
    Uses energy sword, wf, long & dark hair, red strip across eyes, serpent tattoo on right leg
    -Prof. Suyin King (app)—Eternals: Apocalypse Now

CHIDA - being invoked by Gladiator (Kallark); "By Chida, I'll crush the life from his body with my bare hands"
    --[X-Men I#107]

CHIEF (    ) -
    --Marvel Mystery Comics#19

CHIEF (    ) -
    --Sub-Mariner Comics#6

CHIEF (        ) - Native American, shaman to Crazy Horse/Maya Lopez's tribe, guided her on a vision quest, help Logan achieve calm in the past
    --Daredevil II#51 ([54(fb), 55(fb)], 51, 53

"CHIEF" (    ) - see YAN?
    Kree, stationed on Drez-Lar under Ko-Rel, slain by Gamora and Phalanx
    *D*--Nova IV#4 (5d)

CHIEF CONSTABLE of Earth-691 ( ) - Stockade
    --Guardians of the Galaxy#52 (53, 56

CHIEF ENGINEER - Gene-Corps, observed Bloodseed's progress

CHIEF EXAMINER - artificial computer facsimile programmed by the Scadmite Durgan the Philosopher, projected a portion of his own consciousness into it, created to obtain power source to battle the Black Fleet/Starblasters, evolved own intelligence and personality, analyzed Hulk + Spider-Man + X-Men + Human Torch + She-Hulk, sought power of Starbrand, released and sent Angler after Kayla Ballantine, had Quagmire bring Kayla Ballantine + H.D. Steckley (Ereshkigal) to Scadam, destroyed when overloaded his analysis capabilities in attempt to analyze the Starbrand power of Kayla Ballantine.
    Analyze, temporarily drain, and project duplicate powers/abilities of others into chief exterminator
    *D* (D#2,M,net)--Questprobe#1 (2,3, Marvel Fanfare I#33, [Quasar#32, 34, 35], 36, 37, 38

CHIEF EXTERMINATOR - receptacle for the powers analyzed and duplicated by him, destroyed in battle against Black Fleet/Starblasters.
    Giant form similar form in appearance to Chief Examiner, apparently possessed combine abilities of Hulk + Spider-Man + X-Men + Human Torch + She-Hulk

CHIEF JUSTICE - see LIVING TRIBUNAL (App-lt)--Strange Tales I#157

CHIEF NOTHING SACRED of Earth-Shadowline - alias of Dr. Zero, @ 1870 (app-dz)--Critical Mass#5


CHIEN, HAYES of Earth-93060 - son of Shuriken

CHI HUAN, CHU sponsor in the Great Game, dressed in Scarlet Spider costume and killed by el Toro Negro
    SCARLET SPIDER* *D*--[Amazing Spider-Man I#409], Spider-Man Unlimited I#14 ([AmzSp#409], SpdmUnl#14d)

CHI-HUAN ASSOCIATES (Chu Chi Huan president, Janice Olivia Yanizeski) -
    --Spider-Man Unlimited I#14

CHIKANE, MIRIAM - South African, Pretoria, wife of Zanti, mother of two
    (app-zanti)--Marvel Comics Presents #16/2 (24/2

CHIKANE, ZANTI - South African of Pretoria, worked in gold mine, husband of Merriam/Miriam, father of two, ally of Black Panther in quest to find Ramonda
    (app)--Marvel Comics Presents I#16/2 (34/2(fb), 16/2(fb), 16/2-22/2, 24/2-31/2, 33/2, 34/2

CHIKANE, sons - South African, Pretoria, children of Miriam & Zanti
    (app-zanti)--Marvel Comics Presents #16/2 (24/2

CHILD STAR - see CAPTAIN UNIVERSE (Eddie Price) (app)--Web of Spider-Man Annual#6/4

CHILDE of the DARKHOLD - see SPIDER-WOMAN (Jessica Drew)--Spider-Woman I#41

CHILDREN (Hans) - creations of Sinister, traded to John Sublime after defeated by Sabretooth
    Super-strength + speed + durability, flight, opti-blasts, healing factor
    -- (Hans) Weapon X II#26, (Children) #27 (28

CHILDREN of BAST of the Hyborian era ( ) - race of Panther people, required Eye of Bast to maintain human form and mentality
    --Conan the Barbarian I#226 (227

CHILDREN of the BEAST - see BRAINEATERS (app)--(allegedly) Werewolf by Night I#6, (more likely) Marvel Spotlight I#3, (Braineaters) Marvel Comics Presents I#55/2

