Classification: Psychoactive Chemical
Creator: Dr. Viktor Cassidy
User/Possessors: Osborn Chemical, Baroness (Heike Zemo), White Ninja
Appearances: Spider-Man: Fear Itself Graphic Novel (1992); (Spdm:FI(fb), Spdm:FI
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Cassidy Crystals transform into a psychoactive vapor on exposure to air. This vapor generates intense fear and powerful hallucinations. These effects can be overcome by extreme anger.
History: Viktor Cassidy was a brilliant chemist, and a former friend of Norman Osborn. Working out of Osborn Chemical, he created the Crystals in the hopes of reversing the effects of schizophrenia, but was inadvertently exposed to them, and has been hopelessly insane ever since.
Harry Osborn, then the CEO of Osborn Industries wanted to destroy the Crystals, but was prevented by US government pressure. The Department of Defense designated the Crystals a National Security Project. Somehow, the international terrorist known as the Baroness I learned of the Crystals, and sent the White Ninja to steal them. Silver Sable learned of this planned theft, but she and her men were unable to stop it, and were in fact blamed for the theft as there was no evidence of the White Ninja on the security cameras.
informed his friend, Peter Parker, who, as Spider-Man, contacted
the Silver Sable. She informed him that the Baroness planned to
disperse the Crystals throughout the world, creating a global
terror that she could dominate. She and Spider-Man flew to the
Baroness' bavarian castle in an effort to stop this. The White
Ninja exposed Spider-Man to the crystals, but he eventually
overcame the hallucinations when he became angry. The White Ninja
then inadvertently exposed himself to the Crystals, and in his
fear fell into a deep, deep crevasse. The Baroness was also
exposed to the Crystals while attempting to use them against
Sable. She thought she was turning into a monster and ran face
first in into a mirror in an effort to stop the change. In her
panic, she inadvertently set off the self-destruct mechanism in
her castle while trying to launch the missiles containing the
Crytals. Spider-Man attempted to save her, but in her paranoia
she fought him off and was seemingly trapped in the explosion.
Comments: Created by Gerry Conway, Stan Lee, and Ross Andru
The Baroness, of course, survived, although severely scarred by her trauma.
Last updated: September 3, 2001
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