CHILDREN of CREIGHTON - mutated by radiation from Omega Keep, radiation poisoning cured by Enoch Matthews and Silver Surfer, cared for by Matthews
    (app-matthews)--The Ultimate Silver Surfer novel: The Broken Land ([Broken Land(fb)], Broken Land

CHILDREN of the COMET (Tara) - race of superhumans created by caretakers in order to join with mankind and carry on its work, prematurely awakened by Tara, killed caretakers and reverend daemond before dying
    *D* (app)--Adventures into Fear#21 ([22], 23, 26

CHILDREN of the DAMNED-creations of Ludwig + Basil Frankenstein, cared for by Victoria
    (app-vf)--Frankenstein Monster#18 (Iron Man I#101,102, Doc III#37,Spider-Man Unlimited#21

CHILDREN of the DARK PORTAL - see CULT of the NEW ORDER--(Adventures into) Fear#25 (26

CHILDREN of DIS - alleged descendents of elder gods, trapped in Atlantean inferno
    --Ka-Zar the Savage#10 (11,12

CHILDREN of the DREAMING STAR (    ) - Microverse, based on the planet Sphere outside the Spiral Path, aided Micronauts in returning to the Spacewall
    (app)--Micronauts II#4 (5(fb), 4-5, [6], 7-8, 9(fb), 9-11, 14, [17(fb)]

CHILDREN of ETERNITY - Legion of Vampires trapped at their age as children when they were turned into vampires, apparently slaughtered by Blade
    *D/R/D*--Marvel Preview#8/3

CHILDREN of the GOLDEN GOD - people in San Francisco who began worshipping the Dreaming Celestial
    --Eternals IV#2

CHILDREN of HEAVEN (Phillip, Mike, Beth, Blowhard, Buzzsaw, Mohawk, Slimeball, Voodoo)
    - home established for homeless mutant children by Phillip, who sought to establish a power base for himself, confronted by Archangel, who along with Beth defeated him, Blowhard and Mohawk left, but the others decided to stay together
    (app)--X-Factor I#47

CHILDREN of HUMANITY of Earth-1298 (Diane Davidson, Jack Lang )
    - teen division of SHIELD, hunt and track mutants for them
    --Mutant X#18

CHILDREN INC. - child traffickers posing as charity, shut down by Blaze, Cardiac, Vengeance
    (app)--Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#22

CHILDREN of ISHITI of the Hyborian era - race of snake people, some are humans transformed by Ishiti
  (app-ish)--Conan the Barbarian I#138(139

CHILDREN of JHIL of the Hyborian era - deities, worshipped by picts, combination of eumenides+harpies+crow, descendents of Jhil
    [Conan the Wanderer nov]

CHILDREN of JUDAS - 19th Century coven of vampires, servants of Dracula, bit/transformed Elisabeth van Helsing
    *D/R/D* (app)--Dracula Lives#3/5 (3/5(fb)

CHILDREN of the MAKERS - immense sentient planetoids created by the Makers, spawn eggs that seed universes with life, parents of the Prime Beings;
    The Children seeded the Microverse with life
    (app)--Micronauts II#1 ([1(fb), 5(fb)], 1-2

CHILDREN of the MAKERS - see Prime Beings--Micronauts II#5

CHILDREN of the MAKERS - see Microverse inhabitants--Micronauts I#1, (named as Children of the Makers) Micronauts II#

CHILDREN of the NIGHT - human, vampire, and animal servants of Dracula
    --Bram Stoker’s Dracula

CHILDREN of the NIGHT- Bermuda Triangle Time Warp, City of Gold, cult of the Jaguar Priest, used jungle cats
    (app-jag)--Skull the Slayer#8

CHILDREN of the NIGHT - see EYEKILLERS. servants of the Darkholders
    (Mystic Arcana)--Dr. Strange II#59 (59(fb), 59

CHILDREN of the NIGHT - based in Montreal, served as army to Nemesis, taken over by Rok and hired out as mercenaries.
    Skilled fighters, dwell underground
    (net)--Alpha Flight I#116 (116(fb), [115], 116, 117

CHILDREN of the NIGHT (Colin, Emil, Steve ) - vampires, attacked Jack Russell/Werewolf when he entered underworld bar
    *D/R*--Werewolf by Night II#6

CHILDREN of OOTAH (Brides of Ootah, Korta, Mama Shanti, Tannar, Taiya, Wise Ones) - Negative zone race,
    created intelligent city which drove them out forty thousand life cycles ago, continued to "sacrifice" one of their women to Ootah until it was unwittingly destroyed by Fantastic Four
    pale yellow humanoids
    (app-ootah)—Fantastic Four I#252 (252(fb), 252

CHILDREN of the PACT - see FOLDING CIRCLE (net)--New Warriors I#21

CHILDREN of RHAN of the Hyborian era - race of females spawned from the pirate captain Rhan and a demoness after he had called on demons (Dark Ones, Great Goat Gods, Muhr, Set) for aid, one was befriended by Conan, but she turned on him after completing her metamorphosis.
    Live extended life in child-life form, but upon maturity begin to transform into monstrous, man-killing creatures, removal from the island of Zahrahn makes them age into adulthood within a few days.
    --Savage Sword of Conan#64 (64(fb), 64

CHILDREN of SATAN (Carolyn, Madam Laera(d), Nilrac)-satanic cult, Carolyn befriended Morbius and brought him to Madame Laera to learn the fate of Martine, she remained friendly with him after he slew Madame Laera and her demon Nilrac
    (net)--Vampire Tales#1

CHILDREN of the SHADOW LANDS - enemies of Captain Britain, encountered some time b/t Super Spider-Man & Captain Britain#253 and Hulk Comic#1
    mentioned by Merlyn in regards to darker, more mystical adventures
    --[Daredevils (UK) #1]

CHILDREN of the VAULT (Fuego, Perro, Sangre, Serafina) - in 1970, Agostini, De Quevedo, Fantazzi, Llamas, Rojo, Rosado, Bella Pagan, Dr. Casales set up a time-warp within the Conquistador such that 6000 years pass within the vault during 30 years in the outside world, awakened on M-Day, attempted to wipe out humanity and mutantkind, destroyed after the X-Men destroyed their solar collector, the source of their powers
    --X-Men II#188 (191 (fb), 191 (fb), 188-193

CHILDREN of ZATH - giant spiders
    (app-zath)--Savage Sword of Conan#209 (210

CHILDRESS, DELIA - AIM gamma research scientist, former lover of Doc Samson, employed Rhino
    DELILAH* (app)--Marvel Team-Up I#102

CHILDS, LOUIS - former supervisor of the psychiatric ward of Metro-General Hospital, cultist, with 13 others summoned Pazuzu and 13 other demons via slaughtering 13 youths, slain by Pazuzu
    Summon mystical flame
    *D* (app)--Nightcrawler III#1 (3(fb), 1-3, 4d

CHILDS, LEE -original member of Super-Soldiers, became addicted to amphetamines released from drug implant, killed other members except Hauer + Dalton, later personal agent of sir Marcus Grantby-Fox, killed by Joseph Hauer
    *D* REVENGE* (app)--Super Soldiers (MUK)#1 (1(fb), 1-4, 5d)

CHILDS, - U.S. government, associated with Warren Worthington
    --Uncanny X-Men#407 (408,409

CHILI - see STORM, CHILI (1960s)--Millie the Model#4

CH'I-LIN - extradimensional creature, seeks to destroy Iron Fists and consume Shou-Lao, used Zhou Cheng as an agent/host
    --Immortal Iron Fist#17, (true form) #19

CHILL (        ) - Snowboarder, used Freezemaster gun to freeze water supply of other racers so they would be dehydrated and he could beat them

CHILL (Peter B. DeMulder) - Leader of M.O.N.S.T.E.R. Western Pacific University chapter
    Generate small amounts of ice and/or cold, immune to cold
    (app-adriancastorp)--Generation X: Crossroads (Generation X: Genogoths

CHILL of Earth-148611 (Ross Welker) - Clinic, Black Powers
    generate cold
    *D*--DP7#14( 17d

CHILL of Earth-928 circa 2099 AD ( ) - Mercenary Elite, weaponsmaster
    --Doom 2099#5 ( 29, 34

CHILTON, AUBREY - adoptive father of Astrid Blood, father of Yvonne Chilton, slain by Yvonne under Astrid's control
    *D*--Emma Frost#15 (15(fb), 18(fb, dies)

CHILTON, YVONNE - daughter of Aubrey and Mrs. Bloom Chilton, half-sister of Astrid Bloom, forced by her to kill her own parents, institutionalized as a result
    --Emma Frost#15 (15(fb), 18(fb)

CHILTON, Mrs. BLOOM - mother of Astrid Bloom and Yvonne Chilton, widow of Mr. Bloom, wife of Aubrey, slain by Yvonne under Astrid's control
    --Emma Frost#15 (15(fb), 18(fb, dies)

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Last updated: 10/06/